# ssedit - Structured Data Stream Editor ssedit (***S***tructured Data ***S***tream ***Edit***or) is a stream editor for structured data formats that retains all original formatting and will retain original tabs/spaces/line ending formats. At the moment it only supports JSON but in the future it will be extended to support YAML amd INI. ## Usage At the moment ssedit only supports input from STDIN. Here is a simple example using JSON path to reference data in the sample.json file found in the root of this GitHub repo. ``` $ cat sample.json | ./target/debug/ssedit -q '$.batters.batter[1].type' Chocolate% $ ``` Here is a simple example using JSON path to reference array data in the sample.json file found in the root of this GitHub repo. There is currently a bug with traditional JSON path root array referencing so there's been a slight change to the syntax. ``` $ cat sample2.json | ./target/debug/ssedit -q '$.[0].id' 5001% $ ```