Usage: spwn [subcommand] [flags] Subcommands: build [script file], b [script file] Runs/builds a given file doc [library path] Generates documentation for a SPWN library, in the form of a markdown file version, -v, --version Gets the version of spwn Flags: --console-output, -c Makes the script print the created level into the console instead of writing it to your save file --no-level, -l Only compiles the script, no level creation at all --no-optimize, -o Removes post-optimization of triggers, making the output more readable, while also using a lot more objects and groups --level-name [name], -n [name] Targets a specific level --live-editor, -e Instead of writing the level to the save file, the script will use a live editor library if it's installed (Currently works only for MacOS) --save-file [file], -s [file] Chooses a specific save file to write to --include-path [folder], -i [folder] Adds a search path to look for libraries