use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use super::super::world::World; use cucumber_rust::steps; steps!(World => { given "I initialize a repository" |world, _step| { Command::new(&world.executable) .arg("init") .output() .expect("failed to execute spor"); }; given regex r"^I create the source file (.+)$" (String) |world, filename, _step| { let source_file = world.repo_dir.join(filename); let code = "def func(): x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 return x + y + z"; fs::write(source_file, code) .expect("unable to write code to test file"); }; then regex r"^anchoring an external file fails$" () |world, _step| { let source_file = world.external_dir.join(""); let code = "# nothing"; fs::write(&source_file, code) .expect("unable to write to test file"); let mut cmd = Command::new(&world.executable) .arg("add") .arg(source_file) .arg("1") .arg("1") .arg("1") .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("failed to execute spor"); { let stdin = cmd.stdin.as_mut() .expect("Failed to open stdin"); stdin.write_all("{meta: data}".as_bytes()) .expect("Failed to write to stdin"); } let exit_status = cmd.wait().expect("Command should fail."); assert!(!exit_status.success()); }; when regex r"^I modify (.+)$" (String) |world, filename, _step| { let source_file = world.repo_dir.join(filename); let code = fs::read_to_string(&source_file) .expect("Unable to read source file"); let code = String::from("# a comment\n") + &code; fs::write(source_file, code) .expect("unable to write code to test file"); }; then "a repo data directory exists" |world, _step| { assert!(world.repo_dir.join(".spor").exists()); }; when regex r"^I create a new anchor for (.+) at offset (\d+)$" (String, usize) |world, filename, offset, _step| { let mut cmd = Command::new(&world.executable) .arg("add") .arg(filename) .arg(offset.to_string()) .arg("5") .arg("5") .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("failed to execute spor"); { let stdin = cmd.stdin.as_mut() .expect("Failed to open stdin"); stdin.write_all("{meta: data}".as_bytes()) .expect("Failed to write to stdin"); } let output = cmd.wait_with_output() .expect("Failed to read stdout"); assert_eq!(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), ""); }; then regex r"^an anchor for (.+) at line (\d+) appears in the listing$" (String, usize) |world, filename, _lineno, _step| { let output = Command::new(&world.executable) .arg("list") .arg(filename) .output() .expect("failed to execute spor"); let output = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let output: Vec<&str> = output.split("\n").filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).collect(); assert_eq!(output.len(), 1); // TODO: Look for correct output, e.g. it contains filename, has the right line number, etc. }; then "the repository is valid" |world, _step| { let output = Command::new(&world.executable) .arg("status") .output() .expect("failed to execute spor"); let output = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let output: Vec<&str> = output.split("\n").filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).collect(); assert!(output.is_empty()); }; then "the repository is invalid" |world, _step| { let output = Command::new(&world.executable) .arg("status") .output() .expect("failed to execute spor"); let output = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let output: Vec<&str> = output.split("\n").filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).collect(); assert!(!output.is_empty()); }; });