--- source: tests/cli.rs expression: "CommandSnap {\n args,\n stdin: stdin.map(|s|\n s.split_inclusive('\\n').map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect_vec()),\n stdout: stdout.split_inclusive('\\n').map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect_vec(),\n exit_code,\n}" info: stderr: "" --- args: - "--sorted" - "--go" - comments - "[fF]izz" stdin: ~ stdout: - "tests/langs/go/fizzbuzz.go\n" - "5:// fizzBuzz prints the numbers from 1 to a specified limit.\n" - "6:// For multiples of 3, it prints \"Fizz\" instead of the number,\n" - "8:// it prints \"FizzBuzz\".\n" - "25:\t// Run the FizzBuzz function for numbers from 1 to 100\n" - "\n" exit_code: 0