macros for ## macros re-exports spring-rs re-exports all macros for this crate, so you usually don't need to explicitly specify this dependency. You can view the re-exported macros at spring-rs. ## Web route macros ### Single Method Handler There is a macro to set up a handler for each of the most common HTTP methods. See docs for: [GET], [POST], [PATCH], [PUT], [DELETE], [HEAD], [OPTIONS], [TRACE] ``` # use spring_web::axum::response::IntoResponse; # use spring_macros::get; #[get("/test")] async fn get_handler() -> impl IntoResponse { "hello world" } ``` ### Multiple Method Handlers Similar to the single method handler macro but takes one or more arguments for the HTTP methods it should respond to. See [macro@route] macro docs. ``` # use spring_web::axum::response::IntoResponse; # use spring_macros::route; #[route("/test", method = "GET", method = "HEAD")] async fn get_and_head_handler() -> impl IntoResponse { "hello world" } ``` ### Multiple Path Handlers Acts as a wrapper for multiple single method handler macros. It takes no arguments and delegates those to the macros for the individual methods. See [macro@routes] macro docs. ``` # use spring_web::axum::response::IntoResponse; # use spring_macros::routes; #[routes] #[get("/test")] #[get("/test2")] #[delete("/test")] async fn example() -> impl IntoResponse { "hello world" } ```