members = [
    #    "sqlx-bench",

version = "0.8.3"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
edition = "2021"
repository = "https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx"
keywords = ["database", "async", "postgres", "mysql", "sqlite"]
categories = ["database", "asynchronous"]
authors = [
    "Ryan Leckey <leckey.ryan@gmail.com>",
    "Austin Bonander <austin.bonander@gmail.com>",
    "Chloe Ross <orangesnowfox@gmail.com>",
    "Daniel Akhterov <akhterovd@gmail.com>",
# TODO: enable this for 0.9.0
# rust-version = "1.80.0"

name = "sqlx"
readme = "README.md"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/sqlx"
description = "🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite."
version.workspace = true
license.workspace = true
edition.workspace = true
authors.workspace = true
repository.workspace = true

features = ["all-databases", "_unstable-all-types"]
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]

default = ["any", "macros", "migrate", "json"]

derive = ["sqlx-macros/derive"]
macros = ["derive", "sqlx-macros/macros"]
migrate = ["sqlx-core/migrate", "sqlx-macros?/migrate", "sqlx-mysql?/migrate", "sqlx-postgres?/migrate", "sqlx-sqlite?/migrate"]

# intended mainly for CI and docs
all-databases = ["mysql", "sqlite", "postgres", "any"]
_unstable-all-types = [

# Base runtime features without TLS
runtime-async-std = ["_rt-async-std", "sqlx-core/_rt-async-std", "sqlx-macros?/_rt-async-std"]
runtime-tokio = ["_rt-tokio", "sqlx-core/_rt-tokio", "sqlx-macros?/_rt-tokio"]

# TLS features
tls-native-tls = ["sqlx-core/_tls-native-tls", "sqlx-macros?/_tls-native-tls"]
tls-rustls = ["tls-rustls-ring"] # For backwards compatibility
tls-rustls-aws-lc-rs = ["sqlx-core/_tls-rustls-aws-lc-rs", "sqlx-macros?/_tls-rustls-aws-lc-rs"]
tls-rustls-ring = ["tls-rustls-ring-webpki"] # For backwards compatibility
tls-rustls-ring-webpki = ["sqlx-core/_tls-rustls-ring-webpki", "sqlx-macros?/_tls-rustls-ring-webpki"]
tls-rustls-ring-native-roots = ["sqlx-core/_tls-rustls-ring-native-roots", "sqlx-macros?/_tls-rustls-ring-native-roots"]

# No-op feature used by the workflows to compile without TLS enabled. Not meant for general use.
tls-none = []

# Legacy Runtime + TLS features

runtime-async-std-native-tls = ["runtime-async-std", "tls-native-tls"]
runtime-async-std-rustls = ["runtime-async-std", "tls-rustls-ring"]

runtime-tokio-native-tls = ["runtime-tokio", "tls-native-tls"]
runtime-tokio-rustls = ["runtime-tokio", "tls-rustls-ring"]

# for conditional compilation
_rt-async-std = []
_rt-tokio = []
_sqlite = []

# database
any = ["sqlx-core/any", "sqlx-mysql?/any", "sqlx-postgres?/any", "sqlx-sqlite?/any"]
postgres = ["sqlx-postgres", "sqlx-macros?/postgres"]
mysql = ["sqlx-mysql", "sqlx-macros?/mysql"]
sqlite = ["_sqlite", "sqlx-sqlite/bundled", "sqlx-macros?/sqlite"]
sqlite-unbundled = ["_sqlite", "sqlx-sqlite/unbundled", "sqlx-macros?/sqlite-unbundled"]

# types
json = ["sqlx-macros?/json", "sqlx-mysql?/json", "sqlx-postgres?/json", "sqlx-sqlite?/json"]

bigdecimal = ["sqlx-core/bigdecimal", "sqlx-macros?/bigdecimal", "sqlx-mysql?/bigdecimal", "sqlx-postgres?/bigdecimal"]
bit-vec = ["sqlx-core/bit-vec", "sqlx-macros?/bit-vec", "sqlx-postgres?/bit-vec"]
chrono = ["sqlx-core/chrono", "sqlx-macros?/chrono", "sqlx-mysql?/chrono", "sqlx-postgres?/chrono", "sqlx-sqlite?/chrono"]
ipnetwork = ["sqlx-core/ipnetwork", "sqlx-macros?/ipnetwork", "sqlx-postgres?/ipnetwork"]
mac_address = ["sqlx-core/mac_address", "sqlx-macros?/mac_address", "sqlx-postgres?/mac_address"]
rust_decimal = ["sqlx-core/rust_decimal", "sqlx-macros?/rust_decimal", "sqlx-mysql?/rust_decimal", "sqlx-postgres?/rust_decimal"]
time = ["sqlx-core/time", "sqlx-macros?/time", "sqlx-mysql?/time", "sqlx-postgres?/time", "sqlx-sqlite?/time"]
uuid = ["sqlx-core/uuid", "sqlx-macros?/uuid", "sqlx-mysql?/uuid", "sqlx-postgres?/uuid", "sqlx-sqlite?/uuid"]
regexp = ["sqlx-sqlite?/regexp"]

# Core Crates
sqlx-core = { version = "=0.8.3", path = "sqlx-core" }
sqlx-macros-core = { version = "=0.8.3", path = "sqlx-macros-core" }
sqlx-macros = { version = "=0.8.3", path = "sqlx-macros" }

# Driver crates
sqlx-mysql = { version = "=0.8.3", path = "sqlx-mysql" }
sqlx-postgres = { version = "=0.8.3", path = "sqlx-postgres" }
sqlx-sqlite = { version = "=0.8.3", path = "sqlx-sqlite" }

# Facade crate (for reference from sqlx-cli)
sqlx = { version = "=0.8.3", path = ".", default-features = false }

# Common type integrations shared by multiple driver crates.
# These are optional unless enabled in a workspace crate.
bigdecimal = "0.4.0"
bit-vec = "0.6.3"
chrono = { version = "0.4.34", default-features = false, features = ["std", "clock"] }
ipnetwork = "0.20.0"
mac_address = "1.1.5"
rust_decimal = { version = "1.26.1", default-features = false, features = ["std"] }
time = { version = "0.3.36", features = ["formatting", "parsing", "macros"] }
uuid = "1.1.2"

# Common utility crates
dotenvy = { version = "0.15.0", default-features = false }

# Runtimes
version = "1.12"

version = "1"
features = ["time", "net", "sync", "fs", "io-util", "rt"]
default-features = false

sqlx-core = { workspace = true, features = ["offline", "migrate"] }
sqlx-macros = { workspace = true, optional = true }

sqlx-mysql = { workspace = true, optional = true }
sqlx-postgres = { workspace = true, optional = true }
sqlx-sqlite = { workspace = true, optional = true }

anyhow = "1.0.52"
time_ = { version = "0.3.2", package = "time" }
futures = "0.3.19"
env_logger = "0.11"
async-std = { workspace = true, features = ["attributes"] }
tokio = { version = "1.15.0", features = ["full"] }
dotenvy = "0.15.0"
trybuild = "1.0.53"
sqlx-test = { path = "./sqlx-test" }
paste = "1.0.6"
serde = { version = "1.0.132", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.73"
url = "2.2.2"
rand = "0.8.4"
rand_xoshiro = "0.6.0"
hex = "0.4.3"
tempfile = "3.10.1"
criterion = { version = "0.5.1", features = ["async_tokio"] }

# If this is an unconditional dev-dependency then Cargo will *always* try to build `libsqlite3-sys`,
# even when SQLite isn't the intended test target, and fail if the build environment is not set up for compiling C code.
# Enable testing with SQLCipher if specifically requested.
libsqlite3-sys = { version = "0.30.1", features = ["bundled-sqlcipher"] }

# Common lint settings for the workspace
# https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx/issues/3440
cast_possible_truncation = 'deny'
cast_possible_wrap = 'deny'
cast_sign_loss = 'deny'
# See `clippy.toml`
disallowed_methods = 'deny'

# Any

name = "any"
path = "tests/any/any.rs"
required-features = ["any"]

name = "any-pool"
path = "tests/any/pool.rs"
required-features = ["any"]

# Migrations

name = "migrate-macro"
path = "tests/migrate/macro.rs"
required-features = ["macros", "migrate"]

# SQLite

name = "sqlite"
path = "tests/sqlite/sqlite.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite"]

name = "sqlite-any"
path = "tests/sqlite/any.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite"]

name = "sqlite-types"
path = "tests/sqlite/types.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite"]

name = "sqlite-describe"
path = "tests/sqlite/describe.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite"]

name = "sqlite-macros"
path = "tests/sqlite/macros.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite", "macros"]

name = "sqlite-unbundled-macros"
path = "tests/sqlite/macros.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite-unbundled", "macros"]

name = "sqlite-derives"
path = "tests/sqlite/derives.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite", "macros"]

name = "sqlite-error"
path = "tests/sqlite/error.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite"]

name = "sqlite-sqlcipher"
path = "tests/sqlite/sqlcipher.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite"]

name = "sqlite-test-attr"
path = "tests/sqlite/test-attr.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite", "macros", "migrate"]

name = "sqlite-migrate"
path = "tests/sqlite/migrate.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite", "macros", "migrate"]

name = "sqlite-rustsec"
path = "tests/sqlite/rustsec.rs"
required-features = ["sqlite"]

name = "sqlite-describe"
path = "benches/sqlite/describe.rs"
harness = false
required-features = ["sqlite"]


name = "mysql"
path = "tests/mysql/mysql.rs"
required-features = ["mysql"]

name = "mysql-types"
path = "tests/mysql/types.rs"
required-features = ["mysql"]

name = "mysql-describe"
path = "tests/mysql/describe.rs"
required-features = ["mysql"]

name = "mysql-derives"
path = "tests/mysql/derives.rs"
required-features = ["mysql", "derive"]

name = "mysql-macros"
path = "tests/mysql/macros.rs"
required-features = ["mysql", "macros"]

name = "mysql-error"
path = "tests/mysql/error.rs"
required-features = ["mysql"]

name = "mysql-test-attr"
path = "tests/mysql/test-attr.rs"
required-features = ["mysql", "macros", "migrate"]

name = "mysql-migrate"
path = "tests/mysql/migrate.rs"
required-features = ["mysql", "macros", "migrate"]

name = "mysql-rustsec"
path = "tests/mysql/rustsec.rs"
required-features = ["mysql"]

# PostgreSQL

name = "postgres"
path = "tests/postgres/postgres.rs"
required-features = ["postgres"]

name = "postgres-types"
path = "tests/postgres/types.rs"
required-features = ["postgres"]

name = "postgres-describe"
path = "tests/postgres/describe.rs"
required-features = ["postgres"]

name = "postgres-macros"
path = "tests/postgres/macros.rs"
required-features = ["postgres", "macros"]

name = "postgres-derives"
path = "tests/postgres/derives.rs"
required-features = ["postgres", "macros"]

name = "postgres-error"
path = "tests/postgres/error.rs"
required-features = ["postgres"]

name = "postgres-test-attr"
path = "tests/postgres/test-attr.rs"
required-features = ["postgres", "macros", "migrate"]

name = "postgres-migrate"
path = "tests/postgres/migrate.rs"
required-features = ["postgres", "macros", "migrate"]

name = "postgres-query-builder"
path = "tests/postgres/query_builder.rs"
required-features = ["postgres"]

name = "postgres-rustsec"
path = "tests/postgres/rustsec.rs"
required-features = ["postgres", "macros", "migrate"]