#[cfg(test)] mod js_postgres_failure_path_tests { use assert_cmd::prelude::*; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::process::Command; use tempfile::tempdir; macro_rules! failure_with_all_cli_args { ($($name:ident: $value:expr,)*) => { $( // MACRO STARTS #[test] fn $name() -> Result<(), Box> { let ts_type = $value; // SETUP let dir = tempdir()?; let parent_path = dir.path(); let file_path = parent_path.join(format!("index.{ts_type}")); let index_content = r#" import { sql } from "sqlx-ts"; // Querying from an unknown table const someQuery = sql`SELECT * FROM indexjs_unknown`; // Inserting more values than expected const insertQuery = sql` INSERT INTO items (food_type, time_takes_to_cook, table_id, points) VALUES ('steak', 1, 1, 1, 1); `; /////////////////// // If statements // /////////////////// if (true) { const query3 = sql`SELECT * FROM if_statement1;`; } function testIfStatement() { if (true) { const query3 = sql`SELECT * FROM if_statement2;`; } } ////////////////////// // Switch Statement // ////////////////////// switch (true) { case true: const query4 = sql`SELECT * FROM switch_statements1`; break; default: const query5 = sql`SELECT * FROM switch_statements2`; } /////////////// // For loops // /////////////// for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const query3 = sql`SELECT * FROM for_loops1`; } const list = [1, 2, 3]; for (let n in list) { const query3 = sql`SELECT * FROM for_loops2`; } for (let n of list) { const query3 = sql`SELECT * FROM for_loops3`; } /////////////// // Try/Catch // /////////////// try { const query3 = sql`SELECT * FROM try1`; } catch { const query3 = sql`SELECT * FROM catch1`; throw sql`SELECT * FROM throw1`; } ///////////////////// // While Statement // ///////////////////// let i = 0; while (i < 5) { const query = sql`SELECT * FROM while1`; i++; } i = 0; do { const query = sql`SELECT * FROM do_while1`; i++; } while (i < 5); "#; let mut temp_file = fs::File::create(&file_path)?; writeln!(temp_file, "{}", index_content)?; // EXECUTE let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sqlx-ts").unwrap(); cmd.arg(parent_path.to_str().unwrap()) .arg(format!("--ext={ts_type}")) .arg("--db-type=postgres") .arg("--db-host=") .arg("--db-port=54321") .arg("--db-user=postgres") .arg("--db-pass=postgres") .arg("--db-name=postgres"); // ASSERT cmd.assert() .failure() .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"indexjs_unknown\" does not exist")) .stderr(predicates::str::contains( "INSERT has more expressions than target columns", )) // src/index.ts -> if statements .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"if_statement1\" does not exist")) .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"if_statement2\" does not exist")) // src/index.ts -> switch statements .stderr(predicates::str::contains( "relation \"switch_statements1\" does not exist", )) .stderr(predicates::str::contains( "relation \"switch_statements2\" does not exist", )) // src/index.ts -> for loop statements .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"for_loops1\" does not exist")) .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"for_loops2\" does not exist")) .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"for_loops3\" does not exist")) // src/index.ts -> try catch statements .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"try1\" does not exist")) .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"catch1\" does not exist")) .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"throw1\" does not exist")) // src/index.ts -> while statement .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"while1\" does not exist")) // src/index.ts -> do while statement .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"do_while1\" does not exist")) .stderr(predicates::str::contains("SQLs failed to compile!")); Ok(()) } // MACRO ENDS )*};} failure_with_all_cli_args! { js_failure_with_all_cli_args: "js", ts_failure_with_all_cli_args: "ts", } macro_rules! fails_to_find_an_unknown_table_using_aliased_import { ($($name:ident: $value:expr,)*) => { $( // MACRO STARTS #[test] fn $name() -> Result<(), Box> { let ts_type = $value; // SETUP let dir = tempdir()?; let parent_path = dir.path(); let file_path = parent_path.join(format!("index.{ts_type}")); let index_content = r#" import { sql as aliased } from "sqlx-ts"; ///////////////// // expressions // ///////////////// const query1 = aliased`SELECT * FROM aliased_unknown;`; /////////////// // functions // /////////////// function test() { const name = "sqlx-ts"; const query3 = aliased` SELECT * FROM aliased_unknown_function; `; // Following query should fail to compile as it gives more values than available fields return aliased` INSERT INTO items (food_type, time_takes_to_cook, table_id, points) VALUES ('steak', 1, 1, 20, 1); `; } "#; let mut temp_file = fs::File::create(&file_path)?; writeln!(temp_file, "{}", index_content)?; // EXECUTE let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sqlx-ts").unwrap(); cmd.arg(parent_path.to_str().unwrap()) .arg(format!("--ext={ts_type}")) .arg("--db-type=postgres") .arg("--db-host=") .arg("--db-port=54321") .arg("--db-user=postgres") .arg("--db-pass=postgres") .arg("-g"); // ASSERT cmd.assert() .failure() // src/import-alias.ts .stderr(predicates::str::contains("relation \"aliased_unknown\" does not exist")); Ok(()) } // MACRO ENDS )*};} fails_to_find_an_unknown_table_using_aliased_import! { js_fails_to_find_an_unknown_table_using_aliased_import: "js", ts_fails_to_find_an_unknown_table_using_aliased_import: "ts", } }