use futures::{Stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use sqlx::postgres::types::Oid; use sqlx::postgres::{ PgAdvisoryLock, PgConnectOptions, PgConnection, PgDatabaseError, PgErrorPosition, PgListener, PgPoolOptions, PgRow, PgSeverity, Postgres, }; use sqlx::{Column, Connection, Executor, Row, Statement, TypeInfo}; use sqlx_core::{bytes::Bytes, error::BoxDynError}; use sqlx_test::{new, pool, setup_if_needed}; use std::env; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_connects() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let value = sqlx::query("select 1 + 1") .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(2i32, value); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_select_void() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; // pg_notify just happens to be a function that returns void let _: () = sqlx::query_scalar("select pg_notify('chan', 'message');") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_pings() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?;; Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_pings_after_suspended_query() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; sqlx::raw_sql("create temporary table processed_row(val int4 primary key)") .execute(&mut conn) .await?; // This query wants to return 50 rows but we only read the first one. // This will return a `SuspendedPortal` that the driver currently ignores. let _: i32 = sqlx::query_scalar( r#" insert into processed_row(val) select * from generate_series(1, 50) returning val "#, ) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; // `Sync` closes the current autocommit transaction which presumably includes closing any // suspended portals.; // Make sure that all the values got inserted even though we only read the first one back. let count: i64 = sqlx::query_scalar("select count(*) from processed_row") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 50); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_maths() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let value = sqlx::query("select 1 + $1::int") .bind(5_i32) .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(6i32, value); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_inspect_errors() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let res: Result<_, sqlx::Error> = sqlx::query("select f").execute(&mut conn).await; let err = res.unwrap_err(); // can also do [as_database_error] or use `match ..` let err = err.into_database_error().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.message(), "column \"f\" does not exist"); assert_eq!(err.code().as_deref(), Some("42703")); // can also do [downcast_ref] let err: Box = err.downcast(); assert_eq!(err.severity(), PgSeverity::Error); assert_eq!(err.message(), "column \"f\" does not exist"); assert_eq!(err.code(), "42703"); assert_eq!(err.position(), Some(PgErrorPosition::Original(8))); assert_eq!(err.routine(), Some("errorMissingColumn")); assert_eq!(err.constraint(), None); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_inspect_constraint_errors() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let res: Result<_, sqlx::Error> = sqlx::query("INSERT INTO products VALUES (1, 'Product 1', 0);") .execute(&mut conn) .await; let err = res.unwrap_err(); // can also do [as_database_error] or use `match ..` let err = err.into_database_error().unwrap(); assert_eq!( err.message(), "new row for relation \"products\" violates check constraint \"products_price_check\"" ); assert_eq!(err.code().as_deref(), Some("23514")); // can also do [downcast_ref] let err: Box = err.downcast(); assert_eq!(err.severity(), PgSeverity::Error); assert_eq!( err.message(), "new row for relation \"products\" violates check constraint \"products_price_check\"" ); assert_eq!(err.code(), "23514"); assert_eq!(err.position(), None); assert_eq!(err.routine(), Some("ExecConstraints")); assert_eq!(err.constraint(), Some("products_price_check")); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_executes() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let _ = conn .execute( r#" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); "#, ) .await?; for index in 1..=10_i32 { let done = sqlx::query("INSERT INTO users (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(index) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(done.rows_affected(), 1); } let sum: i32 = sqlx::query("SELECT id FROM users") .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch(&mut conn) .try_fold(0_i32, |acc, x| async move { Ok(acc + x) }) .await?; assert_eq!(sum, 55); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_nest_map() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let res = sqlx::query("SELECT 5") .map(|row: PgRow| row.get(0)) .map(|int: i32| int.to_string()) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(res, "5"); Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "json")] #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_describes_and_inserts_json_and_jsonb() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let _ = conn .execute( r#" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE json_stuff (obj json, obj2 jsonb); "#, ) .await?; let query = "INSERT INTO json_stuff (obj, obj2) VALUES ($1, $2)"; let _ = conn.describe(query).await?; let done = sqlx::query(query) .bind(serde_json::json!({ "a": "a" })) .bind(serde_json::json!({ "a": "a" })) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(done.rows_affected(), 1); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_works_with_cache_disabled() -> anyhow::Result<()> { setup_if_needed(); let mut url = url::Url::parse(&env::var("DATABASE_URL")?)?; url.query_pairs_mut() .append_pair("statement-cache-capacity", "0"); let mut conn = PgConnection::connect(url.as_ref()).await?; for index in 1..=10_i32 { let _ = sqlx::query("SELECT $1") .bind(index) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; } Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_executes_with_pool() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let pool = sqlx_test::pool::().await?; let rows = pool.fetch_all("SELECT 1; SElECT 2").await?; assert_eq!(rows.len(), 2); Ok(()) } // #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_return_interleaved_nulls_issue_104() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let tuple = sqlx::query("SELECT NULL, 10::INT, NULL, 20::INT, NULL, 40::INT, NULL, 80::INT") .map(|row: PgRow| { ( row.get::, _>(0), row.get::, _>(1), row.get::, _>(2), row.get::, _>(3), row.get::, _>(4), row.get::, _>(5), row.get::, _>(6), row.get::, _>(7), ) }) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(tuple.0, None); assert_eq!(tuple.1, Some(10)); assert_eq!(tuple.2, None); assert_eq!(tuple.3, Some(20)); assert_eq!(tuple.4, None); assert_eq!(tuple.5, Some(40)); assert_eq!(tuple.6, None); assert_eq!(tuple.7, Some(80)); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_fail_and_recover() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; for i in 0..10 { // make a query that will fail let res = conn .execute("INSERT INTO not_found (column) VALUES (10)") .await; assert!(res.is_err()); // now try and use the connection let val: i32 = conn.fetch_one(&*format!("SELECT {i}::int4")).await?.get(0); assert_eq!(val, i); } Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_fail_and_recover_with_pool() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let pool = sqlx_test::pool::().await?; for i in 0..10 { // make a query that will fail let res = pool .execute("INSERT INTO not_found (column) VALUES (10)") .await; assert!(res.is_err()); // now try and use the connection let val: i32 = pool.fetch_one(&*format!("SELECT {i}::int4")).await?.get(0); assert_eq!(val, i); } Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_query_scalar() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let scalar: i32 = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT 42").fetch_one(&mut conn).await?; assert_eq!(scalar, 42); let scalar: Option = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT 42").fetch_one(&mut conn).await?; assert_eq!(scalar, Some(42)); let scalar: Option = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT NULL") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(scalar, None); let scalar: Option = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT 42::bigint") .fetch_optional(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(scalar, Some(42)); let scalar: Option = sqlx::query_scalar("").fetch_optional(&mut conn).await?; assert_eq!(scalar, None); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] /// This is separate from `it_can_query_scalar` because while implementing it I ran into a /// bug which that prevented `Vec` from compiling but allowed Vec>. async fn it_can_query_all_scalar() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let scalar: Vec = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT $1") .bind(42) .fetch_all(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(scalar, vec![42]); let scalar: Vec> = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT $1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL") .bind(42) .fetch_all(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(scalar, vec![Some(42), None]); Ok(()) } #[ignore] #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn copy_can_work_with_failed_transactions() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; // We're using a (local) statement_timeout to simulate a runtime failure, as opposed to // a parse/plan failure. let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; let _ = sqlx::query("SELECT pg_catalog.set_config($1, $2, true)") .bind("statement_timeout") .bind("1ms") .execute(tx.as_mut()) .await?; let mut copy_out: Pin< Box> + Send>, > = (&mut tx) .copy_out_raw("COPY (SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE pg_sleep(0.001) IS NULL) TO STDOUT") .await?; while copy_out.try_next().await.is_ok() {} drop(copy_out); tx.rollback().await?; // conn should be usable again, as we explictly rolled back the transaction let got: i32 = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT 1") .fetch_one(conn.as_mut()) .await?; assert_eq!(1, got); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_work_with_failed_transactions() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; // We're using a (local) statement_timeout to simulate a runtime failure, as opposed to // a parse/plan failure. let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; let _ = sqlx::query("SELECT pg_catalog.set_config($1, $2, true)") .bind("statement_timeout") .bind("1ms") .execute(tx.as_mut()) .await?; assert!(sqlx::query("SELECT 1 WHERE pg_sleep(0.30) IS NULL") .fetch_one(tx.as_mut()) .await .is_err()); tx.rollback().await?; // conn should be usable again, as we explictly rolled back the transaction let got: i32 = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT 1") .fetch_one(conn.as_mut()) .await?; assert_eq!(1, got); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_work_with_transactions() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _sqlx_users_1922 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") .await?; conn.execute("TRUNCATE _sqlx_users_1922").await?; // begin .. rollback let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_1922 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(10_i32) .execute(&mut *tx) .await?; tx.rollback().await?; let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_1922") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 0); // begin .. commit let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_1922 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(10_i32) .execute(&mut *tx) .await?; tx.commit().await?; let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_1922") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 1); // begin .. (drop) { let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_1922 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(20_i32) .execute(&mut *tx) .await?; } conn = new::().await?; let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_1922") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 1); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_work_with_nested_transactions() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _sqlx_users_2523 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") .await?; conn.execute("TRUNCATE _sqlx_users_2523").await?; // begin let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; // transaction // insert a user sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_2523 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(50_i32) .execute(&mut *tx) .await?; // begin once more let mut tx2 = tx.begin().await?; // savepoint // insert another user sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_2523 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(10_i32) .execute(&mut *tx2) .await?; // never mind, rollback tx2.rollback().await?; // roll that one back // did we really? let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_2523") .fetch_one(&mut *tx) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 1); // actually, commit tx.commit().await?; // did we really? let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_2523") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 1); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_drop_multiple_transactions() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _sqlx_users_3952 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") .await?; conn.execute("TRUNCATE _sqlx_users_3952").await?; // begin .. (drop) // run 2 times to see what happens if we drop transactions repeatedly for _ in 0..2 { { let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; // do actually something before dropping let _user = sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_3952 (id) VALUES ($1) RETURNING id") .bind(20_i32) .fetch_one(&mut *tx) .await?; } let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_3952") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 0); } Ok(()) } // run with `cargo test --features postgres -- --ignored --nocapture pool_smoke_test` #[ignore] #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn pool_smoke_test() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use futures::{future, task::Poll, Future}; eprintln!("starting pool"); let pool = PgPoolOptions::new() .acquire_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) .min_connections(1) .max_connections(1) .connect(&dotenvy::var("DATABASE_URL")?) .await?; // spin up more tasks than connections available, and ensure we don't deadlock for i in 0..200 { let pool = pool.clone(); sqlx_core::rt::spawn(async move { for j in 0.. { if let Err(e) = sqlx::query("select 1 + 1").execute(&pool).await { // normal error at termination of the test if matches!(e, sqlx::Error::PoolClosed) { eprintln!("pool task {i} exiting normally after {j} iterations"); } else { eprintln!("pool task {i} dying due to {e} after {j} iterations"); } break; } // shouldn't be necessary if the pool is fair // sqlx_core::rt::yield_now().await; } }); } // spawn a bunch of tasks that attempt to acquire but give up to ensure correct handling // of cancellations for _ in 0..50 { let pool = pool.clone(); sqlx_core::rt::spawn(async move { while !pool.is_closed() { let acquire = pool.acquire(); futures::pin_mut!(acquire); // poll the acquire future once to put the waiter in the queue future::poll_fn(move |cx| { let _ = acquire.as_mut().poll(cx); Poll::Ready(()) }) .await; // this one is necessary since this is a hot loop, // otherwise this task will never be descheduled sqlx_core::rt::yield_now().await; } }); } eprintln!("sleeping for 30 seconds"); sqlx_core::rt::sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)).await; // assert_eq!(pool.size(), 10); eprintln!("closing pool"); sqlx_core::rt::timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), pool.close()).await?; eprintln!("pool closed successfully"); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_invalid_query() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute("definitely not a correct query") .await .unwrap_err(); let mut s = conn.fetch("select 1"); let row = s.try_next().await?.unwrap(); assert_eq!(row.get::(0), 1i32); Ok(()) } /// Tests the edge case of executing a completely empty query string. /// /// This gets flagged as an `EmptyQueryResponse` in Postgres. We /// catch this and just return no rows. #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_empty_query() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let done = conn.execute("").await?; assert_eq!(done.rows_affected(), 0); Ok(()) } /// Test a simple select expression. This should return the row. #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_select_expression() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let mut s = conn.fetch("SELECT 5"); let row = s.try_next().await?.unwrap(); assert!(5i32 == row.try_get::(0)?); Ok(()) } /// Test that we can interleave reads and writes to the database /// in one simple query. Using the `Cursor` API we should be /// able to fetch from both queries in sequence. #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_multi_read_write() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let mut s = conn.fetch( " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _sqlx_test_postgres_5112 ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, text TEXT NOT NULL ); SELECT 'Hello World' as _1; INSERT INTO _sqlx_test_postgres_5112 (text) VALUES ('this is a test'); SELECT id, text FROM _sqlx_test_postgres_5112; ", ); let row = s.try_next().await?.unwrap(); assert!("Hello World" == row.try_get::<&str, _>("_1")?); let row = s.try_next().await?.unwrap(); let id: i64 = row.try_get("id")?; let text: &str = row.try_get("text")?; assert_eq!(1_i64, id); assert_eq!("this is a test", text); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_caches_statements() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; for i in 0..2 { let row = sqlx::query("SELECT $1 AS val") .bind(Oid(i)) .persistent(true) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; let val: Oid = row.get("val"); assert_eq!(Oid(i), val); } assert_eq!(1, conn.cached_statements_size()); conn.clear_cached_statements().await?; assert_eq!(0, conn.cached_statements_size()); for i in 0..2 { let row = sqlx::query("SELECT $1 AS val") .bind(Oid(i)) .persistent(false) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; let val: Oid = row.get("val"); assert_eq!(Oid(i), val); } assert_eq!(0, conn.cached_statements_size()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_closes_statement_from_cache_issue_470() -> anyhow::Result<()> { sqlx_test::setup_if_needed(); let mut options: PgConnectOptions = env::var("DATABASE_URL")?.parse().unwrap(); // a capacity of 1 means that before each statement (after the first) // we will close the previous statement options = options.statement_cache_capacity(1); let mut conn = PgConnection::connect_with(&options).await?; for i in 0..5 { let row = sqlx::query(&*format!("SELECT {i}::int4 AS val")) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; let val: i32 = row.get("val"); assert_eq!(i, val); } assert_eq!(1, conn.cached_statements_size()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_sets_application_name() -> anyhow::Result<()> { sqlx_test::setup_if_needed(); let mut options: PgConnectOptions = env::var("DATABASE_URL")?.parse().unwrap(); options = options.application_name("some-name"); let mut conn = PgConnection::connect_with(&options).await?; let row = sqlx::query("select current_setting('application_name') as app_name") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; let val: String = row.get("app_name"); assert_eq!("some-name", &val); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_handle_parameter_status_message_issue_484() -> anyhow::Result<()> { new::().await?.execute("SET NAMES 'UTF8'").await?; Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_prepare_then_execute() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; let tweet_id: i64 = sqlx::query_scalar("INSERT INTO tweet ( text ) VALUES ( 'Hello, World' ) RETURNING id") .fetch_one(&mut *tx) .await?; let statement = tx.prepare("SELECT * FROM tweet WHERE id = $1").await?; assert_eq!(statement.column(0).name(), "id"); assert_eq!(statement.column(1).name(), "created_at"); assert_eq!(statement.column(2).name(), "text"); assert_eq!(statement.column(3).name(), "owner_id"); assert_eq!(statement.column(0).type_info().name(), "INT8"); assert_eq!(statement.column(1).type_info().name(), "TIMESTAMPTZ"); assert_eq!(statement.column(2).type_info().name(), "TEXT"); assert_eq!(statement.column(3).type_info().name(), "INT8"); let row = statement.query().bind(tweet_id).fetch_one(&mut *tx).await?; let tweet_text: &str = row.try_get("text")?; assert_eq!(tweet_text, "Hello, World"); Ok(()) } // repro is more reliable with the basic scheduler used by `#[tokio::test]` #[cfg(feature = "_rt-tokio")] #[tokio::test] async fn test_issue_622() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use std::time::Instant; setup_if_needed(); let pool = PgPoolOptions::new() .max_connections(1) // also fails with higher counts, e.g. 5 .connect(&std::env::var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap()) .await?; println!("pool state: {pool:?}"); let mut handles = vec![]; // given repro spawned 100 tasks but I found it reliably reproduced with 3 for i in 0..3 { let pool = pool.clone(); handles.push(sqlx_core::rt::spawn(async move { { let mut conn = pool.acquire().await.unwrap(); let _ = sqlx::query("SELECT 1").fetch_one(&mut *conn).await.unwrap(); // conn gets dropped here and should be returned to the pool } // (do some other work here without holding on to a connection) // this actually fixes the issue, depending on the timeout used // sqlx_core::rt::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)).await; { let start = Instant::now(); match pool.acquire().await { Ok(conn) => { println!("{} acquire took {:?}", i, start.elapsed()); drop(conn); } Err(e) => panic!("{i} acquire returned error: {e} pool state: {pool:?}"), } } Result::<(), anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) })); } futures::future::try_join_all(handles).await?; Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_describe_outer_join_nullable() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; // test nullability inference for various joins // inner join, nullability should not be overridden // language=PostgreSQL let describe = conn .describe( "select from tweet inner join products on = tweet.text", ) .await?; assert_eq!(describe.nullable(0), Some(false)); // language=PostgreSQL let describe = conn .describe( "select from (values (null)) vals(val) left join tweet on false", ) .await?; // is marked NOT NULL but it's brought in from a left-join here // which should make it nullable assert_eq!(describe.nullable(0), Some(true)); // make sure we don't mis-infer for the outer half of the join // language=PostgreSQL let describe = conn .describe( "select, from tweet tweet1 left join tweet tweet2 on false", ) .await?; assert_eq!(describe.nullable(0), Some(false)); assert_eq!(describe.nullable(1), Some(true)); // right join, nullability should be inverted // language=PostgreSQL let describe = conn .describe( "select, from tweet tweet1 right join tweet tweet2 on false", ) .await?; assert_eq!(describe.nullable(0), Some(true)); assert_eq!(describe.nullable(1), Some(false)); // full outer join, both tables are nullable // language=PostgreSQL let describe = conn .describe( "select, from tweet tweet1 full join tweet tweet2 on false", ) .await?; assert_eq!(describe.nullable(0), Some(true)); assert_eq!(describe.nullable(1), Some(true)); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_listener_cleanup() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use sqlx_core::rt::timeout; use sqlx::pool::PoolOptions; use sqlx::postgres::PgListener; // Create a connection on which to send notifications let mut notify_conn = new::().await?; // Create a pool with exactly one connection so we can // deterministically test the cleanup. let pool = PoolOptions::::new() .min_connections(1) .max_connections(1) .test_before_acquire(true) .connect(&env::var("DATABASE_URL")?) .await?; let mut listener = PgListener::connect_with(&pool).await?; listener.listen("test_channel").await?; // Checks for a notification on the test channel async fn try_recv(listener: &mut PgListener) -> anyhow::Result { match timeout(Duration::from_millis(100), listener.recv()).await { Ok(res) => { res?; Ok(true) } Err(_) => Ok(false), } } // Check no notification is received before one is sent assert!(!try_recv(&mut listener).await?, "Notification not sent"); // Check notification is sent and received notify_conn.execute("NOTIFY test_channel").await?; assert!( try_recv(&mut listener).await?, "Notification sent and received" ); assert!( !try_recv(&mut listener).await?, "Notification is not duplicated" ); // Test that cleanup stops listening on the channel drop(listener); let mut listener = PgListener::connect_with(&pool).await?; // Check notification is sent but not received notify_conn.execute("NOTIFY test_channel").await?; assert!( !try_recv(&mut listener).await?, "Notification is not received on fresh listener" ); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_pg_listener_allows_pool_to_close() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let pool = pool::().await?; // acquires and holds a connection which would normally prevent the pool from closing let mut listener = PgListener::connect_with(&pool).await?; sqlx_core::rt::spawn(async move { listener.recv().await.unwrap(); }); // would previously hang forever since `PgListener` had no way to know the pool wanted to close pool.close().await; Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_supports_domain_types_in_composite_domain_types() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Only supported in Postgres 11+ let mut conn = new::().await?; if matches!(conn.server_version_num(), Some(version) if version < 110000) { return Ok(()); } conn.execute( r#" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS heating_bills; DROP DOMAIN IF EXISTS winter_year_month; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS year_month; DROP DOMAIN IF EXISTS month_id; CREATE DOMAIN month_id AS INT2 CHECK (1 <= value AND value <= 12); CREATE TYPE year_month AS (year INT4, month month_id); CREATE DOMAIN winter_year_month AS year_month CHECK ((value).month <= 3); CREATE TABLE heating_bills ( month winter_year_month NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, cost INT4 NOT NULL ); "#, ) .await?; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct MonthId(i16); impl sqlx::Type for MonthId { fn type_info() -> sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo { sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo::with_name("month_id") } fn compatible(ty: &sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo) -> bool { *ty == Self::type_info() } } impl<'r> sqlx::Decode<'r, Postgres> for MonthId { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> Result> { Ok(Self(>::decode(value)?)) } } impl<'q> sqlx::Encode<'q, Postgres> for MonthId { fn encode_by_ref( &self, buf: &mut sqlx::postgres::PgArgumentBuffer, ) -> Result { >::encode(self.0, buf) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct WinterYearMonth { year: i32, month: MonthId, } impl sqlx::Type for WinterYearMonth { fn type_info() -> sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo { sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo::with_name("winter_year_month") } fn compatible(ty: &sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo) -> bool { *ty == Self::type_info() } } impl<'r> sqlx::Decode<'r, Postgres> for WinterYearMonth { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> Result> { let mut decoder = sqlx::postgres::types::PgRecordDecoder::new(value)?; let year = decoder.try_decode::()?; let month = decoder.try_decode::()?; Ok(Self { year, month }) } } impl<'q> sqlx::Encode<'q, Postgres> for WinterYearMonth { fn encode_by_ref( &self, buf: &mut sqlx::postgres::PgArgumentBuffer, ) -> Result { let mut encoder = sqlx::postgres::types::PgRecordEncoder::new(buf); encoder.encode(self.year)?; encoder.encode(self.month)?; encoder.finish(); Ok(sqlx::encode::IsNull::No) } } let mut conn = new::().await?; let result = sqlx::query("DELETE FROM heating_bills;") .execute(&mut conn) .await; let result = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(result.rows_affected(), 0); let result = sqlx::query("INSERT INTO heating_bills(month, cost) VALUES($1::winter_year_month, 100);") .bind(WinterYearMonth { year: 2021, month: MonthId(1), }) .execute(&mut conn) .await; let result = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(result.rows_affected(), 1); let result = sqlx::query("DELETE FROM heating_bills;") .execute(&mut conn) .await; let result = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(result.rows_affected(), 1); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_resolves_custom_type_in_array() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Only supported in Postgres 11+ let mut conn = new::().await?; if matches!(conn.server_version_num(), Some(version) if version < 110000) { return Ok(()); } // language=PostgreSQL conn.execute( r#" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pets; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS pet_name_and_race; CREATE TYPE pet_name_and_race AS ( name TEXT, race TEXT ); CREATE TABLE pets ( owner TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, race TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (owner, name) ); INSERT INTO pets(owner, name, race) VALUES ('Alice', 'Foo', 'cat'); INSERT INTO pets(owner, name, race) VALUES ('Alice', 'Bar', 'dog'); "#, ) .await?; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct PetNameAndRace { name: String, race: String, } impl sqlx::Type for PetNameAndRace { fn type_info() -> sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo { sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo::with_name("pet_name_and_race") } } impl<'r> sqlx::Decode<'r, Postgres> for PetNameAndRace { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> Result> { let mut decoder = sqlx::postgres::types::PgRecordDecoder::new(value)?; let name = decoder.try_decode::()?; let race = decoder.try_decode::()?; Ok(Self { name, race }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct PetNameAndRaceArray(Vec); impl sqlx::Type for PetNameAndRaceArray { fn type_info() -> sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo { // Array type name is the name of the element type prefixed with `_` sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo::with_name("_pet_name_and_race") } } impl<'r> sqlx::Decode<'r, Postgres> for PetNameAndRaceArray { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> Result> { Ok(Self(Vec::::decode(value)?)) } } let mut conn = new::().await?; let row = sqlx::query("select owner, array_agg(row(name, race)::pet_name_and_race) as pets from pets group by owner") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; let pets: PetNameAndRaceArray = row.get("pets"); assert_eq!(pets.0.len(), 2); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_resolves_custom_types_in_anonymous_records() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use sqlx_core::error::Error; // This request involves nested records and array types. // Only supported in Postgres 11+ let mut conn = new::().await?; if matches!(conn.server_version_num(), Some(version) if version < 110000) { return Ok(()); } // language=PostgreSQL conn.execute( r#" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS repo_users; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS repositories; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS repo_memberships; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS repo_member; CREATE TABLE repo_users ( user_id INT4 NOT NULL, username TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ); CREATE TABLE repositories ( repo_id INT4 NOT NULL, repo_name TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (repo_id) ); CREATE TABLE repo_memberships ( repo_id INT4 NOT NULL, user_id INT4 NOT NULL, permission TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (repo_id, user_id) ); CREATE TYPE repo_member AS ( user_id INT4, permission TEXT ); INSERT INTO repo_users(user_id, username) VALUES (101, 'alice'), (102, 'bob'), (103, 'charlie'); INSERT INTO repositories(repo_id, repo_name) VALUES (201, 'rust'), (202, 'sqlx'), (203, 'hello-world'); INSERT INTO repo_memberships(repo_id, user_id, permission) VALUES (201, 101, 'admin'), (201, 102, 'write'), (201, 103, 'read'), (202, 102, 'admin'); "#, ) .await?; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct RepoMember { user_id: i32, permission: String, } impl sqlx::Type for RepoMember { fn type_info() -> sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo { sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo::with_name("repo_member") } } impl<'r> sqlx::Decode<'r, Postgres> for RepoMember { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> Result> { let mut decoder = sqlx::postgres::types::PgRecordDecoder::new(value)?; let user_id = decoder.try_decode::()?; let permission = decoder.try_decode::()?; Ok(Self { user_id, permission, }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct RepoMemberArray(Vec); impl sqlx::Type for RepoMemberArray { fn type_info() -> sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo { // Array type name is the name of the element type prefixed with `_` sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo::with_name("_repo_member") } } impl<'r> sqlx::Decode<'r, Postgres> for RepoMemberArray { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> Result> { Ok(Self(Vec::::decode(value)?)) } } let mut conn = new::().await?; #[derive(Debug, sqlx::FromRow)] #[allow(dead_code)] // We don't actually read these fields. struct Row { count: i64, items: Vec<(i32, String, RepoMemberArray)>, } // language=PostgreSQL let row: Result = sqlx::query_as::<_, Row>( r" WITH members_by_repo AS ( SELECT repo_id, ARRAY_AGG(ROW (user_id, permission)::repo_member) AS members FROM repo_memberships GROUP BY repo_id ), repos AS ( SELECT repo_id, repo_name, COALESCE(members, '{}') AS members FROM repositories LEFT OUTER JOIN members_by_repo USING (repo_id) ORDER BY repo_id ), repo_array AS ( SELECT COALESCE(ARRAY_AGG(repos.*), '{}') AS items FROM repos ), repo_count AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM repos ) SELECT count, items FROM repo_count, repo_array ; ", ) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await; // This test currently tests mitigations for `#1672` (use regular errors // instead of panics). Once we fully support custom types, it should be // updated accordingly. match row { Ok(_) => panic!("full support for custom types is not implemented yet"), Err(e) => assert!(e .to_string() .contains("custom types in records are not fully supported yet")), } Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn custom_type_resolution_respects_search_path() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute( r#" DROP TYPE IF EXISTS some_enum_type; DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS another CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA another; CREATE TYPE some_enum_type AS ENUM ('a', 'b', 'c'); CREATE TYPE another.some_enum_type AS ENUM ('d', 'e', 'f'); "#, ) .await?; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct SomeEnumType(String); impl sqlx::Type for SomeEnumType { fn type_info() -> sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo { sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo::with_name("some_enum_type") } fn compatible(ty: &sqlx::postgres::PgTypeInfo) -> bool { *ty == Self::type_info() } } impl<'r> sqlx::Decode<'r, Postgres> for SomeEnumType { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> Result> { Ok(Self(>::decode(value)?)) } } impl<'q> sqlx::Encode<'q, Postgres> for SomeEnumType { fn encode_by_ref( &self, buf: &mut sqlx::postgres::PgArgumentBuffer, ) -> Result { >::encode_by_ref(&self.0, buf) } } let mut conn = new::().await?; sqlx::query("set search_path = 'another'") .execute(&mut conn) .await?; let result = sqlx::query("SELECT 1 WHERE $1::some_enum_type = 'd'::some_enum_type;") .bind(SomeEnumType("d".into())) .fetch_all(&mut conn) .await; let result = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(result.len(), 1); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_pg_server_num() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let conn = new::().await?; assert!(conn.server_version_num().is_some()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_copy_in() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute( r#" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE users (id INTEGER NOT NULL); "#, ) .await?; let mut copy = conn .copy_in_raw( r#" COPY users (id) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER); "#, ) .await?; copy.send("id\n1\n2\n".as_bytes()).await?; let rows = copy.finish().await?; assert_eq!(rows, 2); // conn is safe for reuse let value = sqlx::query("select 1 + 1") .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(2i32, value); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_abort_copy_in() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute( r#" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE users (id INTEGER NOT NULL); "#, ) .await?; let copy = conn .copy_in_raw( r#" COPY users (id) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER); "#, ) .await?; copy.abort("this is only a test").await?; // conn is safe for reuse let value = sqlx::query("select 1 + 1") .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(2i32, value); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_copy_out() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; { let mut copy = conn .copy_out_raw( " COPY (SELECT generate_series(1, 2) AS id) TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER); ", ) .await?; assert_eq!(, "id\n"); assert_eq!(, "1\n"); assert_eq!(, "2\n"); if { anyhow::bail!("Unexpected data from COPY"); } } // conn is safe for reuse let value = sqlx::query("select 1 + 1") .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(2i32, value); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_encodes_custom_array_issue_1504() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use sqlx::encode::IsNull; use sqlx::postgres::{PgArgumentBuffer, PgTypeInfo}; use sqlx::{Decode, Encode, Type, ValueRef}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum Value { String(String), Number(i32), Array(Vec), } impl<'r> Decode<'r, Postgres> for Value { fn decode( value: sqlx::postgres::PgValueRef<'r>, ) -> std::result::Result> { let typ = value.type_info().into_owned(); if typ == PgTypeInfo::with_name("text") { let s = >::decode(value)?; Ok(Self::String(s)) } else if typ == PgTypeInfo::with_name("int4") { let n = >::decode(value)?; Ok(Self::Number(n)) } else if typ == PgTypeInfo::with_name("_text") { let arr = Vec::::decode(value)?; let v = arr.into_iter().map(|s| Value::String(s)).collect(); Ok(Self::Array(v)) } else if typ == PgTypeInfo::with_name("_int4") { let arr = Vec::::decode(value)?; let v = arr.into_iter().map(|n| Value::Number(n)).collect(); Ok(Self::Array(v)) } else { Err("unknown type".into()) } } } impl Encode<'_, Postgres> for Value { fn produces(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::Array(a) => { if a.len() < 1 { return Some(PgTypeInfo::with_name("_text")); } match a[0] { Self::String(_) => Some(PgTypeInfo::with_name("_text")), Self::Number(_) => Some(PgTypeInfo::with_name("_int4")), Self::Array(_) => None, } } Self::String(_) => Some(PgTypeInfo::with_name("text")), Self::Number(_) => Some(PgTypeInfo::with_name("int4")), } } fn encode_by_ref(&self, buf: &mut PgArgumentBuffer) -> Result { match self { Value::String(s) => >::encode_by_ref(s, buf), Value::Number(n) => >::encode_by_ref(n, buf), Value::Array(arr) => arr.encode(buf), } } } impl Type for Value { fn type_info() -> PgTypeInfo { PgTypeInfo::with_name("unknown") } fn compatible(ty: &PgTypeInfo) -> bool { [ PgTypeInfo::with_name("text"), PgTypeInfo::with_name("_text"), PgTypeInfo::with_name("int4"), PgTypeInfo::with_name("_int4"), ] .contains(ty) } } let mut conn = new::().await?; let (row,): (Value,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT $1::text[] as Dummy") .bind(Value::Array(vec![ Value::String("Test 0".to_string()), Value::String("Test 1".to_string()), ])) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!( row, Value::Array(vec![ Value::String("Test 0".to_string()), Value::String("Test 1".to_string()), ]) ); let (row,): (Value,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT $1::int4[] as Dummy") .bind(Value::Array(vec![ Value::Number(3), Value::Number(2), Value::Number(1), ])) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!( row, Value::Array(vec![Value::Number(3), Value::Number(2), Value::Number(1)]) ); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_issue_1254() -> anyhow::Result<()> { #[derive(sqlx::Type)] #[sqlx(type_name = "pair")] struct Pair { one: i32, two: i32, } // array for custom type is not supported, use wrapper #[derive(sqlx::Type)] #[sqlx(type_name = "_pair")] struct Pairs(Vec); let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute( " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS issue_1254; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS pair; CREATE TYPE pair AS (one INT4, two INT4); CREATE TABLE issue_1254 (id INT4 PRIMARY KEY, pairs PAIR[]); ", ) .await?; let result = sqlx::query("INSERT INTO issue_1254 VALUES($1, $2)") .bind(0) .bind(Pairs(vec![Pair { one: 94, two: 87 }])) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(result.rows_affected(), 1); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_advisory_locks() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let pool = PgPoolOptions::new() .max_connections(2) .connect(&dotenvy::var("DATABASE_URL")?) .await?; let lock1 = Arc::new(PgAdvisoryLock::new("sqlx-postgres-tests-1")); let lock2 = Arc::new(PgAdvisoryLock::new("sqlx-postgres-tests-2")); let conn1 = pool.acquire().await?; let mut conn1_lock1 = lock1.acquire(conn1).await?; // try acquiring a recursive lock through a mutable reference then dropping drop(lock1.acquire(&mut conn1_lock1).await?); let conn2 = pool.acquire().await?; // leak so we can take it across the task boundary let conn2_lock2 = lock2.acquire(conn2).await?.leak(); sqlx_core::rt::spawn({ let lock1 = lock1.clone(); let lock2 = lock2.clone(); async move { let conn2_lock2 = lock1.try_acquire(conn2_lock2).await?.right_or_else(|_| { panic!( "acquired lock but wasn't supposed to! Key: {:?}", lock1.key() ) }); let (conn2, released) = lock2.force_release(conn2_lock2).await?; assert!(released); // acquire both locks but let the pool release them let conn2_lock1 = lock1.acquire(conn2).await?; let _conn2_lock1and2 = lock2.acquire(conn2_lock1).await?; anyhow::Ok(()) } }); // acquire lock2 on conn1, we leak the lock1 guard so we can manually release it before lock2 let conn1_lock1and2 = lock2.acquire(conn1_lock1.leak()).await?; // release lock1 while holding lock2 let (conn1_lock2, released) = lock1.force_release(conn1_lock1and2).await?; assert!(released); let conn1 = conn1_lock2.release_now().await?; // acquire both locks to be sure they were released { let conn1_lock1 = lock1.acquire(conn1).await?; let _conn1_lock1and2 = lock2.acquire(conn1_lock1).await?; } pool.close().await; Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_postgres_bytea_hex_deserialization_errors() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; conn.execute("SET bytea_output = 'escape';").await?; for value in ["", "DEADBEEF"] { let query = format!("SELECT '\\x{value}'::bytea"); let res: sqlx::Result> = conn.fetch_one(query.as_str()).await?.try_get(0usize); // Deserialization only supports hex format so this should error and definitely not panic. res.unwrap_err(); } Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_shrink_buffers() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // We don't really have a good way to test that `.shrink_buffers()` functions as expected // without exposing a lot of internals, but we can at least be sure it doesn't // materially affect the operation of the connection. let mut conn = new::().await?; // The connection buffer is only 8 KiB by default so this should definitely force it to grow. let data = vec![0u8; 32 * 1024]; let ret: Vec = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT $1::bytea") .bind(&data) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(ret, data); conn.shrink_buffers(); let ret: i64 = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT $1::int8") .bind(&12345678i64) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(ret, 12345678i64); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn test_error_handling_with_deferred_constraints() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = new::().await?; sqlx::query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS deferred_constraint ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY )") .execute(&mut conn) .await?; sqlx::query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS deferred_constraint_fk ( fk INTEGER CONSTRAINT deferred_fk REFERENCES deferred_constraint(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED )") .execute(&mut conn) .await?; let result: sqlx::Result = sqlx::query_scalar("INSERT INTO deferred_constraint_fk VALUES (1) RETURNING fk") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await; let err = result.unwrap_err(); let db_err = err.as_database_error().unwrap(); assert_eq!(db_err.constraint(), Some("deferred_fk")); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] #[cfg(feature = "bigdecimal")] async fn test_issue_3052() { use sqlx::types::BigDecimal; // // Previously, attempting to bind a `BigDecimal` would panic if the value was out of range. // Now, we rewrite it to a sentinel value so that Postgres will return a range error. let too_small: BigDecimal = "1E-65536".parse().unwrap(); let too_large: BigDecimal = "1E262144".parse().unwrap(); let mut conn = new::().await.unwrap(); let too_small_error = sqlx::query_scalar::<_, BigDecimal>("SELECT $1::numeric") .bind(&too_small) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await .expect_err("Too small number should have failed"); assert!( matches!(&too_small_error, sqlx::Error::Encode(_)), "expected encode error, got {too_small_error:?}" ); let too_large_error = sqlx::query_scalar::<_, BigDecimal>("SELECT $1::numeric") .bind(&too_large) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await .expect_err("Too large number should have failed"); assert!( matches!(&too_large_error, sqlx::Error::Encode(_)), "expected encode error, got {too_large_error:?}", ); }