# spotify-dl-lib A rust library which allows you to download spotify songs if you have a __premium account__ ## Features - Download tracks, albums, and playlists - Supports mp3 (enable the mp3 feature) and flac format - Configurable download concurrency and compression (compression only applies to flac!) ## How to use this library get your spotify username (**your username is not your display name**) and password ready in case you do not know how to get your spotify username here is a quick tutorial 1. ![spotify_screenshot_1](https://github.com/mari-rs/spotify-dl-lib/assets/98649425/97bceea6-fa1d-49b0-abde-633c6f0b2e11) 2. ![spotify_Screenshot_2](https://github.com/mari-rs/spotify-dl-lib/assets/98649425/f60a48eb-a612-498b-b688-6ea95f2eac44) 3. and now you should have your spotify profile url in your clipboard, in my case, this is my profile url: https://open.spotify.com/user/xfvf8ol1ezj9bv5la7ty0vzut?si=8a8b7c4b7c5746df 4. this is the important part we need from the url: **xfvf8ol1ezj9bv5la7ty0vzut**, save this for later if your application uses a UI, a websocket server is exposed at ws:// :)) an example project will be very soon coming on my github which uses this websocket :D ### example ```rs use spotify_dl_lib::SpotifyDownloader; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let username = "your username here"; let password = "your spotify password here"; let output_folder = PathBuf::from("./spotify-dl-data") //first argument is the name of the folder, where your mp3 files will be dropped (folder will be created in your home dir) let spotify_dl = SpotifyDownloader::new(&output_folder, &username, &password, Some("ws://".to_string())).await.unwrap(); //download a playlist, album or track! let tracks_to_dl = vec![ "https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7lzJ7tSe2N6Cvbsjto4lrq?si=09e7c2f655a840c5".to_string() ]; /* download the tracks (2nd argument = parallelism of how many files can be downloaded concurrently (default value is 5 if None)) (3rd argument = compression rate (only for flac format), lower = faster! higher = takes longer due of more processing (default value is 4 if None) (4th argument = file format, yea the output of your file bruh (only flac and mp3 are supported at the moment) */ spotify_dl.download_tracks(tracks_to_dl, None, None, "mp3").await.unwrap(); println!("download finished!"); } ``` ## Important!! Using this project is against Spotifys ToS, use it at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damanges/limitations caused to your Spotify Account. ## Credits This project was only possible due of the existence of [this amazing project](https://github.com/GuillemCastro/spotify-dl) <3 much love to all of you. If you are looking for a CLI solution for just downloading spotify tracks, stick to the mentioned project instead.