.. _embedding_calling_a_function: ================== Calling a function ================== To call a squirrel function it is necessary to push the function in the stack followed by the parameters and then call the function sq_call. The function will pop the parameters and push the return value if the last sq_call parameter is > 0. :: sq_pushroottable(v); sq_pushstring(v,"foo",-1); sq_get(v,-2); //get the function from the root table sq_pushroottable(v); //'this' (function environment object) sq_pushinteger(v,1); sq_pushfloat(v,2.0); sq_pushstring(v,"three",-1); sq_call(v,4,SQFalse); sq_pop(v,2); //pops the roottable and the function this is equivalent to the following Squirrel code:: foo(1,2.0,"three"); If a runtime error occurs (or a exception is thrown) during the squirrel code execution the sq_call will fail.