use sqsh_rs::{Archive, Source}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom}; use std::ptr; struct ReadSource { file: File, // Mapping from the buffer to the size outstanding_maps: HashMap<*mut u8, usize>, } unsafe impl Source for ReadSource { // Be mean: only read one byte at a time const BLOCK_SIZE_HINT: usize = 1; fn size(&mut self) -> sqsh_rs::Result { Ok( as usize) } unsafe fn map(&mut self, offset: usize, size: usize) -> sqsh_rs::Result<*mut u8> { let offset = u64::try_from(offset)?; let mut buf = vec![0; size].into_boxed_slice(); self.file .seek(SeekFrom::Start(offset)) .map_err(|_| sqsh_rs::ffi::SqshError::SQSH_ERROR_MAPPER_MAP)?; self.file.read_exact(&mut buf).unwrap(); let ptr = Box::into_raw(buf).cast::(); assert!(self.outstanding_maps.insert(ptr, size).is_none()); Ok(ptr) } unsafe fn unmap(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, size: usize) -> sqsh_rs::Result<()> { assert_eq!(self.outstanding_maps.remove(&ptr), Some(size)); let ptr: *mut [u8] = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, size); drop(Box::from_raw(ptr)); Ok(()) } } impl Drop for ReadSource { fn drop(&mut self) { assert!(self.outstanding_maps.is_empty()); } } #[test] fn custom_source() { let archive = Archive::with_source(ReadSource { file: File::open("tests/data/test.sqsh").unwrap(), outstanding_maps: HashMap::new(), }) .unwrap(); let root = archive.root().unwrap(); let mut traversal = root.traversal().unwrap(); while let Some(entry) = traversal.advance().unwrap() { println!("{:?}", entry); } }