# srix4k This crate is a higher-level way to read/write to SRIX4K tags. The most interesting feature about this crate is the `Srix4kCached` struct. This struct caches memory accesses to the connected SRIX4K tag, speeding up read/write operations. To write data to the tag call the `.sync()` method on the `Srix4kCached` struct. ## Example ```rust use nfc1::{Result}; use srix4k::{Srix4kCached, mem}; fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut context = nfc1::Context::new()?; let mut device = context.open()?; device.set_property_bool(nfc1::Property::InfiniteSelect, true)?; let mut tag = Srix4kCached::connect_from(device)?; println!("uid: 0x{:X}", tag.uid_get()?); let block00 = tag.eeprom_get_mut(mem::EEPROM.start)?; println!("block 00: {:#010X}", block00); *block00 = 0xDEADBEEF; tag.sync()?; Ok(()) } ```