use std::{ borrow::Cow, error::Error, io, net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}, thread::JoinHandle, }; use ssh_jumper::{ model::{HostAddress, HostSocketParams, JumpHostAuthParams, SshForwarderEnd, SshTunnelParams}, SshJumper, }; use tokio::{ net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, runtime, sync::{mpsc, oneshot}, }; const LOCALHOST_ADDR: IpAddr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST); #[test] fn ssh_jumper_connect() -> Result<(), Box> { let rt = runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread().enable_io().build()?; let local_port = 0; let jump_host_ssh_port = 2222; let target_port = 8080; rt.block_on::<_>(async move { let target_bytes_received = tokio::task::spawn( async move { target_host_listen(target_port).await.unwrap_or([1; 32]) }, ); // Forward port 1234 to 8080 through SSH server at 2222 // // ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -L 1234: my_user@ let (client_done_tx, server_thread_handler) = ssh_server_spawn(jump_host_ssh_port).await?; match ssh_connection_open(local_port, jump_host_ssh_port, target_port).await { Ok((local_socket_addr, ssh_forwarder_end_rx)) => { println!("SSH Jumper connected: {}", local_socket_addr); local_bytes_send(local_socket_addr, b"test: ssh_jumper_connect").await?; match ssh_forwarder_end_rx.await { Ok(ssh_forwarder_end) => println!("Test: {:?}", ssh_forwarder_end), Err(e) => println!("Test: Failed to receive `SshForwarderEnd`: {}.", e), } let target_bytes_received = target_bytes_received.await?; assert_eq!(b"test: ssh_jumper_connect", &target_bytes_received[0..24]); client_done_notify(client_done_tx).await; server_done_join(server_thread_handler); } Err(e) => { server_done_join(server_thread_handler); panic!("Failed to open SSH connection: {}", e); } } Result::<_, Box>::Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } // async fn target_host_listen(target_port: u16) -> Result<[u8; 32], Box> { let target_socket_addr: SocketAddr = (LOCALHOST_ADDR, target_port).into(); let listener = TcpListener::bind(target_socket_addr).await?; println!( "target about to accept connections at: {}.", target_socket_addr ); let (stream, _) = listener.accept().await?; println!("target accepted a connection."); // Send some data from target host to local. println!("target waiting for stream to be writable."); stream.writable().await?; match stream.try_write(b"rararara") { Ok(n) => { println!("target wrote {} bytes.", n); } Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { println!("target write would block."); } Err(e) => { println!("target write error: {}", e); } } // Read data sent from local through tunnel. // // We're supposed to read what `SshJumper` wrote to the channel here. let mut attempts = 3; loop { println!("target waiting for stream to be readable."); // Wait for the socket to be readable stream.readable().await?; // Creating the buffer **after** the `await` prevents it from // being stored in the async task. let mut buf = [0; 32]; // Try to read data, this may still fail with `WouldBlock` // if the readiness event is a false positive. println!("target trying to read stream."); match stream.try_read(&mut buf) { Ok(0) => { println!("target read 0 bytes."); attempts -= 1; if attempts == 0 { return Ok(buf); } } Ok(n) => { println!("target read {} bytes", n); return Ok(buf); } Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { println!("target read would block."); continue; } Err(e) => { println!("target read errored: {}", e); return Err(e.into()); } } } } // async fn local_bytes_send( local_socket_addr: SocketAddr, bytes: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), Box> { println!("local about to connect to {}.", local_socket_addr); let stream = TcpStream::connect(local_socket_addr).await?; println!("local connected."); loop { // Wait for the socket to be writable stream.writable().await?; // Try to write data, this may still fail with `WouldBlock` // if the readiness event is a false positive. match stream.try_write(bytes) { Ok(n) => { println!("local wrote {} bytes.", n); return Ok(()); } Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { continue; } Err(e) => { return Err(e.into()); } } } } fn server_done_join(server_thread_handler: JoinHandle<()>) { server_thread_handler .join() .expect("Failed to wait for SSH server thread to finish."); } async fn client_done_notify(client_done_tx: mpsc::Sender) { println!("Client Done"); client_done_tx .send(ClientDone) .await .expect("Failed to notify server that client is done."); } async fn ssh_server_spawn( jump_host_ssh_port: u16, ) -> Result<(mpsc::Sender, std::thread::JoinHandle<()>), Box> { let (server_ready_tx, server_ready_rx) = oneshot::channel::(); let (client_done_tx, client_done_rx) = mpsc::channel::(1); let server_thread_handler = std::thread::spawn(move || { let _ = ssh_server::open_server_socket(jump_host_ssh_port, server_ready_tx, client_done_rx); }); server_ready_rx.await?; Ok((client_done_tx, server_thread_handler)) } async fn ssh_connection_open( local_port: u16, jump_host_ssh_port: u16, target_port: u16, ) -> Result<(SocketAddr, oneshot::Receiver), ssh_jumper::model::Error> { let localhost_addr = HostAddress::IpAddr(LOCALHOST_ADDR); let jump_host = localhost_addr.clone(); let jump_host_auth_params = JumpHostAuthParams::password(Cow::Borrowed("my_user"), Cow::Borrowed("my_password")); let target_socket = HostSocketParams { address: localhost_addr, port: target_port, }; let ssh_params = SshTunnelParams::new(jump_host, jump_host_auth_params, target_socket) .with_local_port(local_port) .with_jump_host_port(jump_host_ssh_port); SshJumper::open_tunnel(&ssh_params).await } // See mod ssh_server { use core::ffi::c_void; use std::{ convert::TryInto, error::Error, ffi::{CStr, CString}, fs::File, io::{self, Read, Write}, net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr, TcpStream}, os::{ raw::c_int, unix::prelude::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd}, }, ptr, str::FromStr, }; use libssh_sys_dylib::*; use tokio::sync::{mpsc::Receiver, oneshot::Sender}; use crate::{ClientDone, ServerReady}; type Result = std::result::Result>; pub fn open_server_socket( jump_host_ssh_port: u16, server_ready_tx: Sender, mut client_done_rx: Receiver, ) -> Result<()> { let ssh_bind: ssh_bind = unsafe { ssh_bind_new() }; assert!(ssh_bind.is_null() == false, "Cannot create bind"); set_bind_option( ssh_bind, ssh_bind_options_e_SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDADDR, "", ); set_bind_option( ssh_bind, ssh_bind_options_e_SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDPORT_STR, &format!("{}", jump_host_ssh_port), ); set_bind_option( ssh_bind, ssh_bind_options_e_SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_RSAKEY, check_file_exists("tests/assets/id_rsa")?, ); set_bind_option( ssh_bind, ssh_bind_options_e_SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_DSAKEY, check_file_exists("tests/assets/id_dsa")?, ); // listen let res = unsafe { ssh_bind_listen(ssh_bind) }; assert!(res == SSH_OK as c_int, "Error while ssh_bind_listen"); let session: ssh_session = unsafe { ssh_new() }; assert!(session.is_null() == false, "Server session is null"); let server_ready_send_result = server_ready_tx.send(ServerReady); if server_ready_send_result.is_ok() { println!("Calling ssh_bind_accept"); // accept will block until connected let res = unsafe { ssh_bind_accept(ssh_bind, session) }; assert!(res == SSH_OK as c_int, "Error while ssh_bind_accept"); println!("Calling ssh_handle_key_exchange"); let res = unsafe { ssh_handle_key_exchange(session) }; assert!( res == SSH_OK as c_int, "Error while ssh_handle_key_exchange" ); let mainloop_event = unsafe { ssh_event_new() }; unsafe { ssh_event_add_session(mainloop_event, session) }; // handle auth let auth = authenticate(session); assert!(auth, "Auth error"); // wait for requesting channel, shell, pty let channel_and_socket = wait_for_channel(session); match channel_and_socket { Some((channel, target_tcp_stream)) => { println!("SSH server: Channel established"); // Forward traffic. forward_direct_tcp_ip_data(channel, &target_tcp_stream, mainloop_event); println!("SSH server: Callbacks set."); let mut poll_count = 10; loop { println!("SSH server: polling"); let poll_result = unsafe { ssh_event_dopoll(mainloop_event, 100) }; if poll_result == SSH_ERROR { println!("SSH server: poll error"); break; } poll_count -= 1; if poll_count == 0 { break; } } println!("SSH server: waiting for client to be done."); client_done_rx.blocking_recv(); } None => { println!("Channel not opened"); } } } else { println!("failed to send server_ready"); } unsafe { ssh_disconnect(session); ssh_free(session); ssh_bind_free(ssh_bind); ssh_finalize(); } Ok(()) } // fn forward_direct_tcp_ip_data( ssh_channel: *mut ssh_channel_struct, target_tcp_stream: &TcpStream, mainloop_event: ssh_event, ) { let target_tcp_stream_fd = target_tcp_stream.as_raw_fd(); let event_fd_data = Box::new(EventFdDataStruct { ssh_channel, target_tcp_stream_fd, }); let event_fd_data_ptr = Box::<_>::into_raw(event_fd_data) as *mut c_void; let mut ssh_channel_callbacks = Box::new(ssh_channel_callbacks_struct { size: 0, // usize, userdata: event_fd_data_ptr, // *mut c_void, channel_data_function: Some(my_channel_data_fn), // ssh_channel_data_callback, channel_eof_function: None, // ssh_channel_eof_callback, channel_close_function: None, // ssh_channel_close_callback, channel_signal_function: None, // ssh_channel_signal_callback, channel_exit_status_function: None, // ssh_channel_exit_status_callback, channel_exit_signal_function: None, // ssh_channel_exit_signal_callback, channel_pty_request_function: None, // ssh_channel_pty_request_callback, channel_shell_request_function: None, // ssh_channel_shell_request_callback, channel_auth_agent_req_function: None, // ssh_channel_auth_agent_req_callback, channel_x11_req_function: None, // ssh_channel_x11_req_callback, channel_pty_window_change_function: None, // ssh_channel_pty_window_change_callback, channel_exec_request_function: None, // ssh_channel_exec_request_callback, channel_env_request_function: None, // ssh_channel_env_request_callback, channel_subsystem_request_function: None, // ssh_channel_subsystem_request_callback, channel_write_wontblock_function: None, // ssh_channel_write_wontblock_callback, }); // Hopefully does the same function as `ssh_callbacks_init` // See ssh_channel_callbacks.size = std::mem::size_of::(); println!( "SSH Server: ssh_channel_callbacks.size: {}", ssh_channel_callbacks.size ); // The `my_channel_data_fn` callback may need all of the following to be called: // // * `ssh_event` registered with session before the channel is created. // // ```rust // let mainloop_event = unsafe { ssh_event_new() }; // unsafe { ssh_event_add_session(mainloop_event, session) }; // ``` // // * The event to be polled. // * The `ssh_channel_callbacks` size correctly set. // // We also need to remember that any memory passed through user data must not be // freed by Rust in the callbacks, otherwise we get double free errors. unsafe { ssh_set_channel_callbacks(ssh_channel, Box::into_raw(ssh_channel_callbacks)) }; unsafe { ssh_event_add_fd( mainloop_event, target_tcp_stream_fd, libc::POLLIN, Some(my_fd_data_function), event_fd_data_ptr, ) }; } // Streams bytes from channel to target tcp stream when libssh invokes callback. extern "C" fn my_channel_data_fn( _session: ssh_session, _channel: ssh_channel, data: *mut c_void, len: u32, _is_stderr: c_int, userdata: *mut c_void, ) -> c_int { println!("SSH server: my_channel_data_fn called"); let len: usize = len.try_into().unwrap(); let event_fd_data = unsafe { Box::::from_raw(userdata as *mut EventFdDataStruct) }; let mut target_tcp_stream = unsafe { TcpStream::from_raw_fd(event_fd_data.target_tcp_stream_fd) }; let mut bytes = Vec::::with_capacity(len); (0..len).for_each(|_| bytes.push(0)); unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(data as *mut u8, bytes.as_mut_ptr(), len) }; let n_bytes_written; loop { // Try to write data, this may still fail with `WouldBlock` // if the readiness event is a false positive. match target_tcp_stream.write(&bytes) { Ok(n) => { println!("SSH server forward target to local: {} bytes.", n); n_bytes_written = n.try_into().unwrap(); break; } Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { continue; } Err(e) => { println!("Error while forwarding data: {}", e); n_bytes_written = -1; break; } } } // Don't kill the TCP stream, the server still owns it. std::mem::forget(target_tcp_stream); Box::leak(event_fd_data); n_bytes_written } // Streams bytes from target tcp stream to channel when libssh invokes callback. unsafe extern "C" fn my_fd_data_function( _fd: socket_t, _revents: c_int, userdata: *mut c_void, ) -> c_int { let mut n_bytes_read = 0; let event_fd_data = Box::::from_raw(userdata as *mut EventFdDataStruct); println!( "SSH Server: my_fd_data_function called: tcp_stream_fd: {}", event_fd_data.target_tcp_stream_fd ); let channel = event_fd_data.ssh_channel; let mut target_tcp_stream = TcpStream::from_raw_fd(event_fd_data.target_tcp_stream_fd); let session = ssh_channel_get_session(channel); let session_blocking_previous = ssh_is_blocking(session); ssh_set_blocking(session, 0); // Read from target tcp stream and write it to channel. 'outer: loop { // Creating the buffer **after** the `await` prevents it from // being stored in the async task. let mut buf = [0; 32]; // Try to read data, this may still fail with `WouldBlock` // if the readiness event is a false positive. match buf) { Ok(0) => { ssh_channel_send_eof(channel); break; } Ok(n) => { if ssh_channel_is_open(channel) == 1 { println!("SSH server read {} bytes from target", n); n_bytes_read = n; let n_i32: i32 = n.try_into().unwrap(); let n_u32: u32 = n.try_into().unwrap(); // Write from target to client channel let mut bytes_written_total = 0; loop { let bytes_written_now = ssh_channel_write( channel, ptr::addr_of!(buf) as *const c_void, n_u32, ); if bytes_written_now < 0 { println!( "SSH server: Error writing on the direct-tcpip channel: {}", bytes_written_now ); break; } bytes_written_total += bytes_written_now; println!( "SSH server write bytes from target to channel ({} from {})", bytes_written_total, n_i32 ); if bytes_written_now == 0 || bytes_written_total == n_i32 { break 'outer; } } } else { println!("SSH server: Can't write on closed channel!"); break; } } Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { break; } Err(e) => { println!("Error while reading from target tcp stream: {}", e); break; } } } // Don't kill the TCP stream, the server still owns it. std::mem::forget(target_tcp_stream); Box::leak(event_fd_data); ssh_set_blocking(session, session_blocking_previous); println!("SSH server leaving my_fd_data_function"); n_bytes_read.try_into().unwrap() } fn server_to_target_connect(message: ssh_message) -> Result { let target_hostname = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ssh_message_channel_request_open_destination(message)) } .to_owned() .into_string() .unwrap(); let target_port: u16 = unsafe { ssh_message_channel_request_open_destination_port(message) .try_into() .unwrap() }; let target_socket_addr: SocketAddr = ( IpAddr::from_str(target_hostname.as_str()).unwrap(), target_port, ) .into(); println!("SSH server about to connect to {}.", target_socket_addr); let stream = TcpStream::connect(target_socket_addr)?; println!("SSH server connected to {}.", target_socket_addr); Ok(stream) } fn check_username_password(username: &CStr, password: &CStr) -> bool { println!("User {:?} wants to auth with pass {:?}", username, password); let username_test: &CStr = &CString::new("my_user").unwrap(); let password_test: &CStr = &CString::new("my_password").unwrap(); username == username_test && password == password_test } fn authenticate(session: ssh_session) -> bool { #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] loop { let message = unsafe { ssh_message_get(session) }; if message.is_null() { return false; } let msg_type = unsafe { ssh_message_type(message) }.try_into(); if msg_type == Ok(ssh_requests_e_SSH_REQUEST_AUTH) { let msg_subtype = unsafe { ssh_message_subtype(message) }.try_into(); if msg_subtype == Ok(SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD) { println!("Got SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD"); let user = unsafe { ssh_message_auth_user(message) }; let pwd = unsafe { ssh_message_auth_password(message) }; if !user.is_null() && !pwd.is_null() { let user: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(user) }; let pwd: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(pwd) }; if check_username_password(user, pwd) { unsafe { ssh_message_auth_reply_success(message, 0); ssh_message_free(message); } return true; } } } } unsafe { ssh_message_auth_set_methods(message, SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD.try_into().unwrap()); ssh_message_reply_default(message); ssh_message_free(message); } } } fn wait_for_channel(session: ssh_session) -> Option<(ssh_channel, TcpStream)> { #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] loop { let message = unsafe { ssh_message_get(session) }; if message.is_null() { return None; } println!("ssh_message_type"); let msg_type = unsafe { ssh_message_type(message) }.try_into(); println!("ssh_message_type {:?}", msg_type); if msg_type == Ok(ssh_requests_e_SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL_OPEN) { println!("try parse msg_subtype"); let msg_subtype = unsafe { ssh_message_subtype(message) }.try_into(); println!("msg_subtype: {:?}", msg_subtype); if msg_subtype == Ok(ssh_channel_type_e_SSH_CHANNEL_DIRECT_TCPIP) { let channel = unsafe { ssh_message_channel_request_open_reply_accept(message) }; let target_tcp_stream = server_to_target_connect(message).unwrap(); unsafe { ssh_message_free(message); } return Some((channel, target_tcp_stream)); } } println!("reply_default"); unsafe { ssh_message_reply_default(message); ssh_message_free(message); } } } fn check_file_exists(file: &str) -> Result<&str> { File::open(file).map_err(|x| format!("{}: {}", x, file))?; Ok(file) } fn set_bind_option(ssh_bind: ssh_bind, key: ssh_bind_options_e, value: &str) { let c_str = CString::new(value).expect("CString::new failed"); unsafe { ssh_bind_options_set(ssh_bind, key, c_str.as_ptr() as *const std::os::raw::c_void); }; } struct EventFdDataStruct { ssh_channel: *mut ssh_channel_struct, target_tcp_stream_fd: RawFd, } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ServerReady; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ClientDone; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TestDone;