PNG  IHDR )gAMA1_tEXtTitlePngSuiteOUL1tEXtAuthorWillem A.J. van Schaik ( Willem van Schaik, Singapore 1995-96P8tEXtDescriptionA compilation of a set of images created to test the various color-types of the PNG format. Included are black&white, color, paletted, with alpha channel, with transparency formats. All bit-depths allowed according to the spec are present.M k9tEXtSoftwareCreated on a NeXTstation color using "pnmtopng".jdytEXtDisclaimerFreeware._,JIDATx] 0 P*@# #T10lPF`ؠF=IQ*u`%qk H񚈩mߟ э=,fOK t(F ;P{xp]9/p*$(*yՃ@C  cqNU#)11.rf0gh(tEkIENDB`