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[![Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.](]( [![Crate](]( [![Docs](]( [![GitHub release](]( # STAM Daemon This is a webservice for working with stand-off annotation of text. It uses the [STAM]( model, but can also serve [W3C Web Annotations]( using a limited subset of the [Web Annotation Protocol](, if the underlying model supports it. ## Description & Features A RESTful API is offered with several end-points. The full OpenAPI specification can be consulted interactively at the `/swagger-ui/` endpoint once stamd is running. stamd is a memory-backed service: models or annotation stores (i.e. annotations and the full underlying texts), will be loaded into memory when first needed, and automatically unloaded again when they haven't been used for a while. This allows for very fast response times once a model is loaded, at the cost of limited scalability with regard to the annotation store size and number of models serves simultaneously. Annotation stores can be queried via [STAMQL](, a powerful query language designed specifically for stand-off text annotation. Queries are used not just to read information from the annotation stores, but also to add/edit/delete information. The latter behaviour can be disallowed via the `--read-only` parameter. ## Web API Endpoints in this webservice return up to four different output formats, the format is requested via regular HTTP *content negotation*: * [**STAM JSON**]( - `application/json` - This is STAM's canonical data format. It is returned by most of the endpoints. * **plain text** - `text/plain` - Whenever output can be reduced to a plain text representation, this content type can be requested. It is also the default representation for the `/*/resources/` endpoints. * **HTML** - `text/html` - This is only supported by the `/query/` and provides a complete HTML visualisation. In the query you can specify exactly what annotations to highlight. Read [further details here]( * [**W3C Web Annotations (JSON-LD)**]( - `application/ld+json` - This representation is allow on queries for annotations (`/query/`) and on the `/*/annotations/` endpoints. It returns the W3C Web Annotation representation in JSON-LD. The underlying STAM model must respect certain extra constraints, as formulated in the STAM specification, in order for this conversion to work. The following endpoints are available, consult the `/swagger-ui/` endpoint for a more formal and complete specification. * `GET /` - Returns either a simple JSON list of all available annotation stores in this server, or a crude HTML form that allows you to interactively query any of the available stores. * `GET /{store_id}/?query=` - Runs a STAMQL query on an annotation store. This is the go-to endpoint that provides 90% of all functionality. * `POST /query` - Same as above but takes all paramters as form-encoded data via a POST request * `POST /{store_id}` - Create a new annotation store * `GET /{store_id}/annotations` - Returns the public identifiers of all available annotations in the store. * `GET /{store_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}` - Returns an annotation given its identifier. * `GET /{store_id}/resources` - Returns the public identifiers of all available resources in the store. * `GET /{store_id}/resources/{resource_id}` - Returns a resource given its identifier. * `POST /{store_id}/resources/{resource_id}` - Create a new resource in a given store. * `GET /{store_id}/resources/{resource_id}/{begin}/{end}` - Returns a text selection inside a resource. Offset are 0-indexed, unicode points, end is non inclusive. * `GET /swagger-ui` - Serves an interactive webinterface explaining the RESTful API specification. * `GET /api-doc/openapi.json` - Machine parseable OpenAPI specification. ## Installation ### From source ``` $ cargo install stamd ``` ## Usage Run `stamd` to start the webservice, see `stamd --help` for various parameters. ## Security This webservice is **NOT** meant to be directly opened up to the internet, as it does not provide any authentication mechanism and can be easily abused as a file hosting service. It is intended as a backend service for dedicated frontends to communicate with. Make sure it is behind a firewall or on a private network segment. If you do expose it to the internet, make sure to launch stamd with the `--readonly` parameter.