- 2020-May-05 * Libspiro Version 20200505 (1.1.0) * Bugfix for CVE-2019-19847 affecting {call-test14 to call-test19}. * Fix a memory access bug/error created earlier by patch 2017oct28 Users using tagpoint libspiro20150702 are unaffected by this bug. Users using tagpoint libspiro20190731 are recommended to upgrade. Thanks to Frederic Cambus for calling attention to these faults. * Add optional 'end knot' for open curves (useful for displaying). * CRA Version also higher than so-bump 1.0.5 used on some distros; this maybe of interest to distros that bumped an earlier version. * Some garbage-in/garbage-out checks to verify we have 'ah' pairs, and we don't start with ']', or end with '['. Add libspiro.3 man. * Corrected set_di_to_x1y1() to use a constant bandwidth of 0.0005 * Code improvements and bug fixes for better tagged/spiro results. * Several improvements added to further increase libspiro's speed. - 2019-Jul-31 * Libspiro Version 20190731 (1.0.0) * Corrected library to report correctly as next version up. This is probably a significant change, therefore bumped library to start at 1.0 even though backwards compatibility remains close to same. * Scaling bug fixed. Libspiro can accept points that can be shifted and/or scaled, this gives libspiro more flexiblity with graphics and templates. Large or small spiros created before this fix may need adjusting to fit the new calculations, but they're resizable and movable afterwards. * Added toggle switch ncq giving users additional functionality not easily accessible through spiro paths, including quad0 access. * Removed the excessively long package name, which you'll note as a so-bump change with Fedora and also Debian in naming this package. * Some Java alignment fixed - Thanks to Mingye Wang * Added new anchor and handle {'a','h'} which may be useful to many. * Fix System.arraycopy and README.md - Thanks to Wieslaw Soltes. * Include config header before DO_TIME_DAY - Thanks to Jeremy Tan. - 2015-Jul-19 * Add patch for failure in hurd-i386 build (debian 1%0.5.20150702-2) - 2015-Jul-02 * Libspiro Version 0.5.20150702 * Important bug fix issue #11 (missing file not included in 0v4). * 2 Minor bug fixes caught on Coverity scan, 'free()' and 'if (c=3)' - 2015-Jul-01 * Libspiro Version 0.4.20150701 * Re-edit lib and tests to be more accommodating of older compilers. * Many changes to call-test.c to run on bigger variety of platforms, and some minor configure.ac tweaks done to resolve issues #9, #10. as seen on https://github.com/fontforge/libspiro/issues and: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=789012 * Added developer/install test for cyclic spiros (without {} or z). * Verify libspiro output data is correct for test curves {0,1,2,4}. * User can overide default configure flags with LS_CFLAGS and LS_LIB - 2015-Jan-31 * Libspiro Version 0.3.20150131 * Allow Libspiro to be included using PKG_CHECK_MODULES(). * Bug fixes in configure.ac m4 calls that caused problems seen in: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=196780 https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/43373 * Add TaggedSpiroCPsToBezier1() and SpiroCPsToBezier1() for programs that cannot use TaggedSpiroCPsToBezier0() or SpiroCPsToBezier0(). - 2013-Sep-30 * Libspiro Version 0.2.20130930 * Optional 'make check' runs 'call-test' to check libspiro functions. * Minor logic optimizations. Removed global 'n', passed 'n' instead. - 2013-Jul-22 * Use 'make check' to run spiro.c UNIT_TEST internal main() routine. - 2013-Jun-28 * Allow for setting VERBOSE during configure - helps with debugging. * Allow for setting CHECK_INPUT_FINITENESS during configure - to test input values for finiteness before doing calculations (optional). * Pass nmat variable to reduce repeatedly recomputing with count_vec(). - 2013-May-31 * Convert build system to autotools method (configure.ac, Makefile.am). * Backporting robustness patches from Inkscape. * Increase Spiro max iterations to 30 after finding convergences of 15. * If did not converge or encountered non-finite values, do not output spline. Only good splines will be output. - 2013-Apr-20 * Initial commit to https://github.com/fontforge/libspiro.git * Add bezctx.md based on http://libspiro.sourceforge.net/bezctx.html - 2009-May-08 * Add Java implementation. - 2007-Oct-28 * Initial release.