// Based on the SSPI client example from MSDN: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/secauthn/using-sspi-with-a-windows-sockets-client // This example works with the server example using SSPI. The client and server examples are designed to work together. // This example demonstrates initializing an authenticating SSPI session with the NTLM, connecting with a server, establishing // a secure communication session, receiving and decrypting a message from the server within the secure session. use std::io; use std::net::TcpStream; use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt}; use sspi::builders::EmptyInitializeSecurityContext; use sspi::{ AuthIdentity, ClientRequestFlags, CredentialUse, DataRepresentation, Ntlm, SecurityBuffer, SecurityBufferType, SecurityStatus, Sspi, SspiImpl, }; const IP: &str = ""; fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> { let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(IP).expect("Failed to connect to the server"); println!("Connected to the server."); let mut ntlm = Ntlm::new(); let identity = AuthIdentity { username: whoami::username(), password: String::from("password").into(), domain: Some(whoami::hostname()), }; do_authentication(&mut ntlm, &identity, &mut stream).expect("Failed to authenticate connection"); println!("Authenticated!"); let mut trailer = Vec::new(); // By agreement, the server encrypted the message and set the size // of the trailer block to be just what it needed. decrypt_message // needs the size of the trailer block. // // By agreement, the server placed the trailer at the beginning // of the message, and the data comes after the trailer. println!("Receiving the trailer..."); read_message(&mut stream, &mut trailer)?; let mut data = Vec::new(); println!("Receiving the data..."); read_message(&mut stream, &mut data)?; println!("Encrypted message: {:?}", data); let mut msg_buffer = vec![ SecurityBuffer::new(trailer, SecurityBufferType::Token), SecurityBuffer::new(data, SecurityBufferType::Data), ]; let _decryption_flags = ntlm.decrypt_message(&mut msg_buffer, 0)?; println!("Decrypting..."); println!( "Decrypted message: [{}]", std::str::from_utf8(msg_buffer[1].buffer.as_slice()).unwrap() ); println!("Communication successfully finished."); Ok(()) } // fn do_authentication(ntlm: &mut Ntlm, identity: &AuthIdentity, mut stream: &mut TcpStream) -> Result<(), io::Error> { let mut acq_cred_result = ntlm .acquire_credentials_handle() .with_credential_use(CredentialUse::Outbound) .with_auth_data(identity) .execute()?; let mut output_buffer = vec![SecurityBuffer::new(Vec::new(), SecurityBufferType::Token)]; let username = whoami::username(); let mut builder = EmptyInitializeSecurityContext::<::CredentialsHandle>::new() .with_credentials_handle(&mut acq_cred_result.credentials_handle) .with_context_requirements(ClientRequestFlags::CONFIDENTIALITY | ClientRequestFlags::ALLOCATE_MEMORY) .with_target_data_representation(DataRepresentation::Native) .with_target_name(username.as_str()) .with_output(&mut output_buffer); let _result = ntlm.initialize_security_context_impl(&mut builder)?; write_message(&mut stream, &output_buffer[0].buffer)?; let mut input_buffer = vec![SecurityBuffer::new(Vec::new(), SecurityBufferType::Token)]; loop { output_buffer[0].buffer.clear(); read_message(&mut stream, &mut input_buffer[0].buffer)?; let mut builder = EmptyInitializeSecurityContext::<::CredentialsHandle>::new() .with_credentials_handle(&mut acq_cred_result.credentials_handle) .with_context_requirements(ClientRequestFlags::CONFIDENTIALITY | ClientRequestFlags::ALLOCATE_MEMORY) .with_target_data_representation(DataRepresentation::Native) .with_target_name(username.as_str()) .with_input(&mut input_buffer) .with_output(&mut output_buffer); let result = ntlm.initialize_security_context_impl(&mut builder)?; if [SecurityStatus::CompleteAndContinue, SecurityStatus::CompleteNeeded].contains(&result.status) { println!("Completing the token..."); ntlm.complete_auth_token(&mut output_buffer)?; } write_message(&mut stream, &output_buffer[0].buffer)?; input_buffer[0].buffer.clear(); if ![SecurityStatus::CompleteAndContinue, SecurityStatus::ContinueNeeded].contains(&result.status) { break; } } Ok(()) } // By agreement, the message length is read from the first 2 bytes of the message in little-endian order. pub fn read_message(stream: &mut T, output_buffer: &mut A) -> Result<(), io::Error> { let msg_len = stream.read_u16::()?; let mut buff = vec![0u8; msg_len as usize]; stream.read_exact(&mut buff)?; output_buffer.write_all(&buff)?; println!("Received the buffer [{} bytes]: {:?}", buff.len(), buff); Ok(()) } // By agreement, the message length is written in the first 2 bytes of the message in little-endian order. pub fn write_message(stream: &mut T, input_buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if !input_buffer.is_empty() { println!("Sending the buffer [{} bytes]: {:?}", input_buffer.len(), input_buffer); stream.write_u16::(input_buffer.len() as u16)?; stream.write_all(input_buffer)?; } Ok(()) } #[test] fn buffer_read_correctly() { let mut msg = vec![0x3, 0x0]; msg.append(&mut b"abc".to_vec()); let mut buffer = Vec::new(); read_message(&mut msg.as_slice(), &mut buffer).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buffer, b"abc".to_vec()); } #[test] fn buffer_written_correctly() { let mut msg = vec![9, 8, 7]; let mut stream = Vec::new(); write_message(&mut stream, &mut msg).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stream, vec![3, 0, 9, 8, 7]); }