# Splat 0.1 Simple error handling and highlighting for source files. ## Usage ```rust let mut src = Source::new("my-file.txt", "The quick brown fox..."); src.add_message(0..0, "All of my problems start here."); src.add_message(4..8, "Turns out this isn't quick."); src.add_message(16..18, "And it's not a fox!"); // Pretty print the messages: println!("{}", src); ``` ### Output ``` #1 - All of my problems start here. my-file.txt:1:1 #2 - Turns out this isn't quick. my-file.txt:1:5 #3 - And it's not a fox! my-file.txt:1:17 1 │ The quick brown fox... │ │ ├───┘ │ │ │ │ │ ├─┘ │ 1 2 3 │ ```