"stream.spl" import

"uses less native functions where possible";

func pop { | with _ ; }

func dup { x x | with x ;
    x x

func swap { b a | with a b ;
    b a 

func not { !x | with x ;
    x if { pop 0 }

func and { a&&b | with a b ;
    a if { b if { pop 1 } }

func or { a||b | with a b ;
    a if { pop a }

func alit-end { array | with type ;
    def array 0 anew =array
    while { dup type eq not } {
        awrap array aadd =array
    pop array

func read-file { str | with path ; 
    def stream path 0 StreamTypes:file:create =stream
    1024 stream:read-to-end:to-str

func acopy { array | with from to idxsrc idxdst len ;
    len:foreach<{ | with i ;
        i idxsrc + from:get i idxdst + to:set;