params: host: localhost database: gis pages: - filename: "index.html" template: index.html.tmpl vars: cities: "SELECT name FROM planet_osm_point WHERE tags->'place' = 'city';" - filename: "city/{{name|slugify}}/index.html" template: city.html.tmpl filename_params: "SELECT name, osm_id FROM planet_osm_point WHERE tags->'place' = 'city';" vars: tags: "SELECT (each(tags)).* FROM planet_osm_point WHERE tags->'place' = 'city' and osm_id = {{osm_id}};" distances: "select st_distance(this.way::geography, other.way::geography) as distance_m, from planet_osm_point as this, planet_osm_point other where this.osm_id = {{osm_id}} and this.osm_id != other.osm_id and other.tags->'place' = 'city';"