use axum::extract::Path; use springtime::application; use springtime_di::Component; use springtime_web_axum::controller; // create a struct which will serve as our Controller - this implies it needs to be a Component for // the dependency injection to work #[derive(Component)] struct ExampleController; // mark the struct as a Controller - this will scan all functions for the controller attributes and // create axum handlers out of them #[controller] impl ExampleController { // this function will respond to GET request for http://localhost/ (or any network interface) #[get("/")] async fn hello_world(&self) -> &'static str { "Hello world!" } // all axum features are available for controllers #[get("/:user")] async fn hello_user(&self, Path(user): Path) -> String { format!("Hello {user}!") } } // note: for the sake of simplicity, errors are unwrapped, rather than gracefully handled #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut application = application::create_default().expect("unable to create application"); // run our server with default configuration - requests should be forwarded to ExampleController"error running application"); }