{ "type": "Collection", "stac_version": "1.1.0", "stac_extensions": [ "https://stac-extensions.github.io/eo/v2.0.0/schema.json", "https://stac-extensions.github.io/projection/v2.0.0/schema.json", "https://stac-extensions.github.io/view/v1.0.0/schema.json" ], "id": "sentinel-2", "title": "Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C", "description": "Sentinel-2 is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral\nimaging mission supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies,\nincluding the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover,\nas well as observation of inland waterways and coastal areas.\n\nThe Sentinel-2 data contain 13 UINT16 spectral bands representing\nTOA reflectance scaled by 10000. See the [Sentinel-2 User Handbook](https://sentinel.esa.int/documents/247904/685211/Sentinel-2_User_Handbook)\nfor details. In addition, three QA bands are present where one\n(QA60) is a bitmask band with cloud mask information. For more\ndetails, [see the full explanation of how cloud masks are computed.](https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/technical-guides/sentinel-2-msi/level-1c/cloud-masks)\n\nEach Sentinel-2 product (zip archive) may contain multiple\ngranules. Each granule becomes a separate Earth Engine asset.\nEE asset ids for Sentinel-2 assets have the following format:\nCOPERNICUS/S2/20151128T002653_20151128T102149_T56MNN. Here the\nfirst numeric part represents the sensing date and time, the\nsecond numeric part represents the product generation date and\ntime, and the final 6-character string is a unique granule identifier\nindicating its UTM grid reference (see [MGRS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Grid_Reference_System)).\n\nFor more details on Sentinel-2 radiometric resoltuon, [see this page](https://earth.esa.int/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-2-msi/resolutions/radiometric).\n", "license": "other", "keywords": [ "copernicus", "esa", "eu", "msi", "radiance", "sentinel" ], "providers": [ { "name": "European Union/ESA/Copernicus", "roles": [ "producer", "licensor" ], "url": "https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-2-msi" } ], "extent": { "spatial": { "bbox": [ [ -180, -56, 180, 83 ] ] }, "temporal": { "interval": [ [ "2015-06-23T00:00:00Z", null ] ] } }, "assets": { "metadata_iso_19139": { "roles": [ "metadata", "iso-19139" ], "href": "https://storage.googleapis.com/open-cogs/stac-examples/sentinel-2-iso-19139.xml", "title": "ISO 19139 metadata", "type": "application/vnd.iso.19139+xml" } }, "summaries": { "datetime": { "minimum": "2015-06-23T00:00:00Z", "maximum": "2019-07-10T13:44:56Z" }, "platform": [ "sentinel-2a", "sentinel-2b" ], "constellation": [ "sentinel-2" ], "instruments": [ "msi" ], "view:off_nadir": { "minimum": 0, "maximum": 100 }, "view:sun_elevation": { "minimum": 6.78, "maximum": 89.9 }, "gsd": [ 10, 30, 60 ], "proj:code": [ "EPSG:32601", "EPSG:32602", "EPSG:32603", "EPSG:32604", "EPSG:32605", "EPSG:32606", "EPSG:32607", "EPSG:32608", "EPSG:32609", "EPSG:32610", "EPSG:32611", "EPSG:32612", "EPSG:32613", "EPSG:32614", "EPSG:32615", "EPSG:32616", "EPSG:32617", "EPSG:32618", "EPSG:32619", "EPSG:32620", "EPSG:32621", "EPSG:32622", "EPSG:32623", "EPSG:32624", "EPSG:32625", "EPSG:32626", "EPSG:32627", "EPSG:32628", "EPSG:32629", "EPSG:32630", "EPSG:32631", "EPSG:32632", "EPSG:32633", "EPSG:32634", "EPSG:32635", "EPSG:32636", "EPSG:32637", "EPSG:32638", "EPSG:32639", "EPSG:32640", "EPSG:32641", "EPSG:32642", "EPSG:32643", "EPSG:32644", "EPSG:32645", "EPSG:32646", "EPSG:32647", "EPSG:32648", "EPSG:32649", "EPSG:32650", "EPSG:32651", "EPSG:32652", "EPSG:32653", "EPSG:32654", "EPSG:32655", "EPSG:32656", "EPSG:32657", "EPSG:32658", "EPSG:32659", "EPSG:32660" ], "bands": [ { "name": "B1", "eo:common_name": "coastal", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.4439 }, { "name": "B2", "eo:common_name": "blue", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.4966 }, { "name": "B3", "eo:common_name": "green", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.56 }, { "name": "B4", "eo:common_name": "red", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.6645 }, { "name": "B5", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.7039 }, { "name": "B6", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.7402 }, { "name": "B7", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.7825 }, { "name": "B8", "eo:common_name": "nir", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.8351 }, { "name": "B8A", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.8648 }, { "name": "B9", "eo:center_wavelength": 0.945 }, { "name": "B10", "eo:center_wavelength": 1.3735 }, { "name": "B11", "eo:common_name": "swir16", "eo:center_wavelength": 1.6137 }, { "name": "B12", "eo:common_name": "swir22", "eo:center_wavelength": 2.2024 } ] }, "links": [ { "rel": "parent", "href": "../catalog.json", "type": "application/json", "title": "Example Catalog" }, { "rel": "root", "href": "../catalog.json", "type": "application/json", "title": "Example Catalog" }, { "rel": "license", "href": "https://scihub.copernicus.eu/twiki/pub/SciHubWebPortal/TermsConditions/Sentinel_Data_Terms_and_Conditions.pdf", "title": "Legal notice on the use of Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information" } ] }