:toc: = sshq This command line utility allows querying your ssh config. == Install cargo install sshq == Usage include::doc/usage.adoc[leveloffset=+1] == Use cases You may find the following shell function convenient as it presents the list of available hosts and allow fuzzy search to connect to one. With this function defined (in your `.bashrc` for instance), you may invoke `co` if you have no idea and then use fuyy search to find the right server, pass a fuzzy pattern such as `co srv123` (it will even allow typos...), and it will connect directly if there is a single hit to your pattern. ---- function co() { SEARCH=${@:-''}; if [ $SEARCH ]; then hit=$(sshq list | fzf -i -1 --query "$SEARCH" --preview 'sshq search {}') else hit=$(sshq list | fzf -i -1 --preview 'sshq search {}') fi echo "Connecting to $hit... you may need to insert your Yubikey..." ssh $hit } ----