// Copyright © 2024 Shokunin Static Site Generator. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use comrak::ComrakOptions; use quick_xml::Writer; use regex::Regex; use ssg::utilities::{ backup::backup_file, directory::{ cleanup_directory, create_comrak_options, create_directory, directory, extract_front_matter, find_html_files, format_header_with_id_class, move_output_directory, to_title_case, update_class_attributes, }, element::write_element, minification::{ minify_html, minify_html_files, write_minified_html, }, }; use std::{ error::Error, fs::{self, File}, io::{self, Cursor, Read, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use tempfile::tempdir; #[test] fn test_directory_existing_directory() { let temp = tempdir().unwrap(); let temp_path = temp.path().to_owned(); let name = "existing_directory"; let result = directory(&temp_path, name); assert!( result.is_ok(), "Should not return an error for an existing directory" ); } #[test] fn test_directory_existing_file() { let temp = tempdir().unwrap(); let file_path = temp.path().join("file.txt"); fs::write(&file_path, "Some content").unwrap(); let name = "existing_file"; let result = directory(&file_path, name); assert!( result.is_err(), "Should return an error for an existing file" ); } #[test] fn test_directory_create_directory() { let temp = tempdir().unwrap(); let new_dir = temp.path().join("new_directory"); let name = "new_directory"; let result = directory(&new_dir, name); assert!( result.is_ok(), "Should not return an error for a newly created directory" ); assert!( new_dir.exists() && new_dir.is_dir(), "New directory should be created" ); } #[test] fn test_directory_create_nested_directory() { let temp = tempdir().unwrap(); let new_nested_dir = temp.path().join("nested").join("directory"); let name = "nested_directory"; let result = directory(&new_nested_dir, name); assert!( result.is_ok(), "Should not return an error for a newly created nested directory" ); assert!( new_nested_dir.exists() && new_nested_dir.is_dir(), "New nested directory should be created" ); } #[test] fn test_move_output_directory() -> io::Result<()> { // Setup: Create a dummy output directory and a dummy file inside it. let out_dir = Path::new("temp_out_dir"); let dummy_file = out_dir.join("dummy_file.txt"); fs::create_dir_all(out_dir)?; File::create(dummy_file)?; // Call the function to test. let site_name = "My Test Site"; move_output_directory(site_name, out_dir)?; // Check that the output directory has been moved to the expected location. let public_dir = Path::new("public"); let expected_new_dir = public_dir.join(site_name.replace(' ', "_")); assert!( expected_new_dir.exists(), "The directory was not moved to the expected location." ); // Check that the dummy file still exists at the new location. let expected_new_file = expected_new_dir.join("dummy_file.txt"); assert!(expected_new_file.exists(), "The contents of the directory were not preserved during the move."); // Cleanup: Remove the public directory that was created during the test. fs::remove_dir_all(public_dir)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_minify_html_files() -> io::Result<()> { // Setup: Create a dummy output directory and a dummy HTML file inside it. let out_dir = Path::new("tests/test_output"); let dummy_file = out_dir.join("dummy_file.html"); fs::create_dir_all(out_dir)?; let mut file = File::create(&dummy_file)?; file.write_all( b"\n\nHello, World!\n\n", )?; // Call the function to test. minify_html_files(out_dir)?; // Check that the HTML file still exists at the original location. assert!( dummy_file.exists(), "The original HTML file does not exist." ); // Check that the HTML file has been minified. // This assumes that your minify_html function simply removes newline characters. // Update this to match the actual behaviour of your minify_html function. let minified_contents = fs::read_to_string(&dummy_file)?; assert_eq!( minified_contents, "Hello, World!" ); // Cleanup: Remove the temp output directory that was created during the test. fs::remove_dir_all(out_dir)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_find_html_files() -> io::Result<()> { // Setup: Create a directory with a few .html files and a subdirectory // with a few more .html files. let dir = Path::new("temp_dir"); let sub_dir = dir.join("sub_dir"); fs::create_dir_all(&sub_dir)?; let file_paths = vec![ dir.join("file1.html"), dir.join("file2.html"), sub_dir.join("file3.html"), sub_dir.join("file4.html"), ]; for file_path in &file_paths { let mut file = File::create(file_path)?; file.write_all(b"")?; } // Call the function to test. let found_html_files = find_html_files(dir)?; // Check that the function found all of the .html files. let mut expected_html_files: Vec = file_paths; expected_html_files.sort_unstable(); let mut found_html_files_sorted = found_html_files; found_html_files_sorted.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!( found_html_files_sorted, expected_html_files, "The function did not find all of the expected .html files." ); // Cleanup: Remove the directory that was created during the test. fs::remove_dir_all(dir)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_minify_html() -> io::Result<()> { // Setup: Create a dummy HTML file. let file_path = Path::new("temp_html_file.html"); let mut file = File::create(file_path)?; write!(file, "\n\n\n Test Page\n\n\n

Hello, world!

\n\n")?; // Call the function to test. let minified_content = minify_html(file_path)?; // Check that the HTML has been minified. // This check will depend on the exact settings you're using in your minify function. // Here, we're just checking that the minified content is shorter than the original content. let original_content = fs::read_to_string(file_path)?; assert!( minified_content.len() < original_content.len(), "The HTML was not minified." ); // Cleanup: Remove the HTML file that was created during the test. fs::remove_file(file_path)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_backup_file() -> io::Result<()> { // Setup: Create a dummy file. let file_path = Path::new("temp_file.txt"); let mut file = File::create(file_path)?; file.write_all(b"Some text for the dummy file")?; // Call the function to test. let backup_path = backup_file(file_path)?; // Check that the backup file was created and that it has the expected content. assert!(backup_path.exists(), "Backup file was not created."); let backup_content = fs::read_to_string(&backup_path)?; assert_eq!( backup_content, "Some text for the dummy file", "Backup file content does not match original file content." ); // Cleanup: Remove the original and backup file. fs::remove_file(file_path)?; fs::remove_file(backup_path)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_write_minified_html() -> io::Result<()> { // Setup: Define a dummy file path and minified HTML. let file_path = Path::new("temp_minified_html_file.html"); let minified_html = "Test

Hello, World!

"; // Call the function to test. write_minified_html(file_path, minified_html)?; // Check that the file now exists. assert!(file_path.exists(), "The file was not created."); // Check that the file contains the expected minified HTML. let mut file = File::open(file_path)?; let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; assert_eq!( contents, minified_html, "The file does not contain the expected minified HTML." ); // Cleanup: Remove the file that was created during the test. fs::remove_file(file_path)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_cleanup_directory_success() -> Result<(), Box> { // Setup: Create some dummy directories with dummy files in them. let dir1 = Path::new("temp_dir1"); let dummy_file1 = dir1.join("dummy_file1.txt"); fs::create_dir_all(dir1)?; File::create(dummy_file1)?; let dir2 = Path::new("temp_dir2"); let dummy_file2 = dir2.join("dummy_file2.txt"); fs::create_dir_all(dir2)?; File::create(dummy_file2)?; let directories: Vec<&Path> = vec![dir1, dir2]; // Call the function to test. cleanup_directory(&directories)?; // Check that the directories no longer exist. assert!(!dir1.exists(), "The directory1 was not cleaned up."); assert!(!dir2.exists(), "The directory2 was not cleaned up."); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_cleanup_directory_ignore_nonexistent( ) -> Result<(), Box> { // Setup: Use a path that doesn't exist. let nonexistent_dir = Path::new("nonexistent_dir"); let directories: Vec<&Path> = vec![nonexistent_dir]; // Call the function to test. cleanup_directory(&directories)?; // Check that we didn't get an error even though the directory doesn't exist. assert!( !nonexistent_dir.exists(), "The nonexistent directory was somehow created." ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_create_directory() -> Result<(), Box> { // Setup: Define some directories to test with. let dir1 = Path::new("tests/temp_dir1"); let dir2 = Path::new("tests/temp_dir2"); let dir3 = Path::new("tests/temp_dir3"); // Create dir1 and dir2, but leave dir3 non-existent for now. fs::create_dir(dir1)?; fs::create_dir(dir2)?; let dirs = vec![dir1, dir2, dir3]; // Call the function to test. create_directory(&dirs)?; // Check that all directories exist. assert!(dir1.exists(), "dir1 should still exist."); assert!(dir2.exists(), "dir2 should still exist."); assert!(dir3.exists(), "dir3 should have been created."); // Cleanup: Remove the directories that were created during the test. fs::remove_dir(dir1)?; fs::remove_dir(dir2)?; fs::remove_dir(dir3)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_write_element() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut writer = Writer::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())); let name = "element"; let value = "value"; write_element(&mut writer, name, value)?; let result = String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner().into_inner())?; assert_eq!(result, "value"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_write_element_empty_value() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut writer = Writer::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())); let name = "element"; let value = ""; write_element(&mut writer, name, value)?; let result = String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner().into_inner())?; assert_eq!(result, ""); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_write_element_special_chars() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut writer = Writer::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())); let name = "element"; let value = "<>&\"'"; write_element(&mut writer, name, value)?; let result = String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner().into_inner())?; assert_eq!(result, "<>&\"'"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_to_title_case_single_word() { assert_eq!(to_title_case("hello"), "Hello"); assert_eq!(to_title_case("WORLD"), "WORLD"); assert_eq!(to_title_case("rust"), "Rust"); } #[test] fn test_to_title_case_multiple_words() { assert_eq!(to_title_case("hello world"), "Hello World"); assert_eq!(to_title_case("HELLO WORLD"), "HELLO WORLD"); assert_eq!(to_title_case("hello WORLD"), "Hello WORLD"); assert_eq!( to_title_case("Rust programming language"), "Rust Programming Language" ); } #[test] fn test_to_title_case_empty_string() { assert_eq!(to_title_case(""), ""); } #[test] fn test_to_title_case_only_spaces() { assert_eq!(to_title_case(""), ""); } #[test] fn test_to_title_case_leading_trailing_spaces() { assert_eq!(to_title_case(" hello "), " Hello "); assert_eq!(to_title_case(" hello world "), " Hello World "); } #[test] fn test_test_format_header_with_id_class() { let id_regex = Regex::new(r"[^a-z0-9]+").unwrap(); let test_cases = vec![ ( "

This is a test

", "

This is a test

" ), ( "

Another Test

", "

Another Test

" ), ( "

Test with special characters!@#$%^&*

", "

Test with special characters!@#$%^&*

" ), ( "

Test with multiple spaces

", "

Test with multiple spaces

" ), ( "


", "


" ), ( "


", "


" ), ]; for (input, expected_output) in test_cases { assert_eq!( format_header_with_id_class(input, &id_regex), expected_output, ); } } #[test] fn test_extract_front_matter_yaml() { let content = "---\ntitle: Hello\n---\nThis is the content."; assert_eq!( extract_front_matter(content), "This is the content." ); } #[test] fn test_extract_front_matter_toml() { let content = "+++\ntitle = 'Hello'\n+++\nThis is the content."; assert_eq!( extract_front_matter(content), "This is the content." ); } #[test] fn test_extract_front_matter_json() { let content = "{\n\"title\": \"Hello\"\n}\nThis is the content."; assert_eq!( extract_front_matter(content), "\nThis is the content." ); } #[test] fn test_extract_front_matter_none() { let content = "This is the content."; assert_eq!( extract_front_matter(content), "This is the content." ); } #[test] fn test_extract_front_matter_incomplete_yaml() { let content = "---\ntitle: Hello\nThis is the content."; assert_eq!(extract_front_matter(content), ""); } #[test] fn test_extract_front_matter_incomplete_toml() { let content = "+++\ntitle = 'Hello'\nThis is the content."; assert_eq!(extract_front_matter(content), ""); } #[test] fn test_extract_front_matter_incomplete_json() { let content = "{\n\"title\": \"Hello\"\nThis is the content."; assert_eq!(extract_front_matter(content), ""); } #[test] fn test_create_comrak_options() { let options = create_comrak_options(); assert!(options.extension.autolink); assert!(options.extension.description_lists); assert!(options.extension.footnotes); assert_eq!( options.extension.front_matter_delimiter, Some("---".to_owned()) ); // assert_eq!(options.extension.header_ids, Some("".to_string())); assert!(options.extension.strikethrough); assert!(options.extension.superscript); assert!(options.extension.table); assert!(options.extension.tagfilter); assert!(options.extension.tasklist); assert!(options.parse.smart); assert!(options.render.github_pre_lang); assert!(!options.render.hardbreaks); assert!(options.render.unsafe_); } #[test] fn test_default_comrak_options() { let mut options = ComrakOptions::default(); options.extension.autolink = true; assert!(options.extension.autolink); assert!(!options.extension.description_lists); assert!(!options.extension.footnotes); assert_eq!(options.extension.front_matter_delimiter, None); assert_eq!(options.extension.header_ids, None); assert!(!options.extension.strikethrough); assert!(!options.extension.superscript); assert!(!options.extension.table); assert!(!options.extension.tagfilter); assert!(!options.extension.tasklist); assert!(!options.parse.smart); assert!(!options.render.github_pre_lang); assert!(!options.render.hardbreaks); assert!(!options.render.unsafe_); } #[test] fn test_update_class_attributes_no_class() { let line = "\"test\""; let class_regex = Regex::new(r"\.class="([^&]*)"").unwrap(); let img_regex = Regex::new(r"(img[^>]*)\s?/>").unwrap(); assert_eq!( update_class_attributes(line, &class_regex, &img_regex), String::from(line) ); } #[test] fn test_update_class_attributes_with_class() { let line = "\"test\""; let class_regex = Regex::new(r"\.class="([^&]*)"").unwrap(); let img_regex = Regex::new(r"(img[^>]*)\s?/>").unwrap(); assert_eq!( update_class_attributes(line, &class_regex, &img_regex), String::from(line) ); } #[test] fn test_update_class_attributes_error_handling() { let line = "\"test\""; let class_regex = Regex::new(r"\.class="([^&]*)"").unwrap(); let img_regex = Regex::new(r"(img[^>]*)\s?/>").unwrap(); assert_eq!( update_class_attributes( ".class="non_matching_class"", &class_regex, &img_regex ), String::from(".class="non_matching_class"") ); assert_eq!( update_class_attributes(line, &class_regex, &img_regex), String::from(line) ); } }