# Rust split-identifier package This package provides functions to split programmatic identifiers according to case conventions. This package takes it's implementation directly from the [convert_case](https://github.com/rutrum/convert-case) crate. [](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) [](https://github.com/johnstonskj/split-identifier/actions/workflows/rust.yml) [](https://github.com/johnstonskj/split-identifier/actions/workflows/security-audit.yml) [](https://codecov.io/gh/johnstonskj/split-identifier) [](https://github.com/johnstonskj/split-identifier/stargazers) This package provides two functions, described below, and uses the segmentation code from the [convert_case](https://github.com/rutrum/convert-case) crate to break a long identifier into it's component parts according to word breaks identified by it's case convention. For example the identifier "/halt after 3 attempts/" is represented in the following manner in different conventions: | Convention | Breaks | Identifier | First Letter | |---------------|-----------|----------------------|--------------| | [Lower] Camel | Ll·Lu, Nd | `haltAfter3Tries` | Ll | | UpperCamel | Ll·Lu, Nd | `haltAfter3Tries` | Lu | | [Lower] Snake | '_' | `halt_after_3_tries` | Ll | | UpperSnake | '_' | `HALT_AFTER_3_TRIES` | Lu | | Kebab | '-' | `halt-after-3-tries` | Ll | | UpperKebab | '-' | `HALT-AFTER-3-TRIES` | Lu | | Train | '-' | `Halt-After-3-Tries` | Lu | ## Examples TBD ## Changes ### Version 0.1.0 * Initial release * Provides the functions `split_id_string` and `guess_id_case`. * Documentation is *sparse*. * Copies the modules `case` and `segmentation` from the `convert_case` crate and edits out unnecessary elements. * This editing also means there is no dependency on the original crate.