## Running simple contracts The idea of this small tutorial is to introduce how to run simple contracts using starknet_in_rust, specifically how to call *external* functions given a already declared (contract class defined in the starknet state) and deploy (a given instance of a contract class, with storage assigned to it) contract. As declare and deploy transactions are currently WIP, we encapsulate all the functionality (declaring, deploying and executing a given entrypoint) in ```main.rs```. ## How to use - First run ```make deps``` in order to setup the environment. - Add your contract to this directory. - Remember that in order to call functions you must use the *external* decorator. - You also must add ```%lang starknet``` at the beggining of the contract. - Compile the contract: - ```source starknet-venv/bin/activate``` - ```starknet-compile your_contract.cairo --output your_contract.json``` - Add a test for your contract calling ```test_contract``` passing: - Your compiled contract path - The entrypoint you are wanting to execute - The parameters needed in order to call that entrypoint - The expected returned value