use stacked_errors::{ensure_eq, ensure_ne, ErrorKind, Result}; // there are also tests in the doc tests #[test] #[allow(clippy::partialeq_ne_impl)] fn ensure_test() { // this is to test that movement within the macros do not result in errors, and // other properties #[derive(Debug)] struct X(i8); impl X { fn mov(self) -> X { self } } impl PartialEq for X { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.0 == other.0 } fn ne(&self, _: &Self) -> bool { panic!() } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Y(i8); impl Y { fn mov(self) -> Y { self } } impl PartialEq for Y { fn eq(&self, _: &Self) -> bool { panic!() } fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.0 != other.0 } } fn successes() -> Result { let lhs = X(2); let rhs = X(2); ensure_eq!(,; let lhs = X(2); let rhs = X(2); ensure_eq!(,, "hello"); let lhs = Y(1); let rhs = Y(2); ensure_ne!(,; let lhs = Y(1); let rhs = Y(2); ensure_ne!(,, "hello"); ensure_eq!(String::new(), ""); ensure_ne!("1".to_owned(), "2"); let () = ensure_eq!(String::new(), "", "hello"); ensure_ne!("1".to_owned(), "2", ErrorKind::UnitError); Ok(0) } assert_eq!(successes().unwrap(), 0); let fail = || -> Result { ensure_eq!(1, 2); Ok(0) }; assert_eq!( format!("{}", fail().unwrap_err()), r#"Error { stack: [ Location { file: "tests/", line: 64, col: 9 }, ensure_eq( lhs: 1 rhs: 2 ) -> equality assertion failed ] }"# ); let fail = || -> Result { ensure_eq!(1, 2, "hello"); Ok(0) }; assert_eq!( format!("{}", fail().unwrap_err()), r#"Error { stack: [ Location { file: "tests/", line: 79, col: 9 }, hello ] }"# ); let fail = || -> Result { ensure_ne!(2, 2); Ok(0) }; assert_eq!( format!("{}", fail().unwrap_err()), r#"Error { stack: [ Location { file: "tests/", line: 91, col: 9 }, ensure_ne( lhs: 2 rhs: 2 ) -> inequality assertion failed ] }"# ); let fail = || -> Result { ensure_ne!(2, 2, "hello"); Ok(0) }; assert_eq!( format!("{}", fail().unwrap_err()), r#"Error { stack: [ Location { file: "tests/", line: 106, col: 9 }, hello ] }"# ); }