use clap::{ColorChoice, Parser}; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(about, version, name = "spcsv", color(ColorChoice::Never))] pub struct Args { /// The csv file to split #[clap(required = true)] pub(crate) file: String, /// The number of files to be created with the contents of the original csv file #[clap(required = true)] pub(crate) number_of_files: usize, /// The first line of FILE is NOT a header line. [By default it is] #[clap(short, long)] pub(crate) not_signed_file: bool, /// Write remaining lines in the last file [By default remaining rows are written to a new extra file] #[clap(short, long)] pub(crate) remaining_in_last: bool, /// Print when file is created #[clap(short, long)] pub(crate) verbose: bool, } impl Args { pub fn load() -> Args { Args::parse() } }