// The no-arg variant is covered by other tests already. use sqlx::PgPool; const MIGRATOR: sqlx::migrate::Migrator = sqlx::migrate!("tests/postgres/migrations"); #[sqlx::test] async fn it_gets_a_pool(pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let mut conn = pool.acquire().await?; let db_name: String = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT current_database()") .fetch_one(&mut *conn) .await?; assert!(db_name.starts_with("_sqlx_test"), "dbname: {db_name:?}"); Ok(()) } // This should apply migrations and then `fixtures/users.sql` #[sqlx::test(migrations = "tests/postgres/migrations", fixtures("users"))] async fn it_gets_users(pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let usernames: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar(r#"SELECT username FROM "user" ORDER BY username"#) .fetch_all(&pool) .await?; assert_eq!(usernames, ["alice", "bob"]); let post_exists: bool = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM post)") .fetch_one(&pool) .await?; assert!(!post_exists); let comment_exists: bool = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM comment)") .fetch_one(&pool) .await?; assert!(!comment_exists); Ok(()) } // This should apply migrations and then fixtures `fixtures/users.sql` and `fixtures/posts.sql` #[sqlx::test(migrations = "tests/postgres/migrations", fixtures("users", "posts"))] async fn it_gets_posts(pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let post_contents: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT content FROM post ORDER BY created_at") .fetch_all(&pool) .await?; assert_eq!( post_contents, [ "This new computer is lightning-fast!", "@alice is a haxxor :(" ] ); let comment_exists: bool = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM comment)") .fetch_one(&pool) .await?; assert!(!comment_exists); Ok(()) } // This should apply migrations and then `../fixtures/postgres/users.sql` and `../fixtures/postgres/posts.sql` #[sqlx::test( migrations = "tests/postgres/migrations", fixtures("../fixtures/postgres/users.sql", "../fixtures/postgres/posts.sql") )] async fn it_gets_posts_explicit_fixtures_path(pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let post_contents: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT content FROM post ORDER BY created_at") .fetch_all(&pool) .await?; assert_eq!( post_contents, [ "This new computer is lightning-fast!", "@alice is a haxxor :(" ] ); let comment_exists: bool = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM comment)") .fetch_one(&pool) .await?; assert!(!comment_exists); Ok(()) } // This should apply migrations and then `../fixtures/postgres/users.sql` and `fixtures/posts.sql` #[sqlx::test( migrations = "tests/postgres/migrations", fixtures("../fixtures/postgres/users.sql"), fixtures("posts") )] async fn it_gets_posts_mixed_fixtures_path(pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let post_contents: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT content FROM post ORDER BY created_at") .fetch_all(&pool) .await?; assert_eq!( post_contents, [ "This new computer is lightning-fast!", "@alice is a haxxor :(" ] ); let comment_exists: bool = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM comment)") .fetch_one(&pool) .await?; assert!(!comment_exists); Ok(()) } // This should apply migrations and then `../fixtures/postgres/users.sql` and `../fixtures/postgres/posts.sql` #[sqlx::test( migrations = "tests/postgres/migrations", fixtures("../fixtures/postgres/users.sql", "../fixtures/postgres/posts.sql") )] async fn it_gets_posts_custom_relative_fixtures_path(pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let post_contents: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT content FROM post ORDER BY created_at") .fetch_all(&pool) .await?; assert_eq!( post_contents, [ "This new computer is lightning-fast!", "@alice is a haxxor :(" ] ); let comment_exists: bool = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT exists(SELECT 1 FROM comment)") .fetch_one(&pool) .await?; assert!(!comment_exists); Ok(()) } // Try `migrator` #[sqlx::test(migrator = "MIGRATOR", fixtures("users", "posts", "comments"))] async fn it_gets_comments(pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let post_1_comments: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar( "SELECT content FROM comment WHERE post_id = $1::uuid ORDER BY created_at", ) .bind(&"252c1d98-a9b0-4f18-8298-e59058bdfe16") .fetch_all(&pool) .await?; assert_eq!( post_1_comments, ["lol bet ur still bad, 1v1 me", "you're on!"] ); let post_2_comments: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar( "SELECT content FROM comment WHERE post_id = $1::uuid ORDER BY created_at", ) .bind(&"844265f7-2472-4689-9a2e-b21f40dbf401") .fetch_all(&pool) .await?; assert_eq!(post_2_comments, ["lol you're just mad you lost :P"]); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test( migrations = "tests/postgres/migrations", fixtures(path = "../fixtures/postgres", scripts("users", "posts")) )] async fn this_should_compile(_pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { Ok(()) } macro_rules! macro_using_test { ($migrations: literal) => { #[sqlx::test( migrations = $migrations, fixtures(path = "../fixtures/postgres", scripts("users", "posts")) )] async fn macro_using_macro(_pool: PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { Ok(()) } }; } macro_using_test!("tests/postgres/migrations");