use std::{ env, fs::{self, File}, path::Path, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; /* for f in ${UUF250}*.cnf; do target=`basename -s .cnf $f` rm -f ${target}.out splr -c -p ${target}.out ${f} > /dev/null if [ -z ${target}.out ]; then echo ' FAIL TO CERTIFICATE: ${f}' exit 1; egrep -v '^[cs]' < ${target}.out > ${target}.drat gratgen ${f} ${target}.drat -o ${target}.grat -j 4 > /dev/null gratchk unsat ${f} ${target}.grat */ fn main() { if let Some(uuf250) = env::args().nth(1) { let path = Path::new(&uuf250); for e in path .read_dir() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("not exist {:?}", path)) { if let Ok(cnf) =|e| e.path()) { if let Some(target) = cnf.file_name().map(Path::new) { let out = target.with_extension("out"); let drat = target.with_extension("drat"); let grat = target.with_extension("grat"); // println!("########################################"); print!("# {}", cnf.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy()); // rm -f ${target}.out if out.exists() { fs::remove_file(&out).expect("fail to rm"); } // splr -c -p ${target}.out ${f} > /dev/null Command::new("splr") .args(&["-c", "-p", &*out.to_string_lossy(), &*cnf.to_string_lossy()]) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .output() .expect("failed to execute Splr"); // if [ -z ${target}.out ]; then // echo ' FAIL TO CERTIFICATE: ${f}' // exit 1; // fi if !out.exists() { println!( " FAIL TO CERTIFICATE: {} => {}", cnf.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), out.to_string_lossy(), ); panic!("abort"); } // egrep -v '^[cs]' < ${target}.out > ${target}.drat Command::new("egrep") .args(&["-v", "^[cs]"]) .stdin(File::open(out).expect("")) .stdout(File::create(&drat).expect("")) .output() .expect(""); // gratgen ${f} ${target}.drat -o ${target}.grat -j 4 > /dev/null Command::new("gratgen") .args(&[ &*cnf.to_string_lossy(), &*drat.to_string_lossy(), "-o", &*grat.to_string_lossy(), "-j", "4", ]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .output() .unwrap(); // .expect(&format!("FAIL TO GENERATE: {} => {}", // cnf.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), // grat.to_string_lossy(), // )); // gratchk unsat ${f} ${target}.grat if grat.exists() { print!(" => {}", grat.to_string_lossy()); } else { println!( " FAIL TO CONVERT: {} => {}", cnf.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), grat.to_string_lossy(), ); panic!("abort"); } let mut pass = false; if let Ok(out) = Command::new("gratchk") .args(&["unsat", &*cnf.to_string_lossy(), &*grat.to_string_lossy()]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .output() { let str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stdout); for l in (*str).split('\n') { if l.contains(&"s VERIFIED UNSAT") { pass = true; println!(" => VERIFIED UNSAT"); break; } } } if !pass { println!( " FAIL TO CERTIFICATE: {} => {}", cnf.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), grat.to_string_lossy(), ); panic!("abort"); } } } } } }