use darling::FromMeta; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use syn::{parse_macro_input, Expr, ExprCall, ExprPath, FnArg, Pat, Stmt, Type, TypePath}; fn is_event_state(path: &ExprPath) -> bool { let Some(state) = path.path.segments.first() else { return false; }; state.ident == "EventState" } fn is_return_event_state(call: &ExprCall) -> bool { // Ok(_), Err(_) let Expr::Path(func) = call.func.as_ref() else { return false; }; let ident = func.path.get_ident().unwrap(); if ident == "Err" { return true; } if ident != "Ok" { return false; } match call.args.first() { // EventState::Continue // EventState::Stop Some(Expr::Path(arg)) => is_event_state(arg), // EventState::Return(_) Some(Expr::Call(call)) => match call.func.as_ref() { Expr::Path(func) => is_event_state(func), _ => false, }, _ => false, } } fn has_return_statement(block: &syn::Block) -> bool { let Some(last_statement) = block.stmts.last() else { return false; }; let expr = match &last_statement { // value // return value; Stmt::Expr(expr, _) => expr, _ => { return false; } }; match expr { // Ok(_) Expr::Call(call) => is_return_event_state(call), // return Ok(_); Expr::Return(ret) => match ret.expr.as_ref() { Some(expr) => match expr.as_ref() { Expr::Call(call) => is_return_event_state(call), _ => false, }, _ => false, }, _ => false, } } // #[subscriber] pub fn macro_impl(_args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let func = parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemFn); let func_name = func.sig.ident; let func_body = func.block; let FnArg::Typed(event_param) = func .sig .inputs .first() .expect("Requires an event as the only parameter.") else { panic!("Unsupported param type."); }; let Pat::Ident(event_param_name) = event_param.pat.as_ref() else { panic!("Unsupported param, must be an identifier."); }; let data_name = &event_param_name.ident; let mut event_type = TypePath::from_string("Event").unwrap(); let mut is_mutable = event_param_name.mutability.is_some(); match event_param.ty.as_ref() { Type::Path(path) => { path.clone_into(&mut event_type); } Type::Reference(refs) => { if refs.mutability.is_some() { is_mutable = true; } if let Type::Path(ref_path) = refs.elem.as_ref() { ref_path.clone_into(&mut event_type); } } _ => { panic!("Unsupported event param type, must be a path or reference."); } }; let acquire_lock = if is_mutable { quote! { let mut #data_name = #data_name.write().await; } } else { quote! { let #data_name =; } }; let return_flow = if has_return_statement(&func_body) { quote! {} } else { quote! { Ok(starbase_events::EventState::Continue) } }; let attributes = if cfg!(feature = "tracing") { quote! { #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] } } else { quote! {} }; quote! { #attributes async fn #func_name( event: std::sync::Arc<#event_type>, #data_name: std::sync::Arc::Data>> ) -> starbase_events::EventResult { #acquire_lock #func_body #return_flow } } .into() }