{%- let banner_path -%} {%- match src.additional_parts.banner_path -%} {%- when Some with (val) -%} {%- let banner_path = val -%} {%- when None -%} {%- let banner_path = empty_string -%} {%- endmatch -%} {%- let custom_domain -%} {%- match src.collaboration_data.custom_domain -%} {%- when Some with (val) -%} {%- let custom_domain = val -%} {%- when None -%} {%- let custom_domain = empty_string -%} {%- endmatch -%} {%- let custom_license -%} {%- match src.collaboration_data.custom_license -%} {%- when Some with (val) -%} {%- let custom_license = val -%} {%- when None -%} {%- let custom_license = empty_string -%} {%- endmatch -%} {%- let custom_year -%} {%- match src.collaboration_data.custom_year -%} {%- when Some with (val) -%} {%- let custom_year = val -%} {%- when None -%} {%- let custom_year = empty_string -%} {%- endmatch -%} # {{ src.repo_data.name }} {% if src.additional_parts.has_banner %} ![banner]({{ banner_path }}) {% endif -%} {% if src.additional_parts.add_standard_readme_badge %} [![standard-readme compliant](https://img.shields.io/badge/standard--readme-OK-green.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/RichardLitt/standard-readme) {%- endif -%} {% if src.additional_parts.add_more_badges_todo %} TODO: Mehr Badges einfügen.{% endif %} {{ src.repo_data.description }} {% if src.additional_parts.add_long_description_todo -%} TODO: Lange Beschreibung ausfüllen. {% endif -%} ## Inhaltsverzeichnis {% if src.additional_parts.add_security_section -%} - [Sicherheit](#sicherheit) {%- endif -%} {%- if src.additional_parts.add_background_section %} - [Hintergrund](#hintergrund) {%- endif %} - [Installation](#installation) - [Verwendung](#verwendung) {% if src.additional_parts.add_api_section -%} - [API](#api) {% endif -%} - [Maintainer](#maintainer) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Lizenz](#lizenz) {% if src.additional_parts.add_security_section -%} ## Sicherheit {% endif -%} {% if src.additional_parts.add_background_section -%} ## Hintergrund {% endif -%} ## Installation ```sh ``` ## Verwendung ```sh ``` {% if src.additional_parts.add_api_section -%} ## API {% endif -%} ## Maintainer {% let maintainer_domain -%} {% if src.collaboration_data.use_github_com -%} {%- let maintainer_domain = "github.com" -%} {%- else -%} {%- let maintainer_domain = custom_domain -%} {%- endif -%} [@{{ src.collaboration_data.maintainer_handle }}](https://{{ maintainer_domain }}/{{ src.collaboration_data.maintainer_handle }}) ## Contributing {% if src.collaboration_data.mention_contributing_file -%} Siehe [contributing-Datei](contributing.md)! {% endif -%} {%- if src.collaboration_data.allow_prs -%} PRs werden akzeptiert. {%- endif %} Kurze Anmerkung: Beim Editieren des README bitte an die [standard-readme](https://github.com/RichardLitt/standard-readme) Spezifikation halten. ## Lizenz {% if src.collaboration_data.use_mit -%} MIT {%- else -%} {{ custom_license }} {%- endif %} © {{- " " }} {%- if src.collaboration_data.use_current_year -%} {{- current_year -}} {% else %} {{ custom_year }} {%- endif -%} {{ " " }} {{- src.collaboration_data.license_holder }}