use std::env; use std::io::Read; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Stdio; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::net::UdpSocket; use tokio::process::{Child, Command}; use tokio::time::sleep; use tokio_util::codec::{BytesCodec, Decoder}; use tokio_util::udp::UdpFramed; use anyhow::Error; use futures::{stream, FutureExt, SinkExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut}; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] const STRANSMIT_NAME: &str = "srt-transmit.exe"; #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] const STRANSMIT_NAME: &str = "srt-transmit"; fn find_stransmit_rs() -> PathBuf { let mut stransmit_rs_path = env::current_exe().unwrap(); stransmit_rs_path.pop(); stransmit_rs_path.push(STRANSMIT_NAME); if !stransmit_rs_path.exists() { stransmit_rs_path.pop(); stransmit_rs_path.pop(); stransmit_rs_path.push(STRANSMIT_NAME); } assert!( stransmit_rs_path.exists(), "Could not find stransmit at {stransmit_rs_path:?}" ); stransmit_rs_path } struct ChunkDecoder { size: usize, } impl ChunkDecoder { pub fn new(size: usize) -> Self { ChunkDecoder { size } } } impl Decoder for ChunkDecoder { type Item = BytesMut; type Error = std::io::Error; fn decode(&mut self, buf: &mut BytesMut) -> Result, std::io::Error> { if buf.len() >= self.size { let out = buf.split_to(self.size); buf.reserve(self.size); Ok(Some(out)) } else { Ok(None) } } } async fn build_receiver_socket(udp_out: u16, ident: i32) -> Result, Error> { let len = format!("asdf{ident}").len(); Ok(UdpFramed::new( UdpSocket::bind(&SocketAddr::new("".parse()?, udp_out)).await?, ChunkDecoder::new(len), )) } async fn udp_receiver(udp_out: u16, ident: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut sock = build_receiver_socket(udp_out, ident).await?; udp_receiver_sock(&mut sock, ident).await } async fn udp_receiver_sock(sock: &mut UdpFramed, ident: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { let receive_data = async move { let mut i = 0; while let Some((pack, _)) = sock.try_next().await.unwrap() { assert_eq!(&pack, &format!("asdf{ident}")); // once we get 20, that's good enough for validity i += 1; if i > 20 { break; } } }; // 10s timeout let succ = futures::select!(_ = receive_data.boxed().fuse() => true, _ = sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).fuse() => false); assert!(succ, "Timeout with receiving"); Ok::<_, Error>(()) } async fn udp_sender(udp_in: u16, ident: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut sock = UdpFramed::new(UdpSocket::bind("").await?, BytesCodec::new()); let mut stream = tokio_stream::StreamExt::throttle(stream::iter(0..100), Duration::from_millis(100)) .map(|_| { Ok(( Bytes::from(format!("asdf{ident}")), SocketAddr::new("".parse().unwrap(), udp_in), )) }) .boxed(); sock.send_all(&mut stream).await.unwrap(); Ok::<_, Error>(()) } async fn wait_for(mut a: Child, mut b: Child, failure_str: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { futures::select! { r_a = a.wait().fuse() => { r_a.expect(failure_str); }, r_b = b.wait().fuse() => { r_b.expect(failure_str); }, _ = sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).fuse() => { a.kill().await.expect(failure_str); b.kill().await.expect(failure_str); } } Ok::<_, Error>(()) } async fn test_send( udp_in: u16, args_a: &'static [&str], args_b: &'static [&str], udp_out: u16, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let srs_path = find_stransmit_rs(); let a = Command::new(&srs_path).args(args_a).spawn()?; let b = Command::new(&srs_path).args(args_b).spawn()?; let ident: i32 = rand::random(); let sender = udp_sender(udp_in, ident); let recvr = udp_receiver(udp_out, ident); futures::try_join!(recvr, sender)?; let failure_str = format!( "Failed send test. Args:\n\t{}\n\t{}\n", args_a.join(" "), args_b.join(" ") ); wait_for(a, b, &failure_str).await } fn ui_test(flags: &[&str], expected: &str) { let expected = expected.trim().replace("\r\n", "\n"); let mut child = std::process::Command::new(find_stransmit_rs()) .args(flags) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); // wait for 10s for the process to exit for _ in 0..1000 { if let Some(status) = child.try_wait().unwrap() { assert!(!status.success(), "failure test succeeded, it should fail"); let mut captured = String::new(); child.stderr.unwrap().read_to_string(&mut captured).unwrap(); // windows puts stranmsit-rs.exe instead of stranmsit-rs, this isn't a real failure so just remove all .exe let captured = captured.trim().replace(".exe", "").replace("\r\n", "\n"); assert_eq!(captured, expected); return; } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); } panic!("Stransmit process that was supposed to fail with args\n\t{}\ndid not exit, it may have succeeded in setup.", flags.join(" ")); } mod stransmit_rs_snd_rcv { use super::test_send; use crate::{build_receiver_socket, find_stransmit_rs, udp_receiver_sock, udp_sender}; use anyhow::Error; use tokio::process::Command; #[tokio::test] async fn basic() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2900, &["udp://:2900", "srt://"], &["srt://:2901", "udp://"], 2902, ) .await } // Windows CI doesn't seem to like these tests, but it passes on non-ci machines. // The hope is if there's a regression, it'll show up in linux or macos. #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[tokio::test] async fn basic_tcp() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 3000, &["udp://:3000", "tcp://"], &["tcp://:3001", "udp://"], 3002, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn sender_as_listener() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2003, &["udp://:2003", "srt://:2004"], &["srt://", "udp://"], 2005, ) .await } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[tokio::test] async fn sender_as_listener_tcp() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 3003, &["udp://:3003", "tcp://:3004"], &["tcp://", "udp://"], 3005, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn sender_as_listener_srt_local_port() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2006, &["udp://:2006", "srt://:2007"], &[ "srt://", "udp://", ], 2009, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn rendezvous() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 3010, &[ "udp://:3010", "srt://", ], &[ "srt://", "udp://", ], 3013, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn stransmit_rs_rendezvous_udp_local_port() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2014, &[ "udp://:2014", "srt://", ], &[ "srt://", "udp://", ], 2018, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn latency() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2019, &["udp://:2019", "srt://:2020?latency_ms=500"], &[ "srt://", "udp://", ], 2021, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn udp_to_udp() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2022, &["udp://:2022", "udp://"], &["udp://:2023", "udp://"], 2024, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn multiplex() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2025, &["udp://:2025", "srt://:2026?multiplex"], &["srt://", "udp://"], 2027, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn encryption() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2028, &["udp://:2028", "srt://:2029?passphrase=passwordhello"], &[ "srt://", "udp://", ], 2030, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn encryption_pbkeylen() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2031, &[ "udp://:2031", "srt://:2032?passphrase=passwordhello&pbkeylen=32", ], &[ "srt://", "udp://", ], 2033, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn parse_hostname() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 2034, &["udp://:2034", "srt://:2035"], &["srt://localhost:2035", "udp://localhost:2036"], 2036, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn ipv6() -> Result<(), Error> { test_send( 3034, &["udp://:3034", "srt://:3035?interface=::1"], &["srt://[::1]:3035", "udp://localhost:3036"], 3036, ) .await } #[tokio::test] async fn reconnect() -> Result<(), Error> { let srs_path = find_stransmit_rs(); let mut a = Command::new(&srs_path) .args(["udp://:2037", "srt://"]) .spawn() .unwrap(); let b_args = &["srt://:2038", "udp://"]; let mut b = Command::new(&srs_path).args(b_args).spawn()?; let ident: i32 = rand::random(); let mut recv_sock = build_receiver_socket(2039, ident).await?; let sender = udp_sender(2037, ident); let recvr = udp_receiver_sock(&mut recv_sock, ident); futures::try_join!(recvr, sender).unwrap(); let failure_str = "Failed reconnect test"; // it worked, restart b, send again b.kill().await.expect(failure_str); b.wait().await.expect(failure_str); let mut b = Command::new(&srs_path).args(b_args).spawn().unwrap(); let sender = udp_sender(2037, ident); let recvr = udp_receiver_sock(&mut recv_sock, ident); futures::try_join!(recvr, sender).unwrap(); a.kill().await.expect(failure_str); b.kill().await.expect(failure_str); a.wait().await.expect(failure_str); b.wait().await.expect(failure_str); Ok(()) } } macro_rules! ui_tests { ($($n:ident),+) => { $( #[test] fn $n() { super::ui_test( &include!(concat!("ui/", stringify!($n), ".cmdline")), include_str!(concat!("ui/", stringify!($n), ".stderr")) ) } )+ }; } mod stransmit_rs_ui { ui_tests!( no_args, udp_send_as_first, udp_recv_as_second, rendezvous_no_host, local_port_udp_recv, local_port_srt_listen, multiplex_connect, multiplex_recv, multiplex_parameter, bad_pbkeylen, bad_pbkeylen_str, pbkeylen_no_pw ); }