use std::str::FromStr; use sqlx::sqlite::SqliteQueryResult; use sqlx::{query, Connection, SqliteConnection}; use sqlx::{sqlite::SqliteConnectOptions, ConnectOptions}; use sqlx_rt::fs::File; use tempdir::TempDir; async fn new_db_url() -> anyhow::Result<(String, TempDir)> { let dir = TempDir::new("sqlcipher_test")?; let filepath = dir.path().join("database.sqlite3"); // Touch the file, so DB driver will not complain it does not exist File::create(filepath.as_path()).await?; Ok((format!("sqlite://{}", filepath.display()), dir)) } async fn fill_db(conn: &mut SqliteConnection) -> anyhow::Result { conn.transaction(|tx| { Box::pin(async move { query( " CREATE TABLE Company( Id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Name TEXT NOT NULL, Salary REAL ); ", ) .execute(&mut *tx) .await?; query( r#" INSERT INTO Company(Id, Name, Salary) VALUES (1, "aaa", 111), (2, "bbb", 222) "#, ) .execute(tx) .await }) }) .await .map_err(|e| e.into()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_encrypts() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (url, _dir) = new_db_url().await?; let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("key", "the_password") .connect() .await?; fill_db(&mut conn).await?; // Create another connection without key, query should fail let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)?.connect().await?; assert!(conn .transaction(|tx| { Box::pin(async move { query("SELECT * FROM Company;").fetch_all(tx).await }) }) .await .is_err()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_can_store_and_read_encrypted_data() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (url, _dir) = new_db_url().await?; let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("key", "the_password") .connect() .await?; fill_db(&mut conn).await?; // Create another connection with valid key let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("key", "the_password") .connect() .await?; let result = conn .transaction(|tx| { Box::pin(async move { query("SELECT * FROM Company;").fetch_all(tx).await }) }) .await?; assert!(result.len() > 0); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_fails_if_password_is_incorrect() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (url, _dir) = new_db_url().await?; let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("key", "the_password") .connect() .await?; fill_db(&mut conn).await?; // Connection with invalid key should not allow to execute queries let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("key", "BADBADBAD") .connect() .await?; assert!(conn .transaction(|tx| { Box::pin(async move { query("SELECT * FROM Company;").fetch_all(tx).await }) }) .await .is_err()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_honors_order_of_encryption_pragmas() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (url, _dir) = new_db_url().await?; // Make call of cipher configuration mixed with other pragmas, // it should have no effect, encryption related pragmas should be // executed first and allow to establish valid connection let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("cipher_kdf_algorithm", "PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1") .journal_mode(sqlx::sqlite::SqliteJournalMode::Wal) .pragma("cipher_page_size", "1024") .pragma("key", "the_password") .foreign_keys(true) .pragma("kdf_iter", "64000") .auto_vacuum(sqlx::sqlite::SqliteAutoVacuum::Incremental) .pragma("cipher_hmac_algorithm", "HMAC_SHA1") .connect() .await?; fill_db(&mut conn).await?; let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("dummy", "pragma") // The cipher configuration set on first connection is // version 3 of SQLCipher, so for second it's enough to set // the compatibility mode. .pragma("cipher_compatibility", "3") .pragma("key", "the_password") .connect() .await?; let result = conn .transaction(|tx| { Box::pin(async move { query("SELECT * FROM COMPANY;").fetch_all(tx).await }) }) .await?; assert!(result.len() > 0); Ok(()) } #[sqlx_macros::test] async fn it_allows_to_rekey_the_db() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (url, _dir) = new_db_url().await?; let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("key", "the_password") .connect() .await?; fill_db(&mut conn).await?; // The 'pragma rekey' can be called at any time query("PRAGMA rekey = new_password;") .execute(&mut conn) .await?; let mut conn = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(&url)? .pragma("dummy", "pragma") .pragma("key", "new_password") .connect() .await?; let result = conn .transaction(|tx| { Box::pin(async move { query("SELECT * FROM COMPANY;").fetch_all(tx).await }) }) .await?; assert!(result.len() > 0); Ok(()) }