// This file is part of https://github.com/SpringQL/SpringQL which is licensed under MIT OR Apache-2.0. See file LICENSE-MIT or LICENSE-APACHE for full license details. mod test_support; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use serde_json::json; use springql::*; use springql_foreign_service::{ sink::ForeignSink, source::{ForeignSource, ForeignSourceInput}, }; use springql_test_logger::setup_test_logger; use crate::test_support::{apply_ddls, drain_from_sink}; #[test] fn test_feat_and() { setup_test_logger(); let json1 = json!({ "ts": "2020-01-01 00:00:00.000000000", }); let source_input = vec![json1]; let test_source = ForeignSource::new().unwrap(); let test_sink = ForeignSink::start().unwrap(); let ddls = vec![ " CREATE SOURCE STREAM source_1 ( ts TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ROWTIME ); " .to_string(), " CREATE SINK STREAM sink_1 ( ts TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ROWTIME, answer_true_and_true BOOLEAN NOT NULL, answer_true_and_false BOOLEAN NOT NULL, answer_false_and_true BOOLEAN NOT NULL ); " .to_string(), " CREATE PUMP pu_add AS INSERT INTO sink_1 (ts, answer_true_and_true, answer_true_and_false, answer_false_and_true) SELECT STREAM source_1.ts, TRUE AND TRUE, TRUE AND FALSE, FALSE AND TRUE FROM source_1; " .to_string(), format!( " CREATE SINK WRITER tcp_sink_1 FOR sink_1 TYPE NET_CLIENT OPTIONS ( PROTOCOL 'TCP', REMOTE_HOST '{remote_host}', REMOTE_PORT '{remote_port}' ); ", remote_host = test_sink.host_ip(), remote_port = test_sink.port() ), format!( " CREATE SOURCE READER tcp_1 FOR source_1 TYPE NET_CLIENT OPTIONS ( PROTOCOL 'TCP', REMOTE_HOST '{remote_host}', REMOTE_PORT '{remote_port}' ); ", remote_host = test_source.host_ip(), remote_port = test_source.port() ), ]; let _pipeline = apply_ddls(&ddls, SpringConfig::default()); test_source.start(ForeignSourceInput::new_fifo_batch(source_input)); let sink_received = drain_from_sink(&test_sink); let r = sink_received.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(r["answer_true_and_true"], true); assert_eq!(r["answer_true_and_false"], false); assert_eq!(r["answer_false_and_true"], false); }