\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[boxed,ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e} \usepackage{xcolor} \begin{document} \begin{algorithm} \KwOut{satisfiability of the given CNF} \SetKwComment{Comment}{}{} \BlankLine \Begin{ \While{there is an unassigned or unpropagated var}{ \If{there is no unpropagated var}{ select a decision var and its phase\; } \uIf{BCP() returns an conflict}{ \If{decision level is root level}{ \Return{UNSAT}\; } CONFLICT-ANALYSIS()\; BACKTRACK()\; } \If{restart condition holds or the current stage ends}{ RESTART()\; \If{a new stage begins}{ REDUCE()\; update restart conditions\; \If{a new cycle begins}{ VIVIFY()\; select var phases\; \If{a new segment begins}{ ELIMINATE()\; rescale var activities\; } } } } } \Return{SAT}\; } \caption{Main search loop in Splr-0.17 (src/solver/search.rs)} \end{algorithm} \end{document}