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``` ## CDN Use following links for `texmath.js` and `texmath.css` * `https://gitcdn.xyz/cdn/goessner/markdown-it-texmath/master/texmath.js` * `https://gitcdn.xyz/cdn/goessner/markdown-it-texmath/master/texmath.css` ## Dependencies * [`markdown-it`](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it): Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend. * [`katex`](https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX): This is where credits for fast rendering TeX math in HTML go to. ## ToDo nothing yet ## FAQ * __`markdown-it-texmath` with React Native does not work, why ?__ * `markdown-it-texmath` is using regular expressions with `y` [(sticky) property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/sticky) and cannot avoid this. The use of the `y` flag in regular expressions means the plugin is not compatible with React Native (which as of now doesn't support it and throws an error `Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor`). ## CHANGELOG ### [0.6.0] on October 04, 2019 * Add support for [Julia Markdown](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/stdlib/Markdown/) on [request](https://github.com/goessner/markdown-it-texmath/issues/15). ### [0.5.5] on February 07, 2019 * Remove [rendering bug with brackets delimiters](https://github.com/goessner/markdown-it-texmath/issues/9). ### [0.5.4] on January 20, 2019 * Remove pathological [bug within blockquotes](https://github.com/goessner/mdmath/issues/50). ### [0.5.3] on November 11, 2018 * Add support for Tex macros (https://katex.org/docs/supported.html#macros) . * Bug with [brackets delimiters](https://github.com/goessner/markdown-it-texmath/issues/9) . ### [0.5.2] on September 07, 2018 * Add support for [Kramdown](https://kramdown.gettalong.org/) . ### [0.5.0] on August 15, 2018 * Fatal blockquote bug investigated. Implemented workaround to vscode bug, which has finally gone with vscode 1.26.0 . ### [0.4.6] on January 05, 2018 * Escaped underscore bug removed. ### [0.4.5] on November 06, 2017 * Backslash bug removed. ### [0.4.4] on September 27, 2017 * Modifying the `block` mode regular expression with `gitlab` delimiters, so removing the `newline` bug. ## License `markdown-it-texmath` is licensed under the [MIT License](./license.txt) © [Stefan Gössner](https://github.com/goessner)