use sqlx::{Connection, Error, SqliteConnection}; // // // Similar theory to the Postgres exploit in `tests/postgres/` but much simpler // since we just want to overflow the query length itself. #[sqlx::test] async fn rustsec_2024_0363() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let overflow_len = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 4 GiB // `real_query_prefix` plus `fake_message` will be the first query that SQLite "sees" // // Rather contrived because this already represents a regular SQL injection, // but this is the easiest way to demonstrate the exploit for SQLite. let real_query_prefix = "INSERT INTO injection_target(message) VALUES ('"; let fake_message = "fake_msg') RETURNING id;"; let real_query_suffix = "') RETURNING id"; // Our actual payload is another query let real_payload = "\nUPDATE injection_target SET message = 'you''ve been pwned!' WHERE id = 1;\n--"; // This will parse the query up to `real_payload`. let fake_payload_len = real_query_prefix.len() + fake_message.len(); // Pretty easy to see that this will overflow to `fake_payload_len` let target_len = overflow_len + fake_payload_len; let inject_len = target_len - real_query_prefix.len() - real_query_suffix.len(); let pad_len = inject_len - fake_message.len() - real_payload.len(); let mut injected_value = String::with_capacity(inject_len); injected_value.push_str(fake_message); injected_value.push_str(real_payload); let padding = " ".repeat(pad_len); injected_value.push_str(&padding); let query = format!("{real_query_prefix}{injected_value}{real_query_suffix}"); assert_eq!(query.len(), target_len); let mut conn = SqliteConnection::connect("sqlite://:memory:").await?; sqlx::raw_sql( "CREATE TABLE injection_target(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, message TEXT);\n\ INSERT INTO injection_target(message) VALUES ('existing message');", ) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; let res = sqlx::raw_sql(&query).execute(&mut conn).await; if let Err(e) = res { // Connection rejected the query; we're happy. if matches!(e, Error::Protocol(_)) { return Ok(()); } panic!("unexpected error: {e:?}"); } let messages: Vec<String> = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT message FROM injection_target ORDER BY id") .fetch_all(&mut conn) .await?; // If the injection succeeds, `messages` will look like: // ["you've been pwned!'.to_string(), "fake_msg".to_string()] assert_eq!( messages, ["existing message".to_string(), "fake_msg".to_string()] ); // Injection didn't affect our database; we're happy. Ok(()) }