TODO - aggregate functions - `` -> `` - `Aggregate` and `Window` structs? - should it use `sqlite3_aggregate_context` or something else? - `create_aggregate_function` - `create_window_function` - queries - `exec::prepare(db: *mut sqlite3, sql: &str) -> Result` - `Statement.bind_int32(column_idx: i32, value: i32)` - `Statement.bind_text(column_idx: i32, value: &str)` - `Statement.bind_blob(column_idx: i32, value: &[u8])` - `Statement.execute() -> Iterator>` - `Statement.execute_to_completion()` - `exec::execute(db, sql)` - tests - charcters table func - some vtab to test argc/argv/argparse handling - more exec tests ## static feature GOAL 1. For `crate-type=staticlib`, statically link sqlite3 for better static support 2. WASM requires static linking, since `-DSLQITE_OMIT_EXTENSIONS` is defined 3. Want to be able to do `sqlite3_hello_init(db)` manually instead of always relying on auto_extension Problem: We don't want to always statically link sqlite3, since cdylib builds don't need it/it overwrites other linked sqlite builds sometimes. Solution: the `` functions need to export different functions (either `pApi->xFunc` for cdylib or `xFunc()` for static) depending on staticlib vs dylib. Though there's no `crate_type="cdylib"` macro we can use, so gotta introduce a new feature flag. Also means builds will be weird. ```rs #[cfg(feature = "static")] pub unsafe fn sqlite3ext_user_data2(context: *mut sqlite3_context) -> *mut c_void { libsqlite3_sys::sqlite3_user_data(context) } #[cfg(not(feature = "static"))] pub unsafe fn sqlite3ext_user_data2(context: *mut sqlite3_context) -> *mut c_void { ((*SQLITE3_API).user_data.expect(EXPECT_MESSAGE))(context) } pub unsafe fn sqlite3ext_mprintf(s: *const c_char) -> *const c_char { ((*SQLITE3_API).mprintf.expect(EXPECT_MESSAGE))(s) } #[macro_export] macro_rules! export_sqlite_function { ($func:ident) => { #[cfg(feature = "static")] pub unsafe fn $func(context: *mut sqlite3_context) -> *mut c_void { concat_idents!(libsqlite3_sys::, sqlite3_, $func)(context) } #[cfg(not(feature = "static"))] pub unsafe fn $func(context: *mut sqlite3_context) -> *mut c_void { ((*SQLITE3_API).$func.expect(EXPECT_MESSAGE))(context) } }; } export_sqlite_function!(user_data); #[cfg(feature = "static")] use libsqlite3_sys; #[cfg(feature = "static")] pub unsafe fn sqlite3ext_auto_extension(f: unsafe extern "C" fn()) -> i32 { libsqlite3_sys::sqlite3_auto_extension(Some(f)) } ``` ## WASM ``` RUSTFLAGS="-Clink-args=-sERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 -Clink-args=--no-entry" cargo build --example hello --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten --features=static wget unzip cd sqlite-src-3430100/ ./configure --enable-all make sqlite3.c cd ext/wasm make sqlite3_wasm_extra_init.c=../../../../target/wasm32-unknown-emscripten/debug/examples/libhello.a "emcc.flags=-s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['ENV'] -s FETCH" ``` ```rs #[no_mangle] /// in //#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")] pub extern "C" fn sqlite3_wasm_extra_init(_unused: *const std::ffi::c_char) -> std::ffi::c_int { use sqlite_loadable::SQLITE_OKAY; println!("sqlite3_wasm_extra_init"); unsafe { sqlite_loadable::ext::sqlite3ext_auto_extension(std::mem::transmute( sqlite3_hello_init as *const (), )); } SQLITE_OKAY } ```