use sqlite_watcher::connection::Connection; use sqlite_watcher::watcher::{TableObserver, Watcher}; use std::collections::BTreeSet; use std::sync::mpsc::Sender; use std::sync::Arc; use tempdir::TempDir; // Simple example which starts 2 connections on the same database with 2 observers. // It should print at least one entry for each observer: // ``` // Updated tables: [observer-1] {"foo"} // Updated tables: [observer-2] {"foo"} // ``` fn main() { let tmp_dir = TempDir::new("sqlite-watcher-rusqlite").unwrap(); let db_file = tmp_dir.path().join("db.sqlite3"); let connection1 = rusqlite::Connection::open(&db_file).unwrap(); let connection2 = rusqlite::Connection::open(&db_file).unwrap(); let watcher = Watcher::new().unwrap(); let connection1 = Connection::new(connection1, Arc::clone(&watcher)).unwrap(); let connection2 = Connection::new(connection2, Arc::clone(&watcher)).unwrap(); let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let observer1 = Observer::new("observer-1", sender.clone()); let observer2 = Observer::new("observer-2", sender); let observer_handle_1 = watcher.add_observer(Box::new(observer1)).unwrap(); let observer_handle_2 = watcher.add_observer(Box::new(observer2)).unwrap(); connection1 .execute( "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, value INTEGER)", (), ) .unwrap(); let thread_handles = [ (connection1, observer_handle_1), (connection2, observer_handle_2), ] .into_iter() .map(|(mut connection, observer_handle)| { let watcher_cloned = Arc::clone(&watcher); std::thread::spawn(move || { connection.sync_watcher_tables().unwrap(); let tx = connection .transaction_with_behavior(rusqlite::TransactionBehavior::Immediate) .unwrap(); tx.execute("INSERT INTO foo (value) VALUES (?)", rusqlite::params![400]) .unwrap(); tx.commit().unwrap(); connection.publish_watcher_changes().unwrap(); watcher_cloned.remove_observer(observer_handle).unwrap(); }) }) .collect::>(); while let Ok((observer_name, updated_tables)) = receiver.recv() { println!("Updated tables: [{observer_name}] {updated_tables:?}") } for thread_handle in thread_handles { thread_handle.join().unwrap(); } } struct Observer { name: String, sender: Sender<(String, BTreeSet)>, } impl Observer { pub fn new(name: impl Into, sender: Sender<(String, BTreeSet)>) -> Observer { Self { name: name.into(), sender, } } } impl TableObserver for Observer { fn tables(&self) -> Vec { vec!["foo".to_owned()] } fn on_tables_changed(&self, tables: &BTreeSet) { self.sender .send((, tables.clone())) .unwrap() } }