use std::env; use std::time::Instant; use zune_image::codecs::png::zune_core::options::DecoderOptions; use cpu::CpuImg; use cudarse_driver::CuStream; use cudarse_npp::image::isu::Malloc; use cudarse_npp::image::{Image, Img}; use cudarse_npp::set_stream; use ssimulacra2_cuda::Ssimulacra2; mod cpu; fn main() { cudarse_driver::init_cuda_and_primary_ctx().expect("Could not initialize CUDA API"); let mut args = env::args().skip(1); let ref_path =; let dis_path =; let ref_img = zune_image::image::Image::open_with_options(&ref_path, DecoderOptions::new_fast()).unwrap(); let dis_img = zune_image::image::Image::open_with_options(&dis_path, DecoderOptions::new_fast()).unwrap(); // Upload to gpu assert_eq!(ref_img.dimensions(), dis_img.dimensions()); let (width, height) = ref_img.dimensions(); let ref_bytes = &ref_img.flatten_to_u8()[0]; let dis_bytes = &dis_img.flatten_to_u8()[0]; let stream = CuStream::new().unwrap(); set_stream(stream.inner() as _).unwrap(); let mut tmp_ref = Image::malloc(width as _, height as _).unwrap(); let mut tmp_dis = tmp_ref.malloc_same_size().unwrap(); let mut ref_linear = tmp_ref.malloc_same_size().unwrap(); let mut dis_linear = tmp_ref.malloc_same_size().unwrap(); let mut ssimulacra2 = Ssimulacra2::new(&ref_linear, &dis_linear, &stream).unwrap(); println!( "Approximate computed memory usage : {} MB", ssimulacra2.mem_usage() / 1024 / 1024 ); let (free, total) = cudarse_driver::mem_info().unwrap(); println!( "Reported memory usage : {} MB", (total - free) / 1024 / 1024 ); let start = Instant::now(); let gpu_score = dbg!(ssimulacra2.compute_from_cpu_srgb_sync( ref_bytes, dis_bytes, &mut tmp_ref, &mut tmp_dis, &mut ref_linear, &mut dis_linear, &stream )) .unwrap(); let elapsed = start.elapsed().as_nanos(); println!( "GPU: Finished computing a single frame in {:.2} ms ({:.1} fps)", elapsed as f64 / 1000_000.0, 1000_000_000.0 / elapsed as f64 ); let c_score = 17.398_505_f64; assert!( (gpu_score - c_score).abs() < 0.25f64, "GPU result {gpu_score:.6} not equal to expected {c_score:.6}", ); let start = Instant::now(); let ref_img = CpuImg::from_srgb(ref_bytes, width, height); let dis_img = CpuImg::from_srgb(dis_bytes, width, height); let cpu_score = dbg!(cpu::compute_frame_ssimulacra2(&ref_img, &dis_img)); let elapsed = start.elapsed().as_millis(); println!( "CPU: Finished computing a single frame in {} ms ({:.1} fps)", elapsed, 1000.0 / elapsed as f64 ); assert!( (cpu_score - c_score).abs() < 0.25f64, "CPU result {cpu_score:.6} not equal to expected {c_score:.6}", ); println!( "Error between CPU and GPU : {}", (cpu_score - gpu_score).abs() ); }