[package] authors = { workspace = true } categories = { workspace = true } description = """ Library crate that creates and restores archives to and from S3 or S3-compatible storage. ssstar is specifically designed to stream both input and output data so memory usage is minimal, while aggressive concurrency is used to maximize network throughput. If you're looking for the command line (CLI), see `ssstar-cli` """ documentation = { workspace = true } edition = { workspace = true } homepage = { workspace = true } keywords = { workspace = true } license = { workspace = true } name = "ssstar" readme = { workspace = true } repository = { workspace = true } version = { workspace = true } [badges] maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" } [features] # Make the `config` struct a valid `clap` `Parser` impl so the config can be populated from the command line # This obvviously requires taking a dependency on `clap` so it should only be enabled in a CLI that is using clap clap = ["dep:clap"] # Enable the (still experimental) new storage API to allow callers to define # their own archive formats to store objects read from object storage storage = [] [package.metadata.release] # All crates share the same version and should be incremented together shared-version = true [dependencies] async-trait = { workspace = true } aws-config = { workspace = true } aws-credential-types = { workspace = true } aws-sdk-s3 = { workspace = true } aws-sdk-sts = { workspace = true } aws-smithy-async = { workspace = true } aws-smithy-client = { workspace = true } aws-smithy-http = { workspace = true } aws-smithy-http-tower = { workspace = true } aws-smithy-runtime-api = { workspace = true } aws-smithy-types = { workspace = true } aws-smithy-types-convert = { workspace = true } aws-types = { workspace = true } byte-unit = { workspace = true } bytes = { workspace = true } chrono = { workspace = true } clap = { workspace = true, optional = true } dyn-clone = { workspace = true } futures = { workspace = true } glob = { workspace = true } http = { workspace = true } itertools = { workspace = true } once_cell = { workspace = true } serde_json = { workspace = true, optional = true } snafu = { workspace = true } tar = { workspace = true } tokio = { workspace = true } tokio-stream = { workspace = true } tokio-util = { workspace = true } tower = { workspace = true } tracing = { workspace = true } url = { workspace = true } [dev-dependencies] assert_matches = { workspace = true } color-eyre = { workspace = true } dotenv = { workspace = true } dotenv_codegen = { workspace = true } more-asserts = { workspace = true } rand = { workspace = true } ssstar-testing = { version = "0.7.3", path = "../ssstar-testing" } strum = { workspace = true } tempfile = { workspace = true }