# spotify-launcher Spotify has a free linux client but prohibits re-distribution, so this is a freely distributable opensource program that manages a spotify installation in your home folder from the official spotify release server. If you work for spotify please reach out so we can talk. 👉👈 ## Configuration spotify-launcher is going to look for a configuration file at the following locations (in this order): - `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/spotify-launcher.conf` - `/etc/spotify-launcher.conf` If no config is found it's going to start with default settings. Your configuration file may look like this: ```toml [spotify] ## Pass extra arguments to the spotify executable ## You can test this with `spotify-launcher -v --skip-update --no-exec` #extra_arguments = [] ## On HiDPI displays spotify doesn't pick up the scale factor automatically #extra_arguments = ["--force-device-scale-factor=2.0"] ## On wayland you might need #extra_arguments = ["--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform", "--ozone-platform=wayland"] ``` ## License GPLv3+