//! Command-line configuration shared by all examples. //! This is also an executable demo. It prints the received configuration to stdout. use std::io; use clap::Parser; use tonic::transport::ClientTlsConfig; use stargate_grpc::client::default_tls_config; use stargate_grpc::AuthToken; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(name = "Stargate Rust gRPC client demo program")] pub struct Config { /// Keyspace name to use; on Astra it must match the keyspace of the database #[clap(short('k'), long, default_value = "stargate_examples")] pub keyspace: String, /// Authentication token. #[clap(short('t'), long, env("SG_TOKEN"), parse(try_from_str))] pub token: AuthToken, /// Enable TLS. #[clap(long)] pub tls: bool, /// Stargate coordinator URL #[clap(default_value = "")] pub url: String, } impl Config { pub fn from_args() -> Config { Config::parse() } pub fn tls_config(&self) -> io::Result> { if self.tls { Ok(Some(default_tls_config()?)) } else { Ok(None) } } } #[allow(unused)] fn main() { println!("{:?}", Config::from_args()); }