#![feature(test)] #![feature(plugin)] #![plugin(phf_macros)] extern crate phf; #[macro_use] extern crate static_map_macros; #[macro_use] extern crate static_map; extern crate test; use test::Bencher; use test::black_box; use static_map::Map; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Symbol { pub unicode: u32, pub atom_type: AtomType, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum AtomType { Punctuation, Ordinal, Open, Close, Binary, Relation, Accent, AccentWide, BotAccent, BotAccentWide, Alpha, Fence, Operator(bool), // bool := limits or nolimits? Over, Under, Inner, Transparent, } static SYMBOLS_PHF: phf::Map<&'static str, Symbol> = phf_map! { // unicode-math.dtx command table // "mathexclam" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x21, exclamation mark // "mathoctothorpe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23, number sign // "mathdollar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x24, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x24, dollar sign // "mathpercent" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25, percent sign // "mathampersand" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26, ampersand "lparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x28, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x28, left parenthesis "rparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29, right parenthesis // "mathplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2B, plus sign b: // "mathcomma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2C, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x2C, comma // "mathperiod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2E, full stop, period // "mathslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2F, solidus // "mathcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x3A, colon // "mathsemicolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x3B, semicolon p: // "less" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x3C, less-than sign r: // "equal" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x3D, equals sign r: // "greater" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x3E, greater-than sign r: // "mathquestion" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F, question mark // "mathatsign" => Symbol { unicode: 0x40, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x40, commercial at "lbrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x5B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x5B, left square bracket "backslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x5C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x5C, reverse solidus "rbrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x5D, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x5D, right square bracket "lbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x7B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x7B, left curly bracket "vert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x7C, atom_type: AtomType::Fence }, // Unicode: 0x7C, vertical bar "rbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x7D, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x7D, right curly bracket // "mathsterling" => Symbol { unicode: 0xA3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xA3, pound sign // "mathyen" => Symbol { unicode: 0xA5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xA5, yen sign "neg" => Symbol { unicode: 0xAC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xAC, /neg /lnot not sign "pm" => Symbol { unicode: 0xB1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xB1, plus-or-minus sign "cdotp" => Symbol { unicode: 0xB7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xB7, /centerdot b: middle dot "times" => Symbol { unicode: 0xD7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xD7, multiply sign "matheth" => Symbol { unicode: 0xF0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xF0, eth "div" => Symbol { unicode: 0xF7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xF7, divide sign "Zbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x1B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x1B5, impedance (latin capital letter z with stroke) "grave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x300, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x300, grave accent "acute" => Symbol { unicode: 0x301, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x301, acute accent "hat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x302, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x302, circumflex accent "widehat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x302, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x302, circumflex accent "tilde" => Symbol { unicode: 0x303, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x303, tilde "widetilde" => Symbol { unicode: 0x303, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x303, tilde "bar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x304, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x304, macron "overbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x305, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x305, overbar embellishment "breve" => Symbol { unicode: 0x306, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x306, breve "dot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x307, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x307, dot above "ddot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x308, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x308, dieresis "ovhook" => Symbol { unicode: 0x309, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x309, combining hook above "ocirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x30A, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x30A, ring "check" => Symbol { unicode: 0x30C, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x30C, caron "candra" => Symbol { unicode: 0x310, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x310, candrabindu (non-spacing) "oturnedcomma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x312, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x312, combining turned comma above "ocommatopright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x315, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x315, combining comma above right "droang" => Symbol { unicode: 0x31A, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x31A, left angle above (non-spacing) "wideutilde" => Symbol { unicode: 0x330, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x330, under tilde accent (multiple characters and non-spacing) "mathunderbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x332, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x332, combining low line "not" => Symbol { unicode: 0x338, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x338, combining long solidus overlay "underleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x34D, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x34D, underleftrightarrow accent // "mupAlpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x391, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x391, capital alpha, greek // "mupBeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x392, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x392, capital beta, greek // "mupGamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x393, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x393, capital gamma, greek // "mupDelta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x394, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x394, capital delta, greek // "mupEpsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x395, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x395, capital epsilon, greek // "mupZeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x396, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x396, capital zeta, greek // "mupEta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x397, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x397, capital eta, greek // "mupTheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x398, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x398, capital theta, greek // "mupIota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x399, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x399, capital iota, greek // "mupKappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39A, capital kappa, greek // "mupLambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39B, capital lambda, greek // "mupMu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39C, capital mu, greek // "mupNu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39D, capital nu, greek // "mupXi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39E, capital xi, greek // "mupOmicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39F, capital omicron, greek // "mupPi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A0, capital pi, greek // "mupRho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A1, capital rho, greek // "mupSigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A3, capital sigma, greek // "mupTau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A4, capital tau, greek // "mupUpsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A5, capital upsilon, greek // "mupPhi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A6, capital phi, greek // "mupChi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A7, capital chi, greek // "mupPsi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A8, capital psi, greek // "mupOmega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A9, capital omega, greek // "mupalpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B1, small alpha, greek // "mupbeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B2, small beta, greek // "mupgamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B3, small gamma, greek // "mupdelta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B4, small delta, greek // "mupepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B5, rounded small epsilon, greek // "mupzeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B6, small zeta, greek // "mupeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B7, small eta, greek // "muptheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B8, straight theta, small theta, greek // "mupiota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B9, small iota, greek // "mupkappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BA, small kappa, greek // "muplambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BB, small lambda, greek // "mupmu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BC, small mu, greek // "mupnu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BD, small nu, greek // "mupxi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BE, small xi, greek // "mupomicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BF, small omicron, greek // "muppi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C0, small pi, greek // "muprho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C1, small rho, greek // "mupvarsigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C2, terminal sigma, greek // "mupsigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C3, small sigma, greek // "muptau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C4, small tau, greek // "mupupsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C5, small upsilon, greek // "mupvarphi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C6, curly or open small phi, greek // "mupchi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C7, small chi, greek // "muppsi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C8, small psi, greek // "mupomega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C9, small omega, greek // "mupvarbeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D0, rounded small beta, greek // "mupvartheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D1, /vartheta - curly or open theta // "mupphi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D5, /straightphi - small phi, greek // "mupvarpi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D6, rounded small pi (pomega), greek // "upoldKoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D8, greek letter archaic koppa // "upoldkoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D9, greek small letter archaic koppa // "upStigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DA, capital stigma // "upstigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DB, greek small letter stigma // "upDigamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DC, capital digamma // "updigamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DD, old greek small letter digamma // "upKoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DE, capital koppa // "upkoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DF, greek small letter koppa // "upSampi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3E0, capital sampi // "upsampi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3E1, greek small letter sampi // "mupvarkappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F0, rounded small kappa, greek // "mupvarrho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F1, rounded small rho, greek // "mupvarTheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F4, greek capital theta symbol // "mupvarepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F5, greek lunate epsilon symbol // "upbackepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F6, greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol "horizbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2015, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2015, horizontal bar "Vert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2016, atom_type: AtomType::Fence }, // Unicode: 0x2016, double vertical bar "twolowline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2017, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2017, double low line (spacing) "dagger" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2020, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2020, dagger relation "ddagger" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2021, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2021, double dagger relation "smblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2022, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2022, /bullet b: round bullet, filled "enleadertwodots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2025, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2025, double baseline dot (en leader) "unicodeellipsis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2026, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2026, ellipsis (horizontal) "prime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2032, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2032, prime or minute, not superscripted "dprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2033, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2033, double prime or second, not superscripted "trprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2034, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2034, triple prime (not superscripted) "backprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2035, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2035, reverse prime, not superscripted "backdprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2036, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2036, double reverse prime, not superscripted "backtrprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2037, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2037, triple reverse prime, not superscripted "caretinsert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2038, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2038, caret (insertion mark) // "Exclam" => Symbol { unicode: 0x203C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x203C, double exclamation mark // "tieconcat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2040, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2040, character tie, z notation sequence concatenation // "hyphenbullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2043, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2043, rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet) // "fracslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2044, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2044, fraction slash // "Question" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2047, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2047, double question mark // "closure" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2050, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2050, close up // "qprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2057, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2057, quadruple prime, not superscripted // "euro" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20AC, euro sign "leftharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D0, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D0, combining left harpoon above "overleftharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D0, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20D0, combining left harpoon above "rightharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D1, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D1, combining right harpoon above "overrightharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D1, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20D1, combining right harpoon above "vertoverlay" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D2, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D2, combining long vertical line overlay "overleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D6, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20D6, combining left arrow above "overrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D7, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D7, combining left arrow above "vec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D7, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D7, combining right arrow above "dddot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DB, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20DB, combining three dots above "ddddot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DC, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20DC, combining four dots above // "enclosecircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20DD, combining enclosing circle // "enclosesquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20DE, combining enclosing square // "enclosediamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20DF, combining enclosing diamond // "overleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E1, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20E1, combining left right arrow above // "enclosetriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20E4, combining enclosing upward pointing triangle // "annuity" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E7, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20E7, combining annuity symbol // "threeunderdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E8, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccent }, // Unicode: 0x20E8, combining triple underdot "widebridgeabove" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E9, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20E9, combining wide bridge above "underrightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20EC, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20EC, combining rightwards harpoon with barb downwards "underleftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20ED, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20ED, combining leftwards harpoon with barb downwards "underleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20EE, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20EE, combining left arrow below "underrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20EF, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20EF, combining right arrow below "asteraccent" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20F0, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20F0, combining asterisk above "BbbC" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2102, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2102, /bbb c, open face c "Eulerconst" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2107, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2107, euler constant "mscrg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210A, /scr g, script letter g "mscrH" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210B, hamiltonian (script capital h) "mfrakH" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210C, /frak h, upper case h "BbbH" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210D, /bbb h, open face h "Planckconst" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210E, planck constant "hslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210F, /hslash - variant planck's over 2pi "mscrI" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2110, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2110, /scr i, script letter i "Im" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2111, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2111, imaginary part "mscrL" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2112, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2112, lagrangian (script capital l) "ell" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2113, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2113, cursive small l "BbbN" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2115, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2115, /bbb n, open face n "wp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2118, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2118, weierstrass p "BbbP" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2119, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2119, /bbb p, open face p "BbbQ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211A, /bbb q, open face q "mscrR" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211B, /scr r, script letter r "Re" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211C, real part "BbbR" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211D, /bbb r, open face r "BbbZ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2124, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2124, /bbb z, open face z "mho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2127, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2127, conductance "mfrakZ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2128, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2128, /frak z, upper case z "turnediota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2129, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2129, turned iota "Angstrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212B, angstrom capital a, ring "mscrB" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212C, bernoulli function (script capital b) "mfrakC" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212D, black-letter capital c "mscre" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212F, /scr e, script letter e "mscrE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2130, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2130, /scr e, script letter e "mscrF" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2131, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2131, /scr f, script letter f "Finv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2132, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2132, turned capital f "mscrM" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2133, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2133, physics m-matrix (script capital m) "mscro" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2134, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2134, order of (script small o) "aleph" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2135, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2135, aleph, hebrew "beth" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2136, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2136, beth, hebrew "gimel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2137, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2137, gimel, hebrew "daleth" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2138, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2138, daleth, hebrew "Bbbpi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213C, double-struck small pi "Bbbgamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213D, double-struck small gamma "BbbGamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213E, double-struck capital gamma "BbbPi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213F, double-struck capital pi "Bbbsum" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2140, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2140, double-struck n-ary summation "Game" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2141, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2141, turned sans-serif capital g "sansLturned" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2142, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2142, turned sans-serif capital l "sansLmirrored" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2143, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2143, reversed sans-serif capital l "Yup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2144, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2144, turned sans-serif capital y "mitBbbD" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2145, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2145, double-struck italic capital d "mitBbbd" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2146, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2146, double-struck italic small d "mitBbbe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2147, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2147, double-struck italic small e "mitBbbi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2148, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2148, double-struck italic small i "mitBbbj" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2149, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2149, double-struck italic small j "PropertyLine" => Symbol { unicode: 0x214A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x214A, property line "upand" => Symbol { unicode: 0x214B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x214B, turned ampersand "leftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2190, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2190, /leftarrow /gets a: leftward arrow "uparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2191, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2191, upward arrow "rightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2192, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2192, /rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow "to" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2192, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2192, /rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow "downarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2193, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2193, downward arrow "leftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2194, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2194, left and right arrow "updownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2195, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2195, up and down arrow "nwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2196, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2196, nw pointing arrow "nearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2197, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2197, ne pointing arrow "searrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2198, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2198, se pointing arrow "swarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2199, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2199, sw pointing arrow "nleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219A, not left arrow "nrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219B, not right arrow "leftwavearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219C, left arrow-wavy "rightwavearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219D, right arrow-wavy "twoheadleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219E, left two-headed arrow "twoheaduparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219F, up two-headed arrow "twoheadrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A0, right two-headed arrow "twoheaddownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A1, down two-headed arrow "leftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A2, left arrow-tailed "rightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A3, right arrow-tailed "mapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A4, maps to, leftward "mapsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A5, maps to, upward "mapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A6, maps to, rightward "mapsdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A7, maps to, downward "updownarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21A8, up down arrow with base (perpendicular) "hookleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A9, left arrow-hooked "hookrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AA, right arrow-hooked "looparrowleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AB, left arrow-looped "looparrowright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AC, right arrow-looped "leftrightsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AD, left and right arr-wavy "nleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AE, not left and right arrow "downzigzagarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AF, downwards zigzag arrow "Lsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B0, /lsh a: "Rsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B1, /rsh a: "Ldsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B2, left down angled arrow "Rdsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B3, right down angled arrow "linefeed" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B4, rightwards arrow with corner downwards "carriagereturn" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B5, downwards arrow with corner leftward = carriage return "curvearrowleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B6, left curved arrow "curvearrowright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B7, right curved arrow "barovernorthwestarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B8, north west arrow to long bar "barleftarrowrightarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B9, leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar "acwopencirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21BA, anticlockwise open circle arrow "cwopencirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21BB, clockwise open circle arrow "leftharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BC, left harpoon-up "leftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BD, left harpoon-down "upharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BE, /upharpoonright /restriction a: up harpoon-right "upharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BF, up harpoon-left "rightharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C0, right harpoon-up "rightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C1, right harpoon-down "downharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C2, down harpoon-right "downharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C3, down harpoon-left "rightleftarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C4, right arrow over left arrow "updownarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C5, up arrow, down arrow "leftrightarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C6, left arrow over right arrow "leftleftarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C7, two left arrows "upuparrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C8, two up arrows "rightrightarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C9, two right arrows "downdownarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CA, two down arrows "leftrightharpoons" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CB, left harpoon over right "rightleftharpoons" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CC, right harpoon over left "nLeftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CD, not implied by "nLeftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CE, not left and right double arrows "nRightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CF, not implies "Leftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D0, is implied by "Uparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D1, up double arrow "Rightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D2, implies "Downarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D3, down double arrow "Leftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D4, left and right double arrow "Updownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D5, up and down double arrow "Nwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D6, nw pointing double arrow "Nearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D7, ne pointing double arrow "Searrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D8, se pointing double arrow "Swarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D9, sw pointing double arrow "Lleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DA, left triple arrow "Rrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DB, right triple arrow "leftsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DC, leftwards squiggle arrow "rightsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DD, rightwards squiggle arrow "nHuparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21DE, upwards arrow with double stroke "nHdownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21DF, downwards arrow with double stroke "leftdasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E0, leftwards dashed arrow "updasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E1, upwards dashed arrow "rightdasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E2, rightwards dashed arrow "downdasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E3, downwards dashed arrow "barleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21E4, leftwards arrow to bar "rightarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21E5, rightwards arrow to bar "leftwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E6, leftwards white arrow "upwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E7, upwards white arrow "rightwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E8, rightwards white arrow "downwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E9, downwards white arrow "whitearrowupfrombar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21EA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21EA, upwards white arrow from bar "circleonrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F4, right arrow with small circle "downuparrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F5, downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow "rightthreearrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F6, three rightwards arrows "nvleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F7, leftwards arrow with vertical stroke "nvrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F8, rightwards arrow with vertical stroke "nvleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F9, left right arrow with vertical stroke "nVleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FA, leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke "nVrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FB, rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke "nVleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FC, left right arrow with double vertical stroke "leftarrowtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FD, leftwards open-headed arrow "rightarrowtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FE, rightwards open-headed arrow "leftrightarrowtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FF, left right open-headed arrow "forall" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2200, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2200, for all "complement" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2201, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2201, complement sign "partial" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2202, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2202, partial differential "exists" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2203, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2203, at least one exists "nexists" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2204, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2204, negated exists "varnothing" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2205, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2205, circle, slash "increment" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2206, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2206, laplacian (delta; nabla\string^2) "nabla" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2207, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2207, nabla, del, hamilton operator "in" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2208, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2208, set membership, variant "notin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2209, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2209, negated set membership "smallin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220A, set membership (small set membership) "ni" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220B, contains, variant "nni" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220C, negated contains, variant "smallni" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220D, /ni /owns r: contains (small contains as member) "QED" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x220E, end of proof "prod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x220F, product operator "coprod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2210, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2210, coproduct operator "sum" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2211, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2211, summation operator "minus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2212, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2212, minus sign "mp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2213, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2213, minus-or-plus sign "dotplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2214, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2214, plus sign, dot above "divslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2215, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2215, division slash "smallsetminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2216, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2216, small set minus (cf. reverse solidus) "ast" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2217, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2217, centered asterisk "vysmwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2218, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2218, composite function (small circle) "vysmblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2219, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2219, bullet operator "sqrt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221A, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x221A, radical "cuberoot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x221B, cube root "fourthroot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221C, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x221C, fourth root "propto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x221D, is proportional to "infty" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x221E, infinity "rightangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x221F, right (90 degree) angle "angle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2220, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2220, angle "measuredangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2221, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2221, angle-measured "sphericalangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2222, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2222, angle-spherical "mid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2223, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2223, /mid r: "nmid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2224, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2224, negated mid "parallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2225, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2225, parallel "nparallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2226, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2226, not parallel "wedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2227, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2227, /wedge /land b: logical and "vee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2228, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2228, /vee /lor b: logical or "cap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2229, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2229, intersection "cup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x222A, union or logical sum "int" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222B, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222B, integral operator "iint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222C, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222C, double integral operator "iiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222D, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222D, triple integral operator "oint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222E, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222E, contour integral operator "oiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222F, double contour integral operator "oiiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2230, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2230, triple contour integral operator "intclockwise" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2231, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2231, clockwise integral "varointclockwise" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2232, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2232, contour integral, clockwise "ointctrclockwise" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2233, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2233, contour integral, anticlockwise "therefore" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2234, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2234, therefore "because" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2235, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2235, because "mathratio" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2236, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2236, ratio "Colon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2237, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2237, two colons "dotminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2238, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2238, minus sign, dot above "dashcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2239, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2239, excess (-:) "dotsminusdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223A, minus with four dots, geometric properties "kernelcontraction" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223B, homothetic "sim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223C, similar "backsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223D, reverse similar "invlazys" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x223E, most positive [inverted lazy s] "sinewave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x223F, sine wave "wr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2240, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2240, wreath product "nsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2241, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2241, not similar "eqsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2242, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2242, equals, similar "simeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2243, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2243, similar, equals "nsime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2244, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2244, not similar, equals "cong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2245, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2245, congruent with "simneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2246, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2246, similar, not equals [vert only for 9573 entity] "ncong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2247, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2247, not congruent with "approx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2248, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2248, approximate "napprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2249, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2249, not approximate "approxeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224A, approximate, equals "approxident" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224B, approximately identical to "backcong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224C, all equal to "asymp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224D, asymptotically equal to "Bumpeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224E, bumpy equals "bumpeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224F, bumpy equals, equals "doteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2250, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2250, equals, single dot above "Doteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2251, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2251, /doteqdot /doteq r: equals, even dots "fallingdotseq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2252, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2252, equals, falling dots "risingdotseq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2253, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2253, equals, rising dots "coloneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2254, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2254, colon, equals "eqcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2255, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2255, equals, colon "eqcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2256, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2256, circle on equals sign "circeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2257, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2257, circle, equals "arceq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2258, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2258, arc, equals; corresponds to "wedgeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2259, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2259, corresponds to (wedge, equals) "veeeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225A, logical or, equals "stareq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225B, star equals "triangleq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225C, triangle, equals "eqdef" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225D, equals by definition "measeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225E, measured by (m over equals) "questeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225F, equal with questionmark "ne" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2260, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2260, /ne /neq r: not equal "equiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2261, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2261, identical with "nequiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2262, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2262, not identical with "Equiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2263, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2263, strict equivalence (4 lines) "leq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2264, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2264, /leq /le r: less-than-or-equal "geq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2265, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2265, /geq /ge r: greater-than-or-equal "leqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2266, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2266, less, double equals "geqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2267, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2267, greater, double equals "lneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2268, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2268, less, not double equals "gneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2269, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2269, greater, not double equals "ll" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226A, much less than, type 2 "gg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226B, much greater than, type 2 "between" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226C, between "nasymp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226D, not asymptotically equal to "nless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226E, not less-than "ngtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226F, not greater-than "nleq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2270, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2270, not less-than-or-equal "ngeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2271, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2271, not greater-than-or-equal "lesssim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2272, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2272, less, similar "gtrsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2273, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2273, greater, similar "nlesssim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2274, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2274, not less, similar "ngtrsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2275, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2275, not greater, similar "lessgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2276, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2276, less, greater "gtrless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2277, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2277, greater, less "nlessgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2278, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2278, not less, greater "ngtrless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2279, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2279, not greater, less "prec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227A, precedes "succ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227B, succeeds "preccurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227C, precedes, curly equals "succcurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227D, succeeds, curly equals "precsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227E, precedes, similar "succsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227F, succeeds, similar "nprec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2280, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2280, not precedes "nsucc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2281, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2281, not succeeds "subset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2282, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2282, subset or is implied by "supset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2283, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2283, superset or implies "nsubset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2284, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2284, not subset, variant [slash negation] "nsupset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2285, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2285, not superset, variant [slash negation] "subseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2286, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2286, subset, equals "supseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2287, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2287, superset, equals "nsubseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2288, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2288, not subset, equals "nsupseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2289, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2289, not superset, equals "subsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x228A, subset, not equals "supsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x228B, superset, not equals "cupleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x228C, multiset "cupdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x228D, union, with dot "uplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x228E, plus sign in union "sqsubset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x228F, square subset "sqsupset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2290, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2290, square superset "sqsubseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2291, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2291, square subset, equals "sqsupseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2292, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2292, square superset, equals "sqcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2293, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2293, square intersection "sqcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2294, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2294, square union "oplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2295, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2295, plus sign in circle "ominus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2296, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2296, minus sign in circle "otimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2297, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2297, multiply sign in circle "oslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2298, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2298, solidus in circle "odot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2299, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2299, middle dot in circle "circledcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229A, small circle in circle "circledast" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229B, asterisk in circle "circledequal" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229C, equal in circle "circleddash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229D, hyphen in circle "boxplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229E, plus sign in box "boxminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229F, minus sign in box "boxtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A0, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22A0, multiply sign in box "boxdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22A1, /dotsquare /boxdot b: small dot in box "vdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A2, vertical, dash "dashv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A3, dash, vertical "top" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22A4, top "bot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22A5, bottom "assert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A6, assertion (vertical, short dash) "models" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A7, models (vertical, short double dash) "vDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A8, vertical, double dash "Vdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A9, double vertical, dash "Vvdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AA, triple vertical, dash "VDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AB, double vert, double dash "nvdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AC, not vertical, dash "nvDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AD, not vertical, double dash "nVdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AE, not double vertical, dash "nVDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AF, not double vert, double dash "prurel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B0, element precedes under relation "scurel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B1, succeeds under relation "vartriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B2, left triangle, open, variant "vartriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B3, right triangle, open, variant "trianglelefteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B4, left triangle, equals "trianglerighteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B5, right triangle, equals "origof" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B6, original of "imageof" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B7, image of "multimap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B8, /multimap a: "hermitmatrix" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22B9, hermitian conjugate matrix "intercal" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BA, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BA, intercal "veebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BB, logical or, bar below (large vee); exclusive disjunction "barwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BC, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BC, bar, wedge (large wedge) "barvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BD, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BD, bar, vee (large vee) "measuredrightangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22BE, right angle-measured [with arc] "varlrtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22BF, right triangle "bigwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C0, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C0, logical or operator "bigvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C1, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C1, logical and operator "bigcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C2, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C2, intersection operator "bigcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C3, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C3, union operator "smwhtdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C4, white diamond "cdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C5, small middle dot "star" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C6, small star, filled, low "divideontimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C7, division on times "bowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22C8, bowtie "ltimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C9, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C9, times sign, left closed "rtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CA, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CA, times sign, right closed "leftthreetimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CB, left semidirect product "rightthreetimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CC, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CC, right semidirect product "backsimeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22CD, reverse similar, equals "curlyvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CE, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CE, curly logical or "curlywedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CF, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CF, curly logical and "Subset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D0, double subset "Supset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D1, double superset "Cap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D2, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22D2, /cap /doublecap b: double intersection "Cup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D3, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22D3, /cup /doublecup b: double union "pitchfork" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D4, pitchfork "equalparallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D5, parallel, equal; equal or parallel "lessdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D6, less than, with dot "gtrdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D7, greater than, with dot "lll" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D8, /ll /lll /llless r: triple less-than "ggg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D9, /ggg /gg /gggtr r: triple greater-than "lesseqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DA, less, equals, greater "gtreqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DB, greater, equals, less "eqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DC, equal-or-less "eqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DD, equal-or-greater "curlyeqprec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DE, curly equals, precedes "curlyeqsucc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DF, curly equals, succeeds "npreccurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E0, not precedes, curly equals "nsucccurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E1, not succeeds, curly equals "nsqsubseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E2, not, square subset, equals "nsqsupseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E3, not, square superset, equals "sqsubsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E4, square subset, not equals "sqsupsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E5, square superset, not equals "lnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E6, less, not similar "gnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E7, greater, not similar "precnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E8, precedes, not similar "succnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E9, succeeds, not similar "nvartriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EA, not left triangle "nvartriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EB, not right triangle "ntrianglelefteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EC, not left triangle, equals "ntrianglerighteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22ED, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22ED, not right triangle, equals "vdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EE, vertical ellipsis "unicodecdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22EF, three dots, centered "cdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22EF, three dots, centered "adots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F0, three dots, ascending "ddots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F1, three dots, descending "disin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F2, element of with long horizontal stroke "varisins" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F3, element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "isins" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F4, small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "isindot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F5, element of with dot above "varisinobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F6, element of with overbar "isinobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F7, small element of with overbar "isinvb" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F8, element of with underbar "isinE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F9, element of with two horizontal strokes "nisd" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FA, contains with long horizontal stroke "varnis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FB, contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "nis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FC, small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "varniobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FD, contains with overbar "niobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FE, small contains with overbar "bagmember" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FF, z notation bag membership "diameter" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2300, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2300, diameter sign "house" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2302, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2302, house "varbarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2305, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2305, /barwedge b: logical and, bar above [projective (bar over small wedge)] "vardoublebarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2306, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2306, /doublebarwedge b: logical and, double bar above [perspective (double bar over small wedge)] "lceil" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2308, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2308, left ceiling "rceil" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2309, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2309, right ceiling "lfloor" => Symbol { unicode: 0x230A, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x230A, left floor "rfloor" => Symbol { unicode: 0x230B, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x230B, right floor "invnot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2310, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2310, reverse not "sqlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2311, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2311, square lozenge "profline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2312, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2312, profile of a line "profsurf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2313, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2313, profile of a surface "viewdata" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2317, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2317, viewdata square "turnednot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2319, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2319, turned not sign "ulcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231C, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x231C, upper left corner "urcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231D, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x231D, upper right corner "llcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231E, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x231E, lower left corner "lrcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231F, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x231F, lower right corner "inttop" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2320, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2320, top half integral "intbottom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2321, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2321, bottom half integral "frown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2322, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2322, down curve "smile" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2323, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2323, up curve "varhexagonlrbonds" => Symbol { unicode: 0x232C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x232C, six carbon ring, corner down, double bonds lower right etc "conictaper" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2332, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2332, conical taper "topbot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2336, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2336, top and bottom "obar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x233D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x233D, circle with vertical bar "APLnotslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x233F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x233F, solidus, bar through (apl functional symbol slash bar) "APLnotbackslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2340, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2340, apl functional symbol backslash bar "APLboxupcaret" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2353, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2353, boxed up caret "APLboxquestion" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2370, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2370, boxed question mark "rangledownzigzagarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x237C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x237C, right angle with downwards zigzag arrow "hexagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2394, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2394, horizontal benzene ring [hexagon flat open] "lparenuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239B, left parenthesis upper hook "lparenextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239C, left parenthesis extension "lparenlend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239D, left parenthesis lower hook "rparenuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239E, right parenthesis upper hook "rparenextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239F, right parenthesis extension "rparenlend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A0, right parenthesis lower hook "lbrackuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A1, left square bracket upper corner "lbrackextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A2, left square bracket extension "lbracklend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A3, left square bracket lower corner "rbrackuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A4, right square bracket upper corner "rbrackextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A5, right square bracket extension "rbracklend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A6, right square bracket lower corner "lbraceuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A7, left curly bracket upper hook "lbracemid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A8, left curly bracket middle piece "lbracelend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A9, left curly bracket lower hook "vbraceextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AA, curly bracket extension "rbraceuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AB, right curly bracket upper hook "rbracemid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AC, right curly bracket middle piece "rbracelend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AD, right curly bracket lower hook "intextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AE, integral extension "harrowextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AF, horizontal line extension (used to extend arrows) "lmoustache" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B0, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x23B0, upper left or lower right curly bracket section "rmoustache" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B1, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x23B1, upper right or lower left curly bracket section "sumtop" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B2, summation top "sumbottom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B3, summation bottom "overbracket" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B4, atom_type: AtomType::Over }, // Unicode: 0x23B4, top square bracket "underbracket" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B5, atom_type: AtomType::Under }, // Unicode: 0x23B5, bottom square bracket "bbrktbrk" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B6, bottom square bracket over top square bracket "sqrtbottom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B7, radical symbol bottom "lvboxline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B8, left vertical box line "rvboxline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B9, right vertical box line "varcarriagereturn" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23CE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23CE, return symbol "overparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DC, atom_type: AtomType::Over }, // Unicode: 0x23DC, top parenthesis (mathematical use) "underparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DD, atom_type: AtomType::Under }, // Unicode: 0x23DD, bottom parenthesis (mathematical use) "overbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DE, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x23DE, top curly bracket (mathematical use) "underbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DF, atom_type: AtomType::Under }, // Unicode: 0x23DF, bottom curly bracket (mathematical use) "obrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E0, top tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use) "ubrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E1, bottom tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use) "trapezium" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E2, white trapezium "benzenr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E3, benzene ring with circle "strns" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E4, straightness "fltns" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E5, flatness "accurrent" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E6, ac current "elinters" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E7, electrical intersection "mathvisiblespace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2423, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2423, open box "bdtriplevdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2506, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2506, doubly broken vert "blockuphalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2580, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2580, upper half block "blocklowhalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2584, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2584, lower half block "blockfull" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2588, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2588, full block "blocklefthalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x258C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x258C, left half block "blockrighthalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2590, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2590, right half block "blockqtrshaded" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2591, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2591, 25\% shaded block "blockhalfshaded" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2592, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2592, 50\% shaded block "blockthreeqtrshaded" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2593, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2593, 75\% shaded block "mdlgblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A0, square, filled "mdlgwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A1, square, open "squoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A2, white square with rounded corners "blackinwhitesquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A3, white square containing black small square "squarehfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A4, square, horizontal rule filled "squarevfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A5, square, vertical rule filled "squarehvfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A6, square with orthogonal crosshatch fill "squarenwsefill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A7, square, nw-to-se rule filled "squareneswfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A8, square, ne-to-sw rule filled "squarecrossfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A9, square with diagonal crosshatch fill "smblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AA, /blacksquare - sq bullet, filled "smwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AB, white small square "hrectangleblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AC, black rectangle "hrectangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AD, horizontal rectangle, open "vrectangleblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AE, black vertical rectangle "vrectangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AF, rectangle, white (vertical) "parallelogramblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B0, black parallelogram "parallelogram" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B1, parallelogram, open "bigblacktriangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B2, 0x25b2 6 6d black up-pointing triangle "bigtriangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B3, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25B3, big up triangle, open "blacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B4, up triangle, filled "vartriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x25B5, /triangle - up triangle, open "blacktriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B6, (large) right triangle, filled "triangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25B7, (large) right triangle, open; z notation range restriction "smallblacktriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B8, right triangle, filled "smalltriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B9, right triangle, open "blackpointerright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BA, black right-pointing pointer "whitepointerright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BB, white right-pointing pointer "bigblacktriangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BC, big down triangle, filled "bigtriangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BD, big down triangle, open "blacktriangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BE, down triangle, filled "triangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BF, down triangle, open "blacktriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C0, (large) left triangle, filled "triangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25C1, (large) left triangle, open; z notation domain restriction "smallblacktriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C2, left triangle, filled "smalltriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C3, left triangle, open "blackpointerleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C4, black left-pointing pointer "whitepointerleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C5, white left-pointing pointer "mdlgblkdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C6, black diamond "mdlgwhtdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C7, white diamond; diamond, open "blackinwhitediamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C8, white diamond containing black small diamond "fisheye" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C9, fisheye "mdlgwhtlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CA, lozenge or total mark "mdlgwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25CB, medium large circle "dottedcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CC, dotted circle "circlevertfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CD, circle with vertical fill "bullseye" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CE, bullseye "mdlgblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CF, circle, filled "circlelefthalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D0, circle, filled left half [harvey ball] "circlerighthalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D1, circle, filled right half "circlebottomhalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D2, circle, filled bottom half "circletophalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D3, circle, filled top half "circleurquadblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D4, circle with upper right quadrant black "blackcircleulquadwhite" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D5, circle with all but upper left quadrant black "blacklefthalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D6, left half black circle "blackrighthalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D7, right half black circle "inversebullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D8, inverse bullet "inversewhitecircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D9, inverse white circle "invwhiteupperhalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DA, upper half inverse white circle "invwhitelowerhalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DB, lower half inverse white circle "ularc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DC, upper left quadrant circular arc "urarc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DD, upper right quadrant circular arc "lrarc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DE, lower right quadrant circular arc "llarc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DF, lower left quadrant circular arc "topsemicircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E0, upper half circle "botsemicircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E1, lower half circle "lrblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E2, lower right triangle, filled "llblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E3, lower left triangle, filled "ulblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E4, upper left triangle, filled "urblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E5, upper right triangle, filled "smwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E6, white bullet "squareleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E7, square, filled left half "squarerightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E8, square, filled right half "squareulblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E9, square, filled top left corner "squarelrblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EA, square, filled bottom right corner "boxbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25EB, vertical bar in box "trianglecdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EC, triangle with centered dot "triangleleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25ED, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25ED, up-pointing triangle with left half black "trianglerightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EE, up-pointing triangle with right half black "lgwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EF, large circle "squareulquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F0, white square with upper left quadrant "squarellquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F1, white square with lower left quadrant "squarelrquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F2, white square with lower right quadrant "squareurquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F3, white square with upper right quadrant "circleulquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F4, white circle with upper left quadrant "circlellquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F5, white circle with lower left quadrant "circlelrquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F6, white circle with lower right quadrant "circleurquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F7, white circle with upper right quadrant "ultriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F8, upper left triangle "urtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F9, upper right triangle "lltriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FA, lower left triangle "mdwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FB, white medium square "mdblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FC, black medium square "mdsmwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FD, white medium small square "mdsmblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FE, black medium small square "lrtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FF, lower right triangle "bigstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2605, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2605, star, filled "bigwhitestar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2606, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2606, star, open "astrosun" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2609, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2609, sun "danger" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2621, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2621, dangerous bend (caution sign) "blacksmiley" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263B, black smiling face "sun" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263C, white sun with rays "rightmoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263D, first quarter moon "leftmoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263E, last quarter moon "female" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2640, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2640, venus, female "male" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2642, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2642, mars, male "spadesuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2660, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2660, spades suit symbol "heartsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2661, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2661, heart suit symbol "diamondsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2662, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2662, diamond suit symbol "clubsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2663, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2663, club suit symbol "varspadesuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2664, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2664, spade, white (card suit) "varheartsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2665, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2665, filled heart (card suit) "vardiamondsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2666, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2666, filled diamond (card suit) "varclubsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2667, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2667, club, white (card suit) "quarternote" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2669, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2669, music note (sung text sign) "eighthnote" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266A, eighth note "twonotes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266B, beamed eighth notes "flat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266D, musical flat "natural" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266E, music natural "sharp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266F, musical sharp "acidfree" => Symbol { unicode: 0x267E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x267E, permanent paper sign "dicei" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2680, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2680, die face-1 "diceii" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2681, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2681, die face-2 "diceiii" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2682, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2682, die face-3 "diceiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2683, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2683, die face-4 "dicev" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2684, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2684, die face-5 "dicevi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2685, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2685, die face-6 "circledrightdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2686, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2686, white circle with dot right "circledtwodots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2687, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2687, white circle with two dots "blackcircledrightdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2688, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2688, black circle with white dot right "blackcircledtwodots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2689, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2689, black circle with two white dots "Hermaphrodite" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26A5, male and female sign "mdwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26AA, medium white circle "mdblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26AB, medium black circle "mdsmwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26AC, medium small white circle "neuter" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26B2, neuter "checkmark" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2713, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2713, tick, check mark "maltese" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2720, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2720, maltese cross "circledstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x272A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x272A, circled white star "varstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2736, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2736, six pointed black star "dingasterisk" => Symbol { unicode: 0x273D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x273D, heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk "lbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2772, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2772, light left tortoise shell bracket ornament "rbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2773, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2773, light right tortoise shell bracket ornament "draftingarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x279B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x279B, right arrow with bold head (drafting) "threedangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C0, three dimensional angle "whiteinwhitetriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C1, white triangle containing small white triangle "perp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27C2, perpendicular "subsetcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C3, open subset "supsetcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C4, open superset "lbag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C5, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27C5, left s-shaped bag delimiter "rbag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C6, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27C6, right s-shaped bag delimiter "veedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27C7, or with dot inside "bsolhsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27C8, reverse solidus preceding subset "suphsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27C9, superset preceding solidus "longdivision" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27CC, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27CC, long division "diamondcdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27D0, white diamond with centred dot "wedgedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27D1, and with dot "upin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27D2, element of opening upwards "pullback" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27D3, lower right corner with dot "pushout" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27D4, upper left corner with dot "leftouterjoin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D5, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D5, left outer join "rightouterjoin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D6, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D6, right outer join "fullouterjoin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D7, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D7, full outer join "bigbot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D8, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D8, large up tack "bigtop" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D9, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D9, large down tack "DashVDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DA, left and right double turnstile "dashVdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DB, left and right tack "multimapinv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DC, left multimap "vlongdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DD, long left tack "longdashv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DE, long right tack "cirbot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DF, up tack with circle above "lozengeminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E0, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E0, lozenge divided by horizontal rule "concavediamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E1, white concave-sided diamond "concavediamondtickleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E2, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E2, white concave-sided diamond with leftwards tick "concavediamondtickright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E3, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E3, white concave-sided diamond with rightwards tick "whitesquaretickleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E4, white square with leftwards tick "whitesquaretickright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E5, white square with rightwards tick "lBrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E6, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27E6, mathematical left white square bracket "rBrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E7, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27E7, mathematical right white square bracket "langle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E8, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27E8, mathematical left angle bracket "rangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E9, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27E9, mathematical right angle bracket "lAngle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EA, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27EA, mathematical left double angle bracket "rAngle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EB, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27EB, mathematical right double angle bracket "Lbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EC, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27EC, mathematical left white tortoise shell bracket "Rbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27ED, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27ED, mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket "lgroup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EE, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27EE, mathematical left flattened parenthesis "rgroup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EF, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27EF, mathematical right flattened parenthesis "UUparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F0, upwards quadruple arrow "DDownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F1, downwards quadruple arrow "acwgapcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F2, anticlockwise gapped circle arrow "cwgapcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F3, clockwise gapped circle arrow "rightarrowonoplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F4, right arrow with circled plus "longleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F5, long leftwards arrow "longrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F6, long rightwards arrow "longleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F7, long left right arrow "Longleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F8, long leftwards double arrow "Longrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F9, long rightwards double arrow "Longleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FA, long left right double arrow "longmapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FB, long leftwards arrow from bar "longmapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FC, long rightwards arrow from bar "Longmapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FD, long leftwards double arrow from bar "Longmapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FE, long rightwards double arrow from bar "longrightsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FF, long rightwards squiggle arrow "nvtwoheadrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2900, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2900, rightwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2901, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2901, rightwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke "nvLeftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2902, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2902, leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke "nvRightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2903, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2903, rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke "nvLeftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2904, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2904, left right double arrow with vertical stroke "twoheadmapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2905, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2905, rightwards two-headed arrow from bar "Mapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2906, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2906, leftwards double arrow from bar "Mapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2907, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2907, rightwards double arrow from bar "downarrowbarred" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2908, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2908, downwards arrow with horizontal stroke "uparrowbarred" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2909, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2909, upwards arrow with horizontal stroke "Uuparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290A, upwards triple arrow "Ddownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290B, downwards triple arrow "leftbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290C, leftwards double dash arrow "rightbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290D, rightwards double dash arrow "leftdbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290E, leftwards triple dash arrow "dbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290F, rightwards triple dash arrow "drbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2910, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2910, rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow "rightdotarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2911, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2911, rightwards arrow with dotted stem "baruparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2912, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2912, upwards arrow to bar "downarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2913, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2913, downwards arrow to bar "nvrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2914, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2914, rightwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2915, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2915, rightwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "twoheadrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2916, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2916, rightwards two-headed arrow with tail "nvtwoheadrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2917, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2917, rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2918, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2918, rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "lefttail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2919, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2919, leftwards arrow-tail "righttail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291A, rightwards arrow-tail "leftdbltail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291B, leftwards double arrow-tail "rightdbltail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291C, rightwards double arrow-tail "diamondleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291D, leftwards arrow to black diamond "rightarrowdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291E, rightwards arrow to black diamond "diamondleftarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291F, leftwards arrow from bar to black diamond "barrightarrowdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2920, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2920, rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond "nwsearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2921, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2921, north west and south east arrow "neswarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2922, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2922, north east and south west arrow "hknwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2923, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2923, north west arrow with hook "hknearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2924, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2924, north east arrow with hook "hksearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2925, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2925, south east arrow with hook "hkswarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2926, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2926, south west arrow with hook "tona" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2927, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2927, north west arrow and north east arrow "toea" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2928, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2928, north east arrow and south east arrow "tosa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2929, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2929, south east arrow and south west arrow "towa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x292A, south west arrow and north west arrow "rdiagovfdiag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292B, rising diagonal crossing falling diagonal "fdiagovrdiag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292C, falling diagonal crossing rising diagonal "seovnearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292D, south east arrow crossing north east arrow "neovsearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292E, north east arrow crossing south east arrow "fdiagovnearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292F, falling diagonal crossing north east arrow "rdiagovsearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2930, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2930, rising diagonal crossing south east arrow "neovnwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2931, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2931, north east arrow crossing north west arrow "nwovnearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2932, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2932, north west arrow crossing north east arrow "rightcurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2933, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2933, wave arrow pointing directly right "uprightcurvearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2934, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2934, arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards "downrightcurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2935, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2935, arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards "leftdowncurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2936, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2936, arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards "rightdowncurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2937, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2937, arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards "cwrightarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2938, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2938, right-side arc clockwise arrow "acwleftarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2939, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2939, left-side arc anticlockwise arrow "acwoverarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293A, top arc anticlockwise arrow "acwunderarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293B, bottom arc anticlockwise arrow "curvearrowrightminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293C, top arc clockwise arrow with minus "curvearrowleftplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293D, top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus "cwundercurvearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293E, lower right semicircular clockwise arrow "ccwundercurvearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293F, lower left semicircular anticlockwise arrow "acwcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2940, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2940, anticlockwise closed circle arrow "cwcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2941, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2941, clockwise closed circle arrow "rightarrowshortleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2942, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2942, rightwards arrow above short leftwards arrow "leftarrowshortrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2943, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2943, leftwards arrow above short rightwards arrow "shortrightarrowleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2944, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2944, short rightwards arrow above leftwards arrow "rightarrowplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2945, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2945, rightwards arrow with plus below "leftarrowplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2946, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2946, leftwards arrow with plus below "rightarrowx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2947, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2947, rightwards arrow through x "leftrightarrowcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2948, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2948, left right arrow through small circle "twoheaduparrowcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2949, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2949, upwards two-headed arrow from small circle "leftrightharpoonupdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294A, left barb up right barb down harpoon "leftrightharpoondownup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294B, left barb down right barb up harpoon "updownharpoonrightleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294C, up barb right down barb left harpoon "updownharpoonleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294D, up barb left down barb right harpoon "leftrightharpoonupup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294E, left barb up right barb up harpoon "updownharpoonrightright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294F, up barb right down barb right harpoon "leftrightharpoondowndown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2950, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2950, left barb down right barb down harpoon "updownharpoonleftleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2951, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2951, up barb left down barb left harpoon "barleftharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2952, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2952, leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar "rightharpoonupbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2953, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2953, rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar "barupharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2954, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2954, upwards harpoon with barb right to bar "downharpoonrightbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2955, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2955, downwards harpoon with barb right to bar "barleftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2956, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2956, leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar "rightharpoondownbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2957, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2957, rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar "barupharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2958, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2958, upwards harpoon with barb left to bar "downharpoonleftbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2959, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2959, downwards harpoon with barb left to bar "leftharpoonupbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295A, leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar "barrightharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295B, rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar "upharpoonrightbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295C, upwards harpoon with barb right from bar "bardownharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295D, downwards harpoon with barb right from bar "leftharpoondownbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295E, leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar "barrightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295F, rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar "upharpoonleftbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2960, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2960, upwards harpoon with barb left from bar "bardownharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2961, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2961, downwards harpoon with barb left from bar "leftharpoonsupdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2962, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2962, leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down "upharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2963, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2963, upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right "rightharpoonsupdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2964, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2964, rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down "downharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2965, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2965, downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right "leftrightharpoonsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2966, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2966, leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up "leftrightharpoonsdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2967, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2967, leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down "rightleftharpoonsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2968, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2968, rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up "rightleftharpoonsdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2969, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2969, rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down "leftharpoonupdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296A, leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash "dashleftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296B, leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash "rightharpoonupdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296C, rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash "dashrightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296D, rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash "updownharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296E, upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right "downupharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296F, downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right "rightimply" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2970, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2970, right double arrow with rounded head "equalrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2971, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2971, equals sign above rightwards arrow "similarrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2972, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2972, tilde operator above rightwards arrow "leftarrowsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2973, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2973, leftwards arrow above tilde operator "rightarrowsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2974, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2974, rightwards arrow above tilde operator "rightarrowapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2975, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2975, rightwards arrow above almost equal to "ltlarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2976, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2976, less-than above leftwards arrow "leftarrowless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2977, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2977, leftwards arrow through less-than "gtrarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2978, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2978, greater-than above rightwards arrow "subrarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2979, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2979, subset above rightwards arrow "leftarrowsubset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297A, leftwards arrow through subset "suplarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297B, superset above leftwards arrow "leftfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297C, left fish tail "rightfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297D, right fish tail "upfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297E, up fish tail "downfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297F, down fish tail "Vvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2980, atom_type: AtomType::Fence }, // Unicode: 0x2980, triple vertical bar delimiter "mdsmblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2981, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2981, z notation spot "typecolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2982, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2982, z notation type colon "lBrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2983, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2983, left white curly bracket "rBrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2984, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2984, right white curly bracket "lParen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2985, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2985, left white parenthesis "rParen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2986, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2986, right white parenthesis "llparenthesis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2987, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2987, z notation left image bracket "rrparenthesis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2988, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2988, z notation right image bracket "llangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2989, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2989, z notation left binding bracket "rrangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298A, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x298A, z notation right binding bracket "lbrackubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x298B, left square bracket with underbar "rbrackubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298C, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x298C, right square bracket with underbar "lbrackultick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298D, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x298D, left square bracket with tick in top corner "rbracklrtick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298E, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x298E, right square bracket with tick in bottom corner "lbracklltick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298F, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x298F, left square bracket with tick in bottom corner "rbrackurtick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2990, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2990, right square bracket with tick in top corner "langledot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2991, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2991, left angle bracket with dot "rangledot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2992, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2992, right angle bracket with dot "lparenless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2993, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2993, left arc less-than bracket "rparengtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2994, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2994, right arc greater-than bracket "Lparengtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2995, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2995, double left arc greater-than bracket "Rparenless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2996, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2996, double right arc less-than bracket "lblkbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2997, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2997, left black tortoise shell bracket "rblkbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2998, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2998, right black tortoise shell bracket "fourvdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2999, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2999, dotted fence "vzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299A, vertical zigzag line "measuredangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299B, measured angle opening left "rightanglesqr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299C, right angle variant with square "rightanglemdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299D, measured right angle with dot "angles" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299E, angle with s inside "angdnr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299F, acute angle "gtlpar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A0, spherical angle opening left "sphericalangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A1, spherical angle opening up "turnangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A2, turned angle "revangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A3, reversed angle "angleubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A4, angle with underbar "revangleubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A5, reversed angle with underbar "wideangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A6, oblique angle opening up "wideangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A7, oblique angle opening down "measanglerutone" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A8, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and right "measanglelutonw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A9, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and left "measanglerdtose" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AA, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and right "measangleldtosw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AB, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and left "measangleurtone" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AC, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up "measangleultonw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AD, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up "measangledrtose" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AE, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down "measangledltosw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AF, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down "revemptyset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B0, reversed empty set "emptysetobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B1, empty set with overbar "emptysetocirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B2, empty set with small circle above "emptysetoarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B3, empty set with right arrow above "emptysetoarrl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B4, empty set with left arrow above "circlehbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B5, circle with horizontal bar "circledvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B6, circled vertical bar "circledparallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B7, circled parallel "obslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B8, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B8, circled reverse solidus "operp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B9, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B9, circled perpendicular "obot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BA, circle divided by horizontal bar and top half divided by vertical bar "olcross" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BB, circle with superimposed x "odotslashdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BC, circled anticlockwise-rotated division sign "uparrowoncircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BD, up arrow through circle "circledwhitebullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BE, circled white bullet "circledbullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BF, circled bullet "olessthan" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C0, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C0, circled less-than "ogreaterthan" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C1, circled greater-than "cirscir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29C2, circle with small circle to the right "cirE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29C3, circle with two horizontal strokes to the right "boxdiag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C4, squared rising diagonal slash "boxbslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C5, squared falling diagonal slash "boxast" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C6, squared asterisk "boxcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C7, squared small circle "boxbox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C8, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C8, squared square "boxonbox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29C9, two joined squares "triangleodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29CA, triangle with dot above "triangleubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29CB, triangle with underbar "triangles" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29CC, s in triangle "triangleserifs" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CD, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29CD, triangle with serifs at bottom "rtriltri" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29CE, right triangle above left triangle "ltrivb" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29CF, left triangle beside vertical bar "vbrtri" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D0, vertical bar beside right triangle "lfbowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D1, left black bowtie "rfbowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D2, right black bowtie "fbowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D3, black bowtie "lftimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D4, left black times "rftimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D5, right black times "hourglass" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29D6, white hourglass "blackhourglass" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29D7, black hourglass "lvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D8, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x29D8, left wiggly fence "rvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D9, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29D9, right wiggly fence "Lvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DA, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x29DA, left double wiggly fence "Rvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DB, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29DB, right double wiggly fence "iinfin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29DC, incomplete infinity "tieinfty" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29DD, tie over infinity "nvinfty" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29DE, infinity negated with vertical bar "dualmap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29DF, double-ended multimap "laplac" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E0, square with contoured outline "lrtriangleeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E1, increases as "shuffle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E2, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29E2, shuffle product "eparsl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E3, equals sign and slanted parallel "smeparsl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E4, equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above "eqvparsl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E5, identical to and slanted parallel "gleichstark" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E6, gleich stark "thermod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E7, thermodynamic "downtriangleleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E8, down-pointing triangle with left half black "downtrianglerightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E9, down-pointing triangle with right half black "blackdiamonddownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EA, black diamond with down arrow "mdlgblklozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29EB, black lozenge "circledownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EC, white circle with down arrow "blackcircledownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29ED, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29ED, black circle with down arrow "errbarsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EE, error-barred white square "errbarblacksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EF, error-barred black square "errbardiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F0, error-barred white diamond "errbarblackdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F1, error-barred black diamond "errbarcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F2, error-barred white circle "errbarblackcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F3, error-barred black circle "ruledelayed" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29F4, rule-delayed "setminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29F5, reverse solidus operator "dsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29F6, solidus with overbar "rsolbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29F7, reverse solidus with horizontal stroke "xsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F8, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x29F8, big solidus "xbsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F9, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x29F9, big reverse solidus "doubleplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FA, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FA, double plus "tripleplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FB, triple plus "lcurvyangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FC, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x29FC, left pointing curved angle bracket "rcurvyangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FD, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29FD, right pointing curved angle bracket "tplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FE, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FE, tiny "tminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FF, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FF, miny "bigodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A00, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A00, n-ary circled dot operator "bigoplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A01, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A01, n-ary circled plus operator "bigotimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A02, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A02, n-ary circled times operator "bigcupdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A03, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A03, n-ary union operator with dot "biguplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A04, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A04, n-ary union operator with plus "bigsqcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A05, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A05, n-ary square intersection operator "bigsqcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A06, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A06, n-ary square union operator "conjquant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A07, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A07, two logical and operator "disjquant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A08, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A08, two logical or operator "bigtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A09, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A09, n-ary times operator "modtwosum" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0A, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0A, modulo two sum "sumint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0B, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0B, summation with integral "iiiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0C, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0C, quadruple integral operator "intbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0D, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0D, finite part integral "intBar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0E, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0E, integral with double stroke "fint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0F, integral average with slash "cirfnint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A10, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A10, circulation function "awint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A11, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A11, anticlockwise integration "rppolint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A12, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A12, line integration with rectangular path around pole "scpolint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A13, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A13, line integration with semicircular path around pole "npolint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A14, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A14, line integration not including the pole "pointint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A15, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A15, integral around a point operator "sqint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A16, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A16, quaternion integral operator "intlarhk" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A17, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A17, integral with leftwards arrow with hook "intx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A18, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A18, integral with times sign "intcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A19, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A19, integral with intersection "intcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1A, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1A, integral with union "upint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1B, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1B, integral with overbar "lowint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1C, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1C, integral with underbar "Join" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1D, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1D, join "bigtriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1E, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1E, large left triangle operator "zcmp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1F, z notation schema composition "zpipe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A20, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A20, z notation schema piping "zproject" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A21, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A21, z notation schema projection "ringplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A22, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A22, plus sign with small circle above "plushat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A23, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A23, plus sign with circumflex accent above "simplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A24, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A24, plus sign with tilde above "plusdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A25, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A25, plus sign with dot below "plussim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A26, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A26, plus sign with tilde below "plussubtwo" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A27, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A27, plus sign with subscript two "plustrif" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A28, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A28, plus sign with black triangle "commaminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A29, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A29, minus sign with comma above "minusdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2A, minus sign with dot below "minusfdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2B, minus sign with falling dots "minusrdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2C, minus sign with rising dots "opluslhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2D, plus sign in left half circle "oplusrhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2E, plus sign in right half circle "vectimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2F, vector or cross product "dottimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A30, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A30, multiplication sign with dot above "timesbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A31, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A31, multiplication sign with underbar "btimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A32, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A32, semidirect product with bottom closed "smashtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A33, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A33, smash product "otimeslhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A34, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A34, multiplication sign in left half circle "otimesrhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A35, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A35, multiplication sign in right half circle "otimeshat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A36, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A36, circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent "Otimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A37, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A37, multiplication sign in double circle "odiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A38, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A38, circled division sign "triangleplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A39, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A39, plus sign in triangle "triangleminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3A, minus sign in triangle "triangletimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3B, multiplication sign in triangle "intprod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3C, interior product "intprodr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3D, righthand interior product "fcmp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3E, z notation relational composition "amalg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3F, amalgamation or coproduct "capdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A40, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A40, intersection with dot "uminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A41, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A41, union with minus sign "barcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A42, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A42, union with overbar "barcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A43, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A43, intersection with overbar "capwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A44, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A44, intersection with logical and "cupvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A45, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A45, union with logical or "cupovercap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A46, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A46, union above intersection "capovercup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A47, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A47, intersection above union "cupbarcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A48, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A48, union above bar above intersection "capbarcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A49, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A49, intersection above bar above union "twocups" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4A, union beside and joined with union "twocaps" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4B, intersection beside and joined with intersection "closedvarcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4C, closed union with serifs "closedvarcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4D, closed intersection with serifs "Sqcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4E, double square intersection "Sqcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4F, double square union "closedvarcupsmashprod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A50, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A50, closed union with serifs and smash product "wedgeodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A51, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A51, logical and with dot above "veeodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A52, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A52, logical or with dot above "Wedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A53, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A53, double logical and "Vee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A54, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A54, double logical or "wedgeonwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A55, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A55, two intersecting logical and "veeonvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A56, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A56, two intersecting logical or "bigslopedvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A57, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A57, sloping large or "bigslopedwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A58, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A58, sloping large and "veeonwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A59, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A59, logical or overlapping logical and "wedgemidvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5A, logical and with middle stem "veemidvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5B, logical or with middle stem "midbarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5C, ogical and with horizontal dash "midbarvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5D, logical or with horizontal dash "doublebarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5E, logical and with double overbar "wedgebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5F, logical and with underbar "wedgedoublebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A60, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A60, logical and with double underbar "varveebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A61, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A61, small vee with underbar "doublebarvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A62, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A62, logical or with double overbar "veedoublebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A63, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A63, logical or with double underbar "dsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A64, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A64, z notation domain antirestriction "rsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A65, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A65, z notation range antirestriction "eqdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A66, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A66, equals sign with dot below "dotequiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A67, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A67, identical with dot above "equivVert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A68, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A68, triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke "equivVvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A69, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A69, triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke "dotsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6A, tilde operator with dot above "simrdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6B, tilde operator with rising dots "simminussim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6C, similar minus similar "congdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6D, congruent with dot above "asteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6E, equals with asterisk "hatapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6F, almost equal to with circumflex accent "approxeqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A70, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A70, approximately equal or equal to "eqqplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A71, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A71, equals sign above plus sign "pluseqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A72, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A72, plus sign above equals sign "eqqsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A73, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A73, equals sign above tilde operator "Coloneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A74, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A74, double colon equal "eqeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A75, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A75, two consecutive equals signs "eqeqeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A76, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A76, three consecutive equals signs "ddotseq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A77, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A77, equals sign with two dots above and two dots below "equivDD" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A78, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A78, equivalent with four dots above "ltcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A79, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A79, less-than with circle inside "gtcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7A, greater-than with circle inside "ltquest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7B, less-than with question mark above "gtquest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7C, greater-than with question mark above "leqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7D, less-than or slanted equal to "geqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7E, greater-than or slanted equal to "lesdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7F, less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside "gesdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A80, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A80, greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside "lesdoto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A81, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A81, less-than or slanted equal to with dot above "gesdoto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A82, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A82, greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above "lesdotor" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A83, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A83, less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right "gesdotol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A84, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A84, greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left "lessapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A85, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A85, less-than or approximate "gtrapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A86, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A86, greater-than or approximate "lneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A87, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A87, less-than and single-line not equal to "gneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A88, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A88, greater-than and single-line not equal to "lnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A89, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A89, less-than and not approximate "gnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8A, greater-than and not approximate "lesseqqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8B, less-than above double-line equal above greater-than "gtreqqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8C, greater-than above double-line equal above less-than "lsime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8D, less-than above similar or equal "gsime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8E, greater-than above similar or equal "lsimg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8F, less-than above similar above greater-than "gsiml" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A90, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A90, greater-than above similar above less-than "lgE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A91, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A91, less-than above greater-than above double-line equal "glE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A92, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A92, greater-than above less-than above double-line equal "lesges" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A93, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A93, less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal "gesles" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A94, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A94, greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal "eqslantless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A95, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A95, slanted equal to or less-than "eqslantgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A96, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A96, slanted equal to or greater-than "elsdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A97, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A97, slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside "egsdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A98, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A98, slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside "eqqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A99, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A99, double-line equal to or less-than "eqqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9A, double-line equal to or greater-than "eqqslantless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9B, double-line slanted equal to or less-than "eqqslantgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9C, double-line slanted equal to or greater-than "simless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9D, similar or less-than "simgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9E, similar or greater-than "simlE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9F, similar above less-than above equals sign "simgE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA0, similar above greater-than above equals sign "Lt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA1, double nested less-than "Gt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA2, double nested greater-than "partialmeetcontraction" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA3, double less-than with underbar "glj" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA4, greater-than overlapping less-than "gla" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA5, greater-than beside less-than "ltcc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA6, less-than closed by curve "gtcc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA7, greater-than closed by curve "lescc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA8, less-than closed by curve above slanted equal "gescc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA9, greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal "smt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAA, smaller than "lat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAB, larger than "smte" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAC, smaller than or equal to "late" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAD, larger than or equal to "bumpeqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAE, equals sign with bumpy above "preceq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAF, precedes above single-line equals sign "succeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB0, succeeds above single-line equals sign "precneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB1, precedes above single-line not equal to "succneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB2, succeeds above single-line not equal to "preceqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB3, precedes above equals sign "succeqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB4, succeeds above equals sign "precneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB5, precedes above not equal to "succneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB6, succeeds above not equal to "precapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB7, precedes above almost equal to "succapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB8, succeeds above almost equal to "precnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB9, precedes above not almost equal to "succnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABA, succeeds above not almost equal to "Prec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABB, double precedes "Succ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABC, double succeeds "subsetdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABD, subset with dot "supsetdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABE, superset with dot "subsetplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABF, subset with plus sign below "supsetplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC0, superset with plus sign below "submult" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC1, subset with multiplication sign below "supmult" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC2, superset with multiplication sign below "subedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC3, subset of or equal to with dot above "supedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC4, superset of or equal to with dot above "subseteqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC5, subset of above equals sign "supseteqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC6, superset of above equals sign "subsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC7, subset of above tilde operator "supsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC8, superset of above tilde operator "subsetapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC9, subset of above almost equal to "supsetapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACA, superset of above almost equal to "subsetneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACB, subset of above not equal to "supsetneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACC, superset of above not equal to "lsqhook" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACD, square left open box operator "rsqhook" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACE, square right open box operator "csub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACF, closed subset "csup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD0, closed superset "csube" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD1, closed subset or equal to "csupe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD2, closed superset or equal to "subsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD3, subset above superset "supsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD4, superset above subset "subsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD5, subset above subset "supsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD6, superset above superset "suphsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD7, superset beside subset "supdsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD8, superset beside and joined by dash with subset "forkv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD9, element of opening downwards "topfork" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADA, pitchfork with tee top "mlcp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADB, transversal intersection "forks" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADC, forking "forksnot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADD, nonforking "shortlefttack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADE, short left tack "shortdowntack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADF, short down tack "shortuptack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE0, short up tack "perps" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2AE1, perpendicular with s "vDdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE2, vertical bar triple right turnstile "dashV" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE3, double vertical bar left turnstile "Dashv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE4, vertical bar double left turnstile "DashV" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE5, double vertical bar double left turnstile "varVdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE6, long dash from left member of double vertical "Barv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE7, short down tack with overbar "vBar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE8, short up tack with underbar "vBarv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE9, short up tack above short down tack "barV" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEA, double down tack "Vbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEB, double up tack "Not" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEC, double stroke not sign "bNot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AED, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AED, reversed double stroke not sign "revnmid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEE, does not divide with reversed negation slash "cirmid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEF, vertical line with circle above "midcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF0, vertical line with circle below "topcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2AF1, down tack with circle below "nhpar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF2, parallel with horizontal stroke "parsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF3, parallel with tilde operator "interleave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AF4, triple vertical bar binary relation "nhVvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AF5, triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke "threedotcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AF6, triple colon operator "lllnest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF7, stacked very much less-than "gggnest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF8, stacked very much greater-than "leqqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF9, double-line slanted less-than or equal to "geqqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AFA, double-line slanted greater-than or equal to "trslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AFB, triple solidus binary relation "biginterleave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFC, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2AFC, large triple vertical bar operator "sslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFD, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AFD, double solidus operator "talloblong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFE, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AFE, white vertical bar "bigtalloblong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFF, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2AFF, n-ary white vertical bar "squaretopblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B12, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B12, square with top half black "squarebotblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B13, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B13, square with bottom half black "squareurblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B14, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B14, square with upper right diagonal half black "squarellblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B15, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B15, square with lower left diagonal half black "diamondleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B16, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B16, diamond with left half black "diamondrightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B17, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B17, diamond with right half black "diamondtopblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B18, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B18, diamond with top half black "diamondbotblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B19, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B19, diamond with bottom half black "dottedsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1A, dotted square "lgblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1B, black large square "lgwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1C, white large square "vysmblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1D, black very small square "vysmwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1E, white very small square "pentagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1F, black pentagon "pentagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B20, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B20, white pentagon "varhexagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B21, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B21, white hexagon "varhexagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B22, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B22, black hexagon "hexagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B23, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B23, horizontal black hexagon "lgblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B24, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B24, black large circle "mdblkdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B25, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B25, black medium diamond "mdwhtdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B26, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B26, white medium diamond "mdblklozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B27, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B27, black medium lozenge "mdwhtlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B28, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B28, white medium lozenge "smblkdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B29, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B29, black small diamond "smblklozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2A, black small lozenge "smwhtlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2B, white small lozenge "blkhorzoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2C, black horizontal ellipse "whthorzoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2D, white horizontal ellipse "blkvertoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2E, black vertical ellipse "whtvertoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2F, white vertical ellipse "circleonleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B30, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B30, left arrow with small circle "leftthreearrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B31, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B31, three leftwards arrows "leftarrowonoplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B32, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B32, left arrow with circled plus "longleftsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B33, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B33, long leftwards squiggle arrow "nvtwoheadleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B34, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B34, leftwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B35, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B35, leftwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke "twoheadmapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B36, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B36, leftwards two-headed arrow from bar "twoheadleftdbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B37, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B37, leftwards two-headed triple-dash arrow "leftdotarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B38, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B38, leftwards arrow with dotted stem "nvleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B39, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B39, leftwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3A, leftwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "twoheadleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3B, leftwards two-headed arrow with tail "nvtwoheadleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3C, leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3D, leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "leftarrowx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3E, leftwards arrow through x "leftcurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3F, wave arrow pointing directly left "equalleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B40, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B40, equals sign above leftwards arrow "bsimilarleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B41, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B41, reverse tilde operator above leftwards arrow "leftarrowbackapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B42, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B42, leftwards arrow above reverse almost equal to "rightarrowgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B43, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B43, rightwards arrow through greater-than "rightarrowsupset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B44, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B44, rightwards arrow through subset "LLeftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B45, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B45, leftwards quadruple arrow "RRightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B46, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B46, rightwards quadruple arrow "bsimilarrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B47, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B47, reverse tilde operator above rightwards arrow "rightarrowbackapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B48, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B48, rightwards arrow above reverse almost equal to "similarleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B49, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B49, tilde operator above leftwards arrow "leftarrowapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B4A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B4A, leftwards arrow above almost equal to "leftarrowbsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B4B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B4B, leftwards arrow above reverse tilde operator "rightarrowbsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B4C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B4C, righttwards arrow above reverse tilde operator "medwhitestar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B50, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B50, white medium star "medblackstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B51, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B51, black medium star "smwhitestar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B52, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B52, white small star "rightpentagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B53, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B53, black right-pointing pentagon "rightpentagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B54, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B54, white right-pointing pentagon "postalmark" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3012, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3012, postal mark "hzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3030, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3030, zigzag // Additional commands from TeX "Alpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x391, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x391, "Beta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x392, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x392, "Gamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x393, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x393, "Delta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x394, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x394, "Epsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x395, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x395, "Zeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x396, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x396, "Eta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x397, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x397, "Theta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x398, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x398, "Iota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x399, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x399, "Kappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39A, "Lambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39B, "Mu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39C, "Nu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39D, "Xi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39E, "Omicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39F, "Pi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A0, "Rho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A1, "Sigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A3, "Tau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A4, "Upsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A5, "Phi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A6, "Chi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A7, "Psi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A8, "Omega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A9, "alpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B1, "beta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B2, "gamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B3, "delta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B4, "epsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B5, "zeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B6, "eta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B7, "theta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B8, "iota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B9, "kappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BA, "lambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BB, "mu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BC, "nu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BD, "xi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BE, "omicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BF, "pi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C0, "rho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C1, "sigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C3, "tau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C4, "upsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C5, "phi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C6, "chi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C7, "psi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C8, "omega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C9, "varphi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C6, curly or open small phi, greek "varsigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C2, terminal sigma, greek "varbeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D0, rounded small beta, greek "vartheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D1, /vartheta - curly or open theta "varpi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D6, rounded small pi (pomega), greek "varkappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F0, rounded small kappa, greek "varrho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F1, rounded small rho, greek "varTheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F4, greek capital theta symbol "varepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F5, greek lunate epsilon symbol }; static SYMBOLS_STATIC_MAP: Map<&'static str, Symbol> = static_map! { Default: Symbol { unicode: 0x00, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // unicode-math.dtx command table // "mathexclam" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x21, exclamation mark // "mathoctothorpe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23, number sign // "mathdollar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x24, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x24, dollar sign // "mathpercent" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25, percent sign // "mathampersand" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26, ampersand "lparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x28, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x28, left parenthesis "rparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29, right parenthesis // "mathplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2B, plus sign b: // "mathcomma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2C, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x2C, comma // "mathperiod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2E, full stop, period // "mathslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2F, solidus // "mathcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x3A, colon // "mathsemicolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B, atom_type: AtomType::Punctuation }, // Unicode: 0x3B, semicolon p: // "less" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x3C, less-than sign r: // "equal" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x3D, equals sign r: // "greater" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x3E, greater-than sign r: // "mathquestion" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F, question mark // "mathatsign" => Symbol { unicode: 0x40, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x40, commercial at "lbrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x5B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x5B, left square bracket "backslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x5C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x5C, reverse solidus "rbrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x5D, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x5D, right square bracket "lbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x7B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x7B, left curly bracket "vert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x7C, atom_type: AtomType::Fence }, // Unicode: 0x7C, vertical bar "rbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x7D, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x7D, right curly bracket // "mathsterling" => Symbol { unicode: 0xA3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xA3, pound sign // "mathyen" => Symbol { unicode: 0xA5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xA5, yen sign "neg" => Symbol { unicode: 0xAC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xAC, /neg /lnot not sign "pm" => Symbol { unicode: 0xB1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xB1, plus-or-minus sign "cdotp" => Symbol { unicode: 0xB7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xB7, /centerdot b: middle dot "times" => Symbol { unicode: 0xD7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xD7, multiply sign "matheth" => Symbol { unicode: 0xF0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0xF0, eth "div" => Symbol { unicode: 0xF7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0xF7, divide sign "Zbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x1B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x1B5, impedance (latin capital letter z with stroke) "grave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x300, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x300, grave accent "acute" => Symbol { unicode: 0x301, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x301, acute accent "hat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x302, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x302, circumflex accent "widehat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x302, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x302, circumflex accent "tilde" => Symbol { unicode: 0x303, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x303, tilde "widetilde" => Symbol { unicode: 0x303, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x303, tilde "bar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x304, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x304, macron "overbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x305, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x305, overbar embellishment "breve" => Symbol { unicode: 0x306, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x306, breve "dot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x307, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x307, dot above "ddot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x308, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x308, dieresis "ovhook" => Symbol { unicode: 0x309, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x309, combining hook above "ocirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x30A, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x30A, ring "check" => Symbol { unicode: 0x30C, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x30C, caron "candra" => Symbol { unicode: 0x310, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x310, candrabindu (non-spacing) "oturnedcomma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x312, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x312, combining turned comma above "ocommatopright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x315, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x315, combining comma above right "droang" => Symbol { unicode: 0x31A, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x31A, left angle above (non-spacing) "wideutilde" => Symbol { unicode: 0x330, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x330, under tilde accent (multiple characters and non-spacing) "mathunderbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x332, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x332, combining low line "not" => Symbol { unicode: 0x338, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x338, combining long solidus overlay "underleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x34D, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x34D, underleftrightarrow accent // "mupAlpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x391, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x391, capital alpha, greek // "mupBeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x392, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x392, capital beta, greek // "mupGamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x393, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x393, capital gamma, greek // "mupDelta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x394, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x394, capital delta, greek // "mupEpsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x395, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x395, capital epsilon, greek // "mupZeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x396, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x396, capital zeta, greek // "mupEta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x397, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x397, capital eta, greek // "mupTheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x398, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x398, capital theta, greek // "mupIota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x399, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x399, capital iota, greek // "mupKappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39A, capital kappa, greek // "mupLambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39B, capital lambda, greek // "mupMu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39C, capital mu, greek // "mupNu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39D, capital nu, greek // "mupXi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39E, capital xi, greek // "mupOmicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39F, capital omicron, greek // "mupPi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A0, capital pi, greek // "mupRho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A1, capital rho, greek // "mupSigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A3, capital sigma, greek // "mupTau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A4, capital tau, greek // "mupUpsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A5, capital upsilon, greek // "mupPhi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A6, capital phi, greek // "mupChi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A7, capital chi, greek // "mupPsi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A8, capital psi, greek // "mupOmega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A9, capital omega, greek // "mupalpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B1, small alpha, greek // "mupbeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B2, small beta, greek // "mupgamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B3, small gamma, greek // "mupdelta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B4, small delta, greek // "mupepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B5, rounded small epsilon, greek // "mupzeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B6, small zeta, greek // "mupeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B7, small eta, greek // "muptheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B8, straight theta, small theta, greek // "mupiota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B9, small iota, greek // "mupkappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BA, small kappa, greek // "muplambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BB, small lambda, greek // "mupmu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BC, small mu, greek // "mupnu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BD, small nu, greek // "mupxi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BE, small xi, greek // "mupomicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BF, small omicron, greek // "muppi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C0, small pi, greek // "muprho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C1, small rho, greek // "mupvarsigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C2, terminal sigma, greek // "mupsigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C3, small sigma, greek // "muptau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C4, small tau, greek // "mupupsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C5, small upsilon, greek // "mupvarphi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C6, curly or open small phi, greek // "mupchi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C7, small chi, greek // "muppsi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C8, small psi, greek // "mupomega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C9, small omega, greek // "mupvarbeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D0, rounded small beta, greek // "mupvartheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D1, /vartheta - curly or open theta // "mupphi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D5, /straightphi - small phi, greek // "mupvarpi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D6, rounded small pi (pomega), greek // "upoldKoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D8, greek letter archaic koppa // "upoldkoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D9, greek small letter archaic koppa // "upStigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DA, capital stigma // "upstigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DB, greek small letter stigma // "upDigamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DC, capital digamma // "updigamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DD, old greek small letter digamma // "upKoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DE, capital koppa // "upkoppa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3DF, greek small letter koppa // "upSampi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3E0, capital sampi // "upsampi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3E1, greek small letter sampi // "mupvarkappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F0, rounded small kappa, greek // "mupvarrho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F1, rounded small rho, greek // "mupvarTheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F4, greek capital theta symbol // "mupvarepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F5, greek lunate epsilon symbol // "upbackepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F6, greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol "horizbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2015, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2015, horizontal bar "Vert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2016, atom_type: AtomType::Fence }, // Unicode: 0x2016, double vertical bar "twolowline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2017, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2017, double low line (spacing) "dagger" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2020, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2020, dagger relation "ddagger" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2021, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2021, double dagger relation "smblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2022, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2022, /bullet b: round bullet, filled "enleadertwodots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2025, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2025, double baseline dot (en leader) "unicodeellipsis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2026, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2026, ellipsis (horizontal) "prime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2032, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2032, prime or minute, not superscripted "dprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2033, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2033, double prime or second, not superscripted "trprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2034, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2034, triple prime (not superscripted) "backprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2035, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2035, reverse prime, not superscripted "backdprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2036, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2036, double reverse prime, not superscripted "backtrprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2037, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2037, triple reverse prime, not superscripted "caretinsert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2038, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2038, caret (insertion mark) // "Exclam" => Symbol { unicode: 0x203C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x203C, double exclamation mark // "tieconcat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2040, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2040, character tie, z notation sequence concatenation // "hyphenbullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2043, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2043, rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet) // "fracslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2044, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2044, fraction slash // "Question" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2047, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2047, double question mark // "closure" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2050, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2050, close up // "qprime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2057, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2057, quadruple prime, not superscripted // "euro" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20AC, euro sign "leftharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D0, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D0, combining left harpoon above "overleftharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D0, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20D0, combining left harpoon above "rightharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D1, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D1, combining right harpoon above "overrightharpoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D1, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20D1, combining right harpoon above "vertoverlay" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D2, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D2, combining long vertical line overlay "overleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D6, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20D6, combining left arrow above "overrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D7, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D7, combining left arrow above "vec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20D7, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20D7, combining right arrow above "dddot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DB, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20DB, combining three dots above "ddddot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DC, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20DC, combining four dots above // "enclosecircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20DD, combining enclosing circle // "enclosesquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20DE, combining enclosing square // "enclosediamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20DF, combining enclosing diamond // "overleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E1, atom_type: AtomType::AccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20E1, combining left right arrow above // "enclosetriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x20E4, combining enclosing upward pointing triangle // "annuity" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E7, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20E7, combining annuity symbol // "threeunderdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E8, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccent }, // Unicode: 0x20E8, combining triple underdot "widebridgeabove" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20E9, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20E9, combining wide bridge above "underrightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20EC, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20EC, combining rightwards harpoon with barb downwards "underleftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20ED, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20ED, combining leftwards harpoon with barb downwards "underleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20EE, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20EE, combining left arrow below "underrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20EF, atom_type: AtomType::BotAccentWide }, // Unicode: 0x20EF, combining right arrow below "asteraccent" => Symbol { unicode: 0x20F0, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x20F0, combining asterisk above "BbbC" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2102, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2102, /bbb c, open face c "Eulerconst" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2107, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2107, euler constant "mscrg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210A, /scr g, script letter g "mscrH" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210B, hamiltonian (script capital h) "mfrakH" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210C, /frak h, upper case h "BbbH" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210D, /bbb h, open face h "Planckconst" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210E, planck constant "hslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x210F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x210F, /hslash - variant planck's over 2pi "mscrI" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2110, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2110, /scr i, script letter i "Im" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2111, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2111, imaginary part "mscrL" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2112, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2112, lagrangian (script capital l) "ell" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2113, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2113, cursive small l "BbbN" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2115, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2115, /bbb n, open face n "wp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2118, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2118, weierstrass p "BbbP" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2119, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2119, /bbb p, open face p "BbbQ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211A, /bbb q, open face q "mscrR" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211B, /scr r, script letter r "Re" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211C, real part "BbbR" => Symbol { unicode: 0x211D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x211D, /bbb r, open face r "BbbZ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2124, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2124, /bbb z, open face z "mho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2127, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2127, conductance "mfrakZ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2128, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2128, /frak z, upper case z "turnediota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2129, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2129, turned iota "Angstrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212B, angstrom capital a, ring "mscrB" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212C, bernoulli function (script capital b) "mfrakC" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212D, black-letter capital c "mscre" => Symbol { unicode: 0x212F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x212F, /scr e, script letter e "mscrE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2130, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2130, /scr e, script letter e "mscrF" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2131, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2131, /scr f, script letter f "Finv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2132, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2132, turned capital f "mscrM" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2133, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2133, physics m-matrix (script capital m) "mscro" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2134, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2134, order of (script small o) "aleph" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2135, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2135, aleph, hebrew "beth" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2136, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2136, beth, hebrew "gimel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2137, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2137, gimel, hebrew "daleth" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2138, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2138, daleth, hebrew "Bbbpi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213C, double-struck small pi "Bbbgamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213D, double-struck small gamma "BbbGamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213E, double-struck capital gamma "BbbPi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x213F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x213F, double-struck capital pi "Bbbsum" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2140, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2140, double-struck n-ary summation "Game" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2141, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2141, turned sans-serif capital g "sansLturned" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2142, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2142, turned sans-serif capital l "sansLmirrored" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2143, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2143, reversed sans-serif capital l "Yup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2144, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2144, turned sans-serif capital y "mitBbbD" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2145, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2145, double-struck italic capital d "mitBbbd" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2146, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2146, double-struck italic small d "mitBbbe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2147, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2147, double-struck italic small e "mitBbbi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2148, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2148, double-struck italic small i "mitBbbj" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2149, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2149, double-struck italic small j "PropertyLine" => Symbol { unicode: 0x214A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x214A, property line "upand" => Symbol { unicode: 0x214B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x214B, turned ampersand "leftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2190, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2190, /leftarrow /gets a: leftward arrow "uparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2191, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2191, upward arrow "rightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2192, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2192, /rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow "to" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2192, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2192, /rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow "downarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2193, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2193, downward arrow "leftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2194, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2194, left and right arrow "updownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2195, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2195, up and down arrow "nwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2196, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2196, nw pointing arrow "nearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2197, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2197, ne pointing arrow "searrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2198, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2198, se pointing arrow "swarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2199, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2199, sw pointing arrow "nleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219A, not left arrow "nrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219B, not right arrow "leftwavearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219C, left arrow-wavy "rightwavearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219D, right arrow-wavy "twoheadleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219E, left two-headed arrow "twoheaduparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x219F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x219F, up two-headed arrow "twoheadrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A0, right two-headed arrow "twoheaddownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A1, down two-headed arrow "leftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A2, left arrow-tailed "rightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A3, right arrow-tailed "mapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A4, maps to, leftward "mapsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A5, maps to, upward "mapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A6, maps to, rightward "mapsdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A7, maps to, downward "updownarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21A8, up down arrow with base (perpendicular) "hookleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21A9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21A9, left arrow-hooked "hookrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AA, right arrow-hooked "looparrowleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AB, left arrow-looped "looparrowright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AC, right arrow-looped "leftrightsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AD, left and right arr-wavy "nleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AE, not left and right arrow "downzigzagarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21AF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21AF, downwards zigzag arrow "Lsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B0, /lsh a: "Rsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B1, /rsh a: "Ldsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B2, left down angled arrow "Rdsh" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B3, right down angled arrow "linefeed" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B4, rightwards arrow with corner downwards "carriagereturn" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B5, downwards arrow with corner leftward = carriage return "curvearrowleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B6, left curved arrow "curvearrowright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21B7, right curved arrow "barovernorthwestarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B8, north west arrow to long bar "barleftarrowrightarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21B9, leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar "acwopencirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21BA, anticlockwise open circle arrow "cwopencirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21BB, clockwise open circle arrow "leftharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BC, left harpoon-up "leftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BD, left harpoon-down "upharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BE, /upharpoonright /restriction a: up harpoon-right "upharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21BF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21BF, up harpoon-left "rightharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C0, right harpoon-up "rightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C1, right harpoon-down "downharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C2, down harpoon-right "downharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C3, down harpoon-left "rightleftarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C4, right arrow over left arrow "updownarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C5, up arrow, down arrow "leftrightarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C6, left arrow over right arrow "leftleftarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C7, two left arrows "upuparrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C8, two up arrows "rightrightarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21C9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21C9, two right arrows "downdownarrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CA, two down arrows "leftrightharpoons" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CB, left harpoon over right "rightleftharpoons" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CC, right harpoon over left "nLeftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CD, not implied by "nLeftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CE, not left and right double arrows "nRightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21CF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21CF, not implies "Leftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D0, is implied by "Uparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D1, up double arrow "Rightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D2, implies "Downarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D3, down double arrow "Leftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D4, left and right double arrow "Updownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D5, up and down double arrow "Nwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D6, nw pointing double arrow "Nearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D7, ne pointing double arrow "Searrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D8, se pointing double arrow "Swarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21D9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21D9, sw pointing double arrow "Lleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DA, left triple arrow "Rrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DB, right triple arrow "leftsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DC, leftwards squiggle arrow "rightsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21DD, rightwards squiggle arrow "nHuparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21DE, upwards arrow with double stroke "nHdownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21DF, downwards arrow with double stroke "leftdasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E0, leftwards dashed arrow "updasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E1, upwards dashed arrow "rightdasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E2, rightwards dashed arrow "downdasharrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E3, downwards dashed arrow "barleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21E4, leftwards arrow to bar "rightarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21E5, rightwards arrow to bar "leftwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E6, leftwards white arrow "upwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E7, upwards white arrow "rightwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E8, rightwards white arrow "downwhitearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21E9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21E9, downwards white arrow "whitearrowupfrombar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21EA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x21EA, upwards white arrow from bar "circleonrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F4, right arrow with small circle "downuparrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F5, downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow "rightthreearrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F6, three rightwards arrows "nvleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F7, leftwards arrow with vertical stroke "nvrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F8, rightwards arrow with vertical stroke "nvleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21F9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21F9, left right arrow with vertical stroke "nVleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FA, leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke "nVrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FB, rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke "nVleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FC, left right arrow with double vertical stroke "leftarrowtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FD, leftwards open-headed arrow "rightarrowtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FE, rightwards open-headed arrow "leftrightarrowtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x21FF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x21FF, left right open-headed arrow "forall" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2200, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2200, for all "complement" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2201, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2201, complement sign "partial" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2202, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2202, partial differential "exists" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2203, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2203, at least one exists "nexists" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2204, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2204, negated exists "varnothing" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2205, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2205, circle, slash "increment" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2206, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2206, laplacian (delta; nabla\string^2) "nabla" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2207, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2207, nabla, del, hamilton operator "in" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2208, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2208, set membership, variant "notin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2209, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2209, negated set membership "smallin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220A, set membership (small set membership) "ni" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220B, contains, variant "nni" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220C, negated contains, variant "smallni" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x220D, /ni /owns r: contains (small contains as member) "QED" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x220E, end of proof "prod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x220F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x220F, product operator "coprod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2210, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2210, coproduct operator "sum" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2211, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2211, summation operator "minus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2212, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2212, minus sign "mp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2213, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2213, minus-or-plus sign "dotplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2214, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2214, plus sign, dot above "divslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2215, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2215, division slash "smallsetminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2216, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2216, small set minus (cf. reverse solidus) "ast" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2217, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2217, centered asterisk "vysmwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2218, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2218, composite function (small circle) "vysmblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2219, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2219, bullet operator "sqrt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221A, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x221A, radical "cuberoot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x221B, cube root "fourthroot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221C, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x221C, fourth root "propto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x221D, is proportional to "infty" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x221E, infinity "rightangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x221F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x221F, right (90 degree) angle "angle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2220, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2220, angle "measuredangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2221, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2221, angle-measured "sphericalangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2222, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2222, angle-spherical "mid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2223, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2223, /mid r: "nmid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2224, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2224, negated mid "parallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2225, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2225, parallel "nparallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2226, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2226, not parallel "wedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2227, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2227, /wedge /land b: logical and "vee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2228, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2228, /vee /lor b: logical or "cap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2229, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2229, intersection "cup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x222A, union or logical sum "int" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222B, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222B, integral operator "iint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222C, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222C, double integral operator "iiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222D, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222D, triple integral operator "oint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222E, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222E, contour integral operator "oiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x222F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x222F, double contour integral operator "oiiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2230, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2230, triple contour integral operator "intclockwise" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2231, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2231, clockwise integral "varointclockwise" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2232, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2232, contour integral, clockwise "ointctrclockwise" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2233, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2233, contour integral, anticlockwise "therefore" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2234, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2234, therefore "because" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2235, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2235, because "mathratio" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2236, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2236, ratio "Colon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2237, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2237, two colons "dotminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2238, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2238, minus sign, dot above "dashcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2239, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2239, excess (-:) "dotsminusdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223A, minus with four dots, geometric properties "kernelcontraction" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223B, homothetic "sim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223C, similar "backsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x223D, reverse similar "invlazys" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x223E, most positive [inverted lazy s] "sinewave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x223F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x223F, sine wave "wr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2240, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2240, wreath product "nsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2241, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2241, not similar "eqsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2242, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2242, equals, similar "simeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2243, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2243, similar, equals "nsime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2244, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2244, not similar, equals "cong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2245, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2245, congruent with "simneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2246, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2246, similar, not equals [vert only for 9573 entity] "ncong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2247, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2247, not congruent with "approx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2248, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2248, approximate "napprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2249, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2249, not approximate "approxeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224A, approximate, equals "approxident" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224B, approximately identical to "backcong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224C, all equal to "asymp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224D, asymptotically equal to "Bumpeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224E, bumpy equals "bumpeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x224F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x224F, bumpy equals, equals "doteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2250, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2250, equals, single dot above "Doteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2251, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2251, /doteqdot /doteq r: equals, even dots "fallingdotseq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2252, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2252, equals, falling dots "risingdotseq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2253, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2253, equals, rising dots "coloneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2254, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2254, colon, equals "eqcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2255, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2255, equals, colon "eqcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2256, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2256, circle on equals sign "circeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2257, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2257, circle, equals "arceq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2258, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2258, arc, equals; corresponds to "wedgeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2259, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2259, corresponds to (wedge, equals) "veeeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225A, logical or, equals "stareq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225B, star equals "triangleq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225C, triangle, equals "eqdef" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225D, equals by definition "measeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225E, measured by (m over equals) "questeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x225F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x225F, equal with questionmark "ne" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2260, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2260, /ne /neq r: not equal "equiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2261, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2261, identical with "nequiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2262, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2262, not identical with "Equiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2263, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2263, strict equivalence (4 lines) "leq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2264, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2264, /leq /le r: less-than-or-equal "geq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2265, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2265, /geq /ge r: greater-than-or-equal "leqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2266, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2266, less, double equals "geqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2267, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2267, greater, double equals "lneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2268, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2268, less, not double equals "gneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2269, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2269, greater, not double equals "ll" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226A, much less than, type 2 "gg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226B, much greater than, type 2 "between" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226C, between "nasymp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226D, not asymptotically equal to "nless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226E, not less-than "ngtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x226F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x226F, not greater-than "nleq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2270, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2270, not less-than-or-equal "ngeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2271, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2271, not greater-than-or-equal "lesssim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2272, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2272, less, similar "gtrsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2273, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2273, greater, similar "nlesssim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2274, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2274, not less, similar "ngtrsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2275, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2275, not greater, similar "lessgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2276, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2276, less, greater "gtrless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2277, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2277, greater, less "nlessgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2278, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2278, not less, greater "ngtrless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2279, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2279, not greater, less "prec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227A, precedes "succ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227B, succeeds "preccurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227C, precedes, curly equals "succcurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227D, succeeds, curly equals "precsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227E, precedes, similar "succsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x227F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x227F, succeeds, similar "nprec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2280, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2280, not precedes "nsucc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2281, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2281, not succeeds "subset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2282, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2282, subset or is implied by "supset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2283, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2283, superset or implies "nsubset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2284, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2284, not subset, variant [slash negation] "nsupset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2285, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2285, not superset, variant [slash negation] "subseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2286, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2286, subset, equals "supseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2287, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2287, superset, equals "nsubseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2288, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2288, not subset, equals "nsupseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2289, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2289, not superset, equals "subsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x228A, subset, not equals "supsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x228B, superset, not equals "cupleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x228C, multiset "cupdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x228D, union, with dot "uplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x228E, plus sign in union "sqsubset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x228F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x228F, square subset "sqsupset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2290, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2290, square superset "sqsubseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2291, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2291, square subset, equals "sqsupseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2292, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2292, square superset, equals "sqcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2293, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2293, square intersection "sqcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2294, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2294, square union "oplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2295, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2295, plus sign in circle "ominus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2296, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2296, minus sign in circle "otimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2297, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2297, multiply sign in circle "oslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2298, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2298, solidus in circle "odot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2299, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2299, middle dot in circle "circledcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229A, small circle in circle "circledast" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229B, asterisk in circle "circledequal" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229C, equal in circle "circleddash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229D, hyphen in circle "boxplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229E, plus sign in box "boxminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x229F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x229F, minus sign in box "boxtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A0, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22A0, multiply sign in box "boxdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22A1, /dotsquare /boxdot b: small dot in box "vdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A2, vertical, dash "dashv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A3, dash, vertical "top" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22A4, top "bot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22A5, bottom "assert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A6, assertion (vertical, short dash) "models" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A7, models (vertical, short double dash) "vDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A8, vertical, double dash "Vdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22A9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22A9, double vertical, dash "Vvdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AA, triple vertical, dash "VDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AB, double vert, double dash "nvdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AC, not vertical, dash "nvDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AD, not vertical, double dash "nVdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AE, not double vertical, dash "nVDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22AF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22AF, not double vert, double dash "prurel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B0, element precedes under relation "scurel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B1, succeeds under relation "vartriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B2, left triangle, open, variant "vartriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B3, right triangle, open, variant "trianglelefteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B4, left triangle, equals "trianglerighteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B5, right triangle, equals "origof" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B6, original of "imageof" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B7, image of "multimap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22B8, /multimap a: "hermitmatrix" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22B9, hermitian conjugate matrix "intercal" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BA, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BA, intercal "veebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BB, logical or, bar below (large vee); exclusive disjunction "barwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BC, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BC, bar, wedge (large wedge) "barvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BD, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22BD, bar, vee (large vee) "measuredrightangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22BE, right angle-measured [with arc] "varlrtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22BF, right triangle "bigwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C0, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C0, logical or operator "bigvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C1, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C1, logical and operator "bigcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C2, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C2, intersection operator "bigcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C3, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x22C3, union operator "smwhtdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C4, white diamond "cdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C5, small middle dot "star" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C6, small star, filled, low "divideontimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C7, division on times "bowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22C8, bowtie "ltimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22C9, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22C9, times sign, left closed "rtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CA, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CA, times sign, right closed "leftthreetimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CB, left semidirect product "rightthreetimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CC, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CC, right semidirect product "backsimeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22CD, reverse similar, equals "curlyvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CE, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CE, curly logical or "curlywedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22CF, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22CF, curly logical and "Subset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D0, double subset "Supset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D1, double superset "Cap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D2, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22D2, /cap /doublecap b: double intersection "Cup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D3, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x22D3, /cup /doublecup b: double union "pitchfork" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D4, pitchfork "equalparallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D5, parallel, equal; equal or parallel "lessdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D6, less than, with dot "gtrdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D7, greater than, with dot "lll" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D8, /ll /lll /llless r: triple less-than "ggg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22D9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22D9, /ggg /gg /gggtr r: triple greater-than "lesseqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DA, less, equals, greater "gtreqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DB, greater, equals, less "eqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DC, equal-or-less "eqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DD, equal-or-greater "curlyeqprec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DE, curly equals, precedes "curlyeqsucc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22DF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22DF, curly equals, succeeds "npreccurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E0, not precedes, curly equals "nsucccurlyeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E1, not succeeds, curly equals "nsqsubseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E2, not, square subset, equals "nsqsupseteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E3, not, square superset, equals "sqsubsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E4, square subset, not equals "sqsupsetneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E5, square superset, not equals "lnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E6, less, not similar "gnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E7, greater, not similar "precnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E8, precedes, not similar "succnsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22E9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22E9, succeeds, not similar "nvartriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EA, not left triangle "nvartriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EB, not right triangle "ntrianglelefteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EC, not left triangle, equals "ntrianglerighteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22ED, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22ED, not right triangle, equals "vdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22EE, vertical ellipsis "unicodecdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22EF, three dots, centered "cdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x22EF, three dots, centered "adots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F0, three dots, ascending "ddots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F1, three dots, descending "disin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F2, element of with long horizontal stroke "varisins" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F3, element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "isins" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F4, small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "isindot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F5, element of with dot above "varisinobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F6, element of with overbar "isinobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F7, small element of with overbar "isinvb" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F8, element of with underbar "isinE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22F9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22F9, element of with two horizontal strokes "nisd" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FA, contains with long horizontal stroke "varnis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FB, contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "nis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FC, small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke "varniobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FD, contains with overbar "niobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FE, small contains with overbar "bagmember" => Symbol { unicode: 0x22FF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x22FF, z notation bag membership "diameter" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2300, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2300, diameter sign "house" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2302, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2302, house "varbarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2305, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2305, /barwedge b: logical and, bar above [projective (bar over small wedge)] "vardoublebarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2306, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2306, /doublebarwedge b: logical and, double bar above [perspective (double bar over small wedge)] "lceil" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2308, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2308, left ceiling "rceil" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2309, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2309, right ceiling "lfloor" => Symbol { unicode: 0x230A, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x230A, left floor "rfloor" => Symbol { unicode: 0x230B, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x230B, right floor "invnot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2310, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2310, reverse not "sqlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2311, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2311, square lozenge "profline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2312, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2312, profile of a line "profsurf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2313, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2313, profile of a surface "viewdata" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2317, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2317, viewdata square "turnednot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2319, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2319, turned not sign "ulcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231C, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x231C, upper left corner "urcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231D, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x231D, upper right corner "llcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231E, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x231E, lower left corner "lrcorner" => Symbol { unicode: 0x231F, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x231F, lower right corner "inttop" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2320, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2320, top half integral "intbottom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2321, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2321, bottom half integral "frown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2322, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2322, down curve "smile" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2323, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2323, up curve "varhexagonlrbonds" => Symbol { unicode: 0x232C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x232C, six carbon ring, corner down, double bonds lower right etc "conictaper" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2332, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2332, conical taper "topbot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2336, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2336, top and bottom "obar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x233D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x233D, circle with vertical bar "APLnotslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x233F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x233F, solidus, bar through (apl functional symbol slash bar) "APLnotbackslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2340, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2340, apl functional symbol backslash bar "APLboxupcaret" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2353, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2353, boxed up caret "APLboxquestion" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2370, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2370, boxed question mark "rangledownzigzagarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x237C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x237C, right angle with downwards zigzag arrow "hexagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2394, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2394, horizontal benzene ring [hexagon flat open] "lparenuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239B, left parenthesis upper hook "lparenextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239C, left parenthesis extension "lparenlend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239D, left parenthesis lower hook "rparenuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239E, right parenthesis upper hook "rparenextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x239F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x239F, right parenthesis extension "rparenlend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A0, right parenthesis lower hook "lbrackuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A1, left square bracket upper corner "lbrackextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A2, left square bracket extension "lbracklend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A3, left square bracket lower corner "rbrackuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A4, right square bracket upper corner "rbrackextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A5, right square bracket extension "rbracklend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A6, right square bracket lower corner "lbraceuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A7, left curly bracket upper hook "lbracemid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A8, left curly bracket middle piece "lbracelend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23A9, left curly bracket lower hook "vbraceextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AA, curly bracket extension "rbraceuend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AB, right curly bracket upper hook "rbracemid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AC, right curly bracket middle piece "rbracelend" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AD, right curly bracket lower hook "intextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AE, integral extension "harrowextender" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23AF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23AF, horizontal line extension (used to extend arrows) "lmoustache" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B0, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x23B0, upper left or lower right curly bracket section "rmoustache" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B1, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x23B1, upper right or lower left curly bracket section "sumtop" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B2, summation top "sumbottom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B3, summation bottom "overbracket" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B4, atom_type: AtomType::Over }, // Unicode: 0x23B4, top square bracket "underbracket" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B5, atom_type: AtomType::Under }, // Unicode: 0x23B5, bottom square bracket "bbrktbrk" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B6, bottom square bracket over top square bracket "sqrtbottom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B7, radical symbol bottom "lvboxline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B8, left vertical box line "rvboxline" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23B9, right vertical box line "varcarriagereturn" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23CE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23CE, return symbol "overparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DC, atom_type: AtomType::Over }, // Unicode: 0x23DC, top parenthesis (mathematical use) "underparen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DD, atom_type: AtomType::Under }, // Unicode: 0x23DD, bottom parenthesis (mathematical use) "overbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DE, atom_type: AtomType::Accent }, // Unicode: 0x23DE, top curly bracket (mathematical use) "underbrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23DF, atom_type: AtomType::Under }, // Unicode: 0x23DF, bottom curly bracket (mathematical use) "obrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E0, top tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use) "ubrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E1, bottom tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use) "trapezium" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E2, white trapezium "benzenr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E3, benzene ring with circle "strns" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E4, straightness "fltns" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E5, flatness "accurrent" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E6, ac current "elinters" => Symbol { unicode: 0x23E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x23E7, electrical intersection "mathvisiblespace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2423, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2423, open box "bdtriplevdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2506, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2506, doubly broken vert "blockuphalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2580, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2580, upper half block "blocklowhalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2584, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2584, lower half block "blockfull" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2588, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2588, full block "blocklefthalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x258C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x258C, left half block "blockrighthalf" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2590, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2590, right half block "blockqtrshaded" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2591, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2591, 25\% shaded block "blockhalfshaded" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2592, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2592, 50\% shaded block "blockthreeqtrshaded" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2593, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2593, 75\% shaded block "mdlgblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A0, square, filled "mdlgwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A1, square, open "squoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A2, white square with rounded corners "blackinwhitesquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A3, white square containing black small square "squarehfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A4, square, horizontal rule filled "squarevfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A5, square, vertical rule filled "squarehvfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A6, square with orthogonal crosshatch fill "squarenwsefill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A7, square, nw-to-se rule filled "squareneswfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A8, square, ne-to-sw rule filled "squarecrossfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25A9, square with diagonal crosshatch fill "smblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AA, /blacksquare - sq bullet, filled "smwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AB, white small square "hrectangleblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AC, black rectangle "hrectangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AD, horizontal rectangle, open "vrectangleblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AE, black vertical rectangle "vrectangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25AF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25AF, rectangle, white (vertical) "parallelogramblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B0, black parallelogram "parallelogram" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B1, parallelogram, open "bigblacktriangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B2, 0x25b2 6 6d black up-pointing triangle "bigtriangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B3, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25B3, big up triangle, open "blacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B4, up triangle, filled "vartriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x25B5, /triangle - up triangle, open "blacktriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B6, (large) right triangle, filled "triangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25B7, (large) right triangle, open; z notation range restriction "smallblacktriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B8, right triangle, filled "smalltriangleright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25B9, right triangle, open "blackpointerright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BA, black right-pointing pointer "whitepointerright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BB, white right-pointing pointer "bigblacktriangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BC, big down triangle, filled "bigtriangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BD, big down triangle, open "blacktriangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BE, down triangle, filled "triangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25BF, down triangle, open "blacktriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C0, (large) left triangle, filled "triangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25C1, (large) left triangle, open; z notation domain restriction "smallblacktriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C2, left triangle, filled "smalltriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C3, left triangle, open "blackpointerleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C4, black left-pointing pointer "whitepointerleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C5, white left-pointing pointer "mdlgblkdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C6, black diamond "mdlgwhtdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C7, white diamond; diamond, open "blackinwhitediamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C8, white diamond containing black small diamond "fisheye" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25C9, fisheye "mdlgwhtlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CA, lozenge or total mark "mdlgwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25CB, medium large circle "dottedcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CC, dotted circle "circlevertfill" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CD, circle with vertical fill "bullseye" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CE, bullseye "mdlgblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25CF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25CF, circle, filled "circlelefthalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D0, circle, filled left half [harvey ball] "circlerighthalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D1, circle, filled right half "circlebottomhalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D2, circle, filled bottom half "circletophalfblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D3, circle, filled top half "circleurquadblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D4, circle with upper right quadrant black "blackcircleulquadwhite" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D5, circle with all but upper left quadrant black "blacklefthalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D6, left half black circle "blackrighthalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D7, right half black circle "inversebullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D8, inverse bullet "inversewhitecircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25D9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25D9, inverse white circle "invwhiteupperhalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DA, upper half inverse white circle "invwhitelowerhalfcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DB, lower half inverse white circle "ularc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DC, upper left quadrant circular arc "urarc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DD, upper right quadrant circular arc "lrarc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DE, lower right quadrant circular arc "llarc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25DF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25DF, lower left quadrant circular arc "topsemicircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E0, upper half circle "botsemicircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E1, lower half circle "lrblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E2, lower right triangle, filled "llblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E3, lower left triangle, filled "ulblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E4, upper left triangle, filled "urblacktriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E5, upper right triangle, filled "smwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E6, white bullet "squareleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E7, square, filled left half "squarerightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E8, square, filled right half "squareulblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25E9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25E9, square, filled top left corner "squarelrblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EA, square, filled bottom right corner "boxbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x25EB, vertical bar in box "trianglecdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EC, triangle with centered dot "triangleleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25ED, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25ED, up-pointing triangle with left half black "trianglerightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EE, up-pointing triangle with right half black "lgwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25EF, large circle "squareulquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F0, white square with upper left quadrant "squarellquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F1, white square with lower left quadrant "squarelrquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F2, white square with lower right quadrant "squareurquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F3, white square with upper right quadrant "circleulquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F4, white circle with upper left quadrant "circlellquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F5, white circle with lower left quadrant "circlelrquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F6, white circle with lower right quadrant "circleurquad" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F7, white circle with upper right quadrant "ultriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F8, upper left triangle "urtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25F9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25F9, upper right triangle "lltriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FA, lower left triangle "mdwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FB, white medium square "mdblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FC, black medium square "mdsmwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FD, white medium small square "mdsmblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FE, black medium small square "lrtriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x25FF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x25FF, lower right triangle "bigstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2605, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2605, star, filled "bigwhitestar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2606, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2606, star, open "astrosun" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2609, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2609, sun "danger" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2621, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2621, dangerous bend (caution sign) "blacksmiley" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263B, black smiling face "sun" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263C, white sun with rays "rightmoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263D, first quarter moon "leftmoon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x263E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x263E, last quarter moon "female" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2640, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2640, venus, female "male" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2642, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2642, mars, male "spadesuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2660, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2660, spades suit symbol "heartsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2661, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2661, heart suit symbol "diamondsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2662, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2662, diamond suit symbol "clubsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2663, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2663, club suit symbol "varspadesuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2664, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2664, spade, white (card suit) "varheartsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2665, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2665, filled heart (card suit) "vardiamondsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2666, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2666, filled diamond (card suit) "varclubsuit" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2667, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2667, club, white (card suit) "quarternote" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2669, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2669, music note (sung text sign) "eighthnote" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266A, eighth note "twonotes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266B, beamed eighth notes "flat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266D, musical flat "natural" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266E, music natural "sharp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x266F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x266F, musical sharp "acidfree" => Symbol { unicode: 0x267E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x267E, permanent paper sign "dicei" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2680, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2680, die face-1 "diceii" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2681, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2681, die face-2 "diceiii" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2682, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2682, die face-3 "diceiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2683, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2683, die face-4 "dicev" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2684, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2684, die face-5 "dicevi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2685, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2685, die face-6 "circledrightdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2686, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2686, white circle with dot right "circledtwodots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2687, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2687, white circle with two dots "blackcircledrightdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2688, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2688, black circle with white dot right "blackcircledtwodots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2689, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2689, black circle with two white dots "Hermaphrodite" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26A5, male and female sign "mdwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26AA, medium white circle "mdblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26AB, medium black circle "mdsmwhtcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26AC, medium small white circle "neuter" => Symbol { unicode: 0x26B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x26B2, neuter "checkmark" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2713, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2713, tick, check mark "maltese" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2720, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2720, maltese cross "circledstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x272A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x272A, circled white star "varstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2736, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2736, six pointed black star "dingasterisk" => Symbol { unicode: 0x273D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x273D, heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk "lbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2772, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2772, light left tortoise shell bracket ornament "rbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2773, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2773, light right tortoise shell bracket ornament "draftingarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x279B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x279B, right arrow with bold head (drafting) "threedangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C0, three dimensional angle "whiteinwhitetriangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C1, white triangle containing small white triangle "perp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27C2, perpendicular "subsetcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C3, open subset "supsetcirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27C4, open superset "lbag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C5, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27C5, left s-shaped bag delimiter "rbag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C6, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27C6, right s-shaped bag delimiter "veedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27C7, or with dot inside "bsolhsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27C8, reverse solidus preceding subset "suphsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27C9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27C9, superset preceding solidus "longdivision" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27CC, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27CC, long division "diamondcdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x27D0, white diamond with centred dot "wedgedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27D1, and with dot "upin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27D2, element of opening upwards "pullback" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27D3, lower right corner with dot "pushout" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27D4, upper left corner with dot "leftouterjoin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D5, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D5, left outer join "rightouterjoin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D6, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D6, right outer join "fullouterjoin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D7, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D7, full outer join "bigbot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D8, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D8, large up tack "bigtop" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27D9, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x27D9, large down tack "DashVDash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DA, left and right double turnstile "dashVdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DB, left and right tack "multimapinv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DC, left multimap "vlongdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DD, long left tack "longdashv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DE, long right tack "cirbot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27DF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27DF, up tack with circle above "lozengeminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E0, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E0, lozenge divided by horizontal rule "concavediamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E1, white concave-sided diamond "concavediamondtickleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E2, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E2, white concave-sided diamond with leftwards tick "concavediamondtickright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E3, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E3, white concave-sided diamond with rightwards tick "whitesquaretickleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E4, white square with leftwards tick "whitesquaretickright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x27E5, white square with rightwards tick "lBrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E6, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27E6, mathematical left white square bracket "rBrack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E7, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27E7, mathematical right white square bracket "langle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E8, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27E8, mathematical left angle bracket "rangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27E9, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27E9, mathematical right angle bracket "lAngle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EA, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27EA, mathematical left double angle bracket "rAngle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EB, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27EB, mathematical right double angle bracket "Lbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EC, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27EC, mathematical left white tortoise shell bracket "Rbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27ED, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27ED, mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket "lgroup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EE, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x27EE, mathematical left flattened parenthesis "rgroup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27EF, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x27EF, mathematical right flattened parenthesis "UUparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F0, upwards quadruple arrow "DDownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F1, downwards quadruple arrow "acwgapcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F2, anticlockwise gapped circle arrow "cwgapcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F3, clockwise gapped circle arrow "rightarrowonoplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F4, right arrow with circled plus "longleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F5, long leftwards arrow "longrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F6, long rightwards arrow "longleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F7, long left right arrow "Longleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F8, long leftwards double arrow "Longrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27F9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27F9, long rightwards double arrow "Longleftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FA, long left right double arrow "longmapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FB, long leftwards arrow from bar "longmapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FC, long rightwards arrow from bar "Longmapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FD, long leftwards double arrow from bar "Longmapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FE, long rightwards double arrow from bar "longrightsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x27FF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x27FF, long rightwards squiggle arrow "nvtwoheadrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2900, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2900, rightwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2901, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2901, rightwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke "nvLeftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2902, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2902, leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke "nvRightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2903, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2903, rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke "nvLeftrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2904, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2904, left right double arrow with vertical stroke "twoheadmapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2905, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2905, rightwards two-headed arrow from bar "Mapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2906, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2906, leftwards double arrow from bar "Mapsto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2907, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2907, rightwards double arrow from bar "downarrowbarred" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2908, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2908, downwards arrow with horizontal stroke "uparrowbarred" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2909, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2909, upwards arrow with horizontal stroke "Uuparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290A, upwards triple arrow "Ddownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290B, downwards triple arrow "leftbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290C, leftwards double dash arrow "rightbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290D, rightwards double dash arrow "leftdbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290E, leftwards triple dash arrow "dbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x290F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x290F, rightwards triple dash arrow "drbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2910, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2910, rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow "rightdotarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2911, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2911, rightwards arrow with dotted stem "baruparrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2912, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2912, upwards arrow to bar "downarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2913, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2913, downwards arrow to bar "nvrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2914, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2914, rightwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2915, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2915, rightwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "twoheadrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2916, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2916, rightwards two-headed arrow with tail "nvtwoheadrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2917, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2917, rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadrightarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2918, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2918, rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "lefttail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2919, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2919, leftwards arrow-tail "righttail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291A, rightwards arrow-tail "leftdbltail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291B, leftwards double arrow-tail "rightdbltail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291C, rightwards double arrow-tail "diamondleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291D, leftwards arrow to black diamond "rightarrowdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291E, rightwards arrow to black diamond "diamondleftarrowbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x291F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x291F, leftwards arrow from bar to black diamond "barrightarrowdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2920, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2920, rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond "nwsearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2921, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2921, north west and south east arrow "neswarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2922, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2922, north east and south west arrow "hknwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2923, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2923, north west arrow with hook "hknearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2924, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2924, north east arrow with hook "hksearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2925, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2925, south east arrow with hook "hkswarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2926, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2926, south west arrow with hook "tona" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2927, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2927, north west arrow and north east arrow "toea" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2928, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2928, north east arrow and south east arrow "tosa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2929, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2929, south east arrow and south west arrow "towa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x292A, south west arrow and north west arrow "rdiagovfdiag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292B, rising diagonal crossing falling diagonal "fdiagovrdiag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292C, falling diagonal crossing rising diagonal "seovnearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292D, south east arrow crossing north east arrow "neovsearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292E, north east arrow crossing south east arrow "fdiagovnearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x292F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x292F, falling diagonal crossing north east arrow "rdiagovsearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2930, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2930, rising diagonal crossing south east arrow "neovnwarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2931, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2931, north east arrow crossing north west arrow "nwovnearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2932, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2932, north west arrow crossing north east arrow "rightcurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2933, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2933, wave arrow pointing directly right "uprightcurvearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2934, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2934, arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards "downrightcurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2935, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2935, arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards "leftdowncurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2936, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2936, arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards "rightdowncurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2937, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2937, arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards "cwrightarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2938, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2938, right-side arc clockwise arrow "acwleftarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2939, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2939, left-side arc anticlockwise arrow "acwoverarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293A, top arc anticlockwise arrow "acwunderarcarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293B, bottom arc anticlockwise arrow "curvearrowrightminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293C, top arc clockwise arrow with minus "curvearrowleftplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293D, top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus "cwundercurvearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293E, lower right semicircular clockwise arrow "ccwundercurvearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x293F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x293F, lower left semicircular anticlockwise arrow "acwcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2940, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2940, anticlockwise closed circle arrow "cwcirclearrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2941, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2941, clockwise closed circle arrow "rightarrowshortleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2942, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2942, rightwards arrow above short leftwards arrow "leftarrowshortrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2943, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2943, leftwards arrow above short rightwards arrow "shortrightarrowleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2944, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2944, short rightwards arrow above leftwards arrow "rightarrowplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2945, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2945, rightwards arrow with plus below "leftarrowplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2946, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2946, leftwards arrow with plus below "rightarrowx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2947, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2947, rightwards arrow through x "leftrightarrowcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2948, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2948, left right arrow through small circle "twoheaduparrowcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2949, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2949, upwards two-headed arrow from small circle "leftrightharpoonupdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294A, left barb up right barb down harpoon "leftrightharpoondownup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294B, left barb down right barb up harpoon "updownharpoonrightleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294C, up barb right down barb left harpoon "updownharpoonleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294D, up barb left down barb right harpoon "leftrightharpoonupup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294E, left barb up right barb up harpoon "updownharpoonrightright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x294F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x294F, up barb right down barb right harpoon "leftrightharpoondowndown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2950, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2950, left barb down right barb down harpoon "updownharpoonleftleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2951, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2951, up barb left down barb left harpoon "barleftharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2952, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2952, leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar "rightharpoonupbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2953, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2953, rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar "barupharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2954, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2954, upwards harpoon with barb right to bar "downharpoonrightbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2955, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2955, downwards harpoon with barb right to bar "barleftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2956, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2956, leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar "rightharpoondownbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2957, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2957, rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar "barupharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2958, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2958, upwards harpoon with barb left to bar "downharpoonleftbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2959, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2959, downwards harpoon with barb left to bar "leftharpoonupbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295A, leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar "barrightharpoonup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295B, rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar "upharpoonrightbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295C, upwards harpoon with barb right from bar "bardownharpoonright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295D, downwards harpoon with barb right from bar "leftharpoondownbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295E, leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar "barrightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x295F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x295F, rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar "upharpoonleftbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2960, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2960, upwards harpoon with barb left from bar "bardownharpoonleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2961, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2961, downwards harpoon with barb left from bar "leftharpoonsupdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2962, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2962, leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down "upharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2963, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2963, upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right "rightharpoonsupdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2964, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2964, rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down "downharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2965, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2965, downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right "leftrightharpoonsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2966, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2966, leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up "leftrightharpoonsdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2967, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2967, leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down "rightleftharpoonsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2968, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2968, rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up "rightleftharpoonsdown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2969, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2969, rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down "leftharpoonupdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296A, leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash "dashleftharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296B, leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash "rightharpoonupdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296C, rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash "dashrightharpoondown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296D, rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash "updownharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296E, upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right "downupharpoonsleftright" => Symbol { unicode: 0x296F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x296F, downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right "rightimply" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2970, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2970, right double arrow with rounded head "equalrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2971, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2971, equals sign above rightwards arrow "similarrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2972, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2972, tilde operator above rightwards arrow "leftarrowsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2973, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2973, leftwards arrow above tilde operator "rightarrowsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2974, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2974, rightwards arrow above tilde operator "rightarrowapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2975, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2975, rightwards arrow above almost equal to "ltlarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2976, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2976, less-than above leftwards arrow "leftarrowless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2977, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2977, leftwards arrow through less-than "gtrarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2978, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2978, greater-than above rightwards arrow "subrarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2979, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2979, subset above rightwards arrow "leftarrowsubset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297A, leftwards arrow through subset "suplarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297B, superset above leftwards arrow "leftfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297C, left fish tail "rightfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297D, right fish tail "upfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297E, up fish tail "downfishtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x297F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x297F, down fish tail "Vvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2980, atom_type: AtomType::Fence }, // Unicode: 0x2980, triple vertical bar delimiter "mdsmblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2981, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2981, z notation spot "typecolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2982, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2982, z notation type colon "lBrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2983, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2983, left white curly bracket "rBrace" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2984, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2984, right white curly bracket "lParen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2985, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2985, left white parenthesis "rParen" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2986, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2986, right white parenthesis "llparenthesis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2987, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2987, z notation left image bracket "rrparenthesis" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2988, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2988, z notation right image bracket "llangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2989, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2989, z notation left binding bracket "rrangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298A, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x298A, z notation right binding bracket "lbrackubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298B, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x298B, left square bracket with underbar "rbrackubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298C, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x298C, right square bracket with underbar "lbrackultick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298D, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x298D, left square bracket with tick in top corner "rbracklrtick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298E, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x298E, right square bracket with tick in bottom corner "lbracklltick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x298F, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x298F, left square bracket with tick in bottom corner "rbrackurtick" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2990, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2990, right square bracket with tick in top corner "langledot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2991, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2991, left angle bracket with dot "rangledot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2992, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2992, right angle bracket with dot "lparenless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2993, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2993, left arc less-than bracket "rparengtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2994, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2994, right arc greater-than bracket "Lparengtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2995, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2995, double left arc greater-than bracket "Rparenless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2996, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2996, double right arc less-than bracket "lblkbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2997, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x2997, left black tortoise shell bracket "rblkbrbrak" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2998, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x2998, right black tortoise shell bracket "fourvdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2999, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2999, dotted fence "vzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299A, vertical zigzag line "measuredangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299B, measured angle opening left "rightanglesqr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299C, right angle variant with square "rightanglemdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299D, measured right angle with dot "angles" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299E, angle with s inside "angdnr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x299F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x299F, acute angle "gtlpar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A0, spherical angle opening left "sphericalangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A1, spherical angle opening up "turnangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A2, turned angle "revangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A3, reversed angle "angleubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A4, angle with underbar "revangleubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A5, reversed angle with underbar "wideangledown" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A6, oblique angle opening up "wideangleup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A7, oblique angle opening down "measanglerutone" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A8, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and right "measanglelutonw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29A9, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and left "measanglerdtose" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AA, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and right "measangleldtosw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AB, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and left "measangleurtone" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AC, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up "measangleultonw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AD, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up "measangledrtose" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AE, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down "measangledltosw" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29AF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29AF, measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down "revemptyset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B0, reversed empty set "emptysetobar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B1, empty set with overbar "emptysetocirc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B2, empty set with small circle above "emptysetoarr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B3, empty set with right arrow above "emptysetoarrl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29B4, empty set with left arrow above "circlehbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B5, circle with horizontal bar "circledvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B6, circled vertical bar "circledparallel" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B7, circled parallel "obslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B8, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B8, circled reverse solidus "operp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29B9, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29B9, circled perpendicular "obot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BA, circle divided by horizontal bar and top half divided by vertical bar "olcross" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BB, circle with superimposed x "odotslashdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BC, circled anticlockwise-rotated division sign "uparrowoncircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BD, up arrow through circle "circledwhitebullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BE, circled white bullet "circledbullet" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29BF, circled bullet "olessthan" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C0, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C0, circled less-than "ogreaterthan" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C1, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C1, circled greater-than "cirscir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29C2, circle with small circle to the right "cirE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29C3, circle with two horizontal strokes to the right "boxdiag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C4, squared rising diagonal slash "boxbslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C5, squared falling diagonal slash "boxast" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C6, squared asterisk "boxcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C7, squared small circle "boxbox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C8, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29C8, squared square "boxonbox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29C9, two joined squares "triangleodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29CA, triangle with dot above "triangleubar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29CB, triangle with underbar "triangles" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29CC, s in triangle "triangleserifs" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CD, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29CD, triangle with serifs at bottom "rtriltri" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29CE, right triangle above left triangle "ltrivb" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29CF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29CF, left triangle beside vertical bar "vbrtri" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D0, vertical bar beside right triangle "lfbowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D1, left black bowtie "rfbowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D2, right black bowtie "fbowtie" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D3, black bowtie "lftimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D4, left black times "rftimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29D5, right black times "hourglass" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29D6, white hourglass "blackhourglass" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29D7, black hourglass "lvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D8, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x29D8, left wiggly fence "rvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29D9, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29D9, right wiggly fence "Lvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DA, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x29DA, left double wiggly fence "Rvzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DB, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29DB, right double wiggly fence "iinfin" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29DC, incomplete infinity "tieinfty" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29DD, tie over infinity "nvinfty" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29DE, infinity negated with vertical bar "dualmap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29DF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29DF, double-ended multimap "laplac" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E0, square with contoured outline "lrtriangleeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E1, increases as "shuffle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E2, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29E2, shuffle product "eparsl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E3, equals sign and slanted parallel "smeparsl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E4, equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above "eqvparsl" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E5, identical to and slanted parallel "gleichstark" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29E6, gleich stark "thermod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E7, thermodynamic "downtriangleleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E8, down-pointing triangle with left half black "downtrianglerightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29E9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29E9, down-pointing triangle with right half black "blackdiamonddownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EA, black diamond with down arrow "mdlgblklozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29EB, black lozenge "circledownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EC, white circle with down arrow "blackcircledownarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29ED, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29ED, black circle with down arrow "errbarsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EE, error-barred white square "errbarblacksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29EF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29EF, error-barred black square "errbardiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F0, error-barred white diamond "errbarblackdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F1, error-barred black diamond "errbarcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F2, error-barred white circle "errbarblackcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x29F3, error-barred black circle "ruledelayed" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x29F4, rule-delayed "setminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29F5, reverse solidus operator "dsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29F6, solidus with overbar "rsolbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F7, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29F7, reverse solidus with horizontal stroke "xsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F8, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x29F8, big solidus "xbsol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29F9, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x29F9, big reverse solidus "doubleplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FA, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FA, double plus "tripleplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FB, triple plus "lcurvyangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FC, atom_type: AtomType::Open }, // Unicode: 0x29FC, left pointing curved angle bracket "rcurvyangle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FD, atom_type: AtomType::Close }, // Unicode: 0x29FD, right pointing curved angle bracket "tplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FE, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FE, tiny "tminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x29FF, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x29FF, miny "bigodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A00, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A00, n-ary circled dot operator "bigoplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A01, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A01, n-ary circled plus operator "bigotimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A02, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A02, n-ary circled times operator "bigcupdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A03, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A03, n-ary union operator with dot "biguplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A04, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A04, n-ary union operator with plus "bigsqcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A05, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A05, n-ary square intersection operator "bigsqcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A06, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(true) }, // Unicode: 0x2A06, n-ary square union operator "conjquant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A07, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A07, two logical and operator "disjquant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A08, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A08, two logical or operator "bigtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A09, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A09, n-ary times operator "modtwosum" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0A, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0A, modulo two sum "sumint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0B, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0B, summation with integral "iiiint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0C, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0C, quadruple integral operator "intbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0D, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0D, finite part integral "intBar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0E, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0E, integral with double stroke "fint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A0F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A0F, integral average with slash "cirfnint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A10, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A10, circulation function "awint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A11, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A11, anticlockwise integration "rppolint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A12, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A12, line integration with rectangular path around pole "scpolint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A13, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A13, line integration with semicircular path around pole "npolint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A14, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A14, line integration not including the pole "pointint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A15, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A15, integral around a point operator "sqint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A16, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A16, quaternion integral operator "intlarhk" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A17, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A17, integral with leftwards arrow with hook "intx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A18, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A18, integral with times sign "intcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A19, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A19, integral with intersection "intcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1A, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1A, integral with union "upint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1B, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1B, integral with overbar "lowint" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1C, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1C, integral with underbar "Join" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1D, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1D, join "bigtriangleleft" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1E, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1E, large left triangle operator "zcmp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A1F, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A1F, z notation schema composition "zpipe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A20, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A20, z notation schema piping "zproject" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A21, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2A21, z notation schema projection "ringplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A22, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A22, plus sign with small circle above "plushat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A23, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A23, plus sign with circumflex accent above "simplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A24, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A24, plus sign with tilde above "plusdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A25, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A25, plus sign with dot below "plussim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A26, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A26, plus sign with tilde below "plussubtwo" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A27, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A27, plus sign with subscript two "plustrif" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A28, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A28, plus sign with black triangle "commaminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A29, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A29, minus sign with comma above "minusdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2A, minus sign with dot below "minusfdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2B, minus sign with falling dots "minusrdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2C, minus sign with rising dots "opluslhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2D, plus sign in left half circle "oplusrhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2E, plus sign in right half circle "vectimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A2F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A2F, vector or cross product "dottimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A30, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A30, multiplication sign with dot above "timesbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A31, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A31, multiplication sign with underbar "btimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A32, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A32, semidirect product with bottom closed "smashtimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A33, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A33, smash product "otimeslhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A34, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A34, multiplication sign in left half circle "otimesrhrim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A35, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A35, multiplication sign in right half circle "otimeshat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A36, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A36, circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent "Otimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A37, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A37, multiplication sign in double circle "odiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A38, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A38, circled division sign "triangleplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A39, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A39, plus sign in triangle "triangleminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3A, minus sign in triangle "triangletimes" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3B, multiplication sign in triangle "intprod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3C, interior product "intprodr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3D, righthand interior product "fcmp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3E, z notation relational composition "amalg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A3F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A3F, amalgamation or coproduct "capdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A40, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A40, intersection with dot "uminus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A41, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A41, union with minus sign "barcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A42, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A42, union with overbar "barcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A43, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A43, intersection with overbar "capwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A44, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A44, intersection with logical and "cupvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A45, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A45, union with logical or "cupovercap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A46, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A46, union above intersection "capovercup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A47, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A47, intersection above union "cupbarcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A48, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A48, union above bar above intersection "capbarcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A49, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A49, intersection above bar above union "twocups" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4A, union beside and joined with union "twocaps" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4B, intersection beside and joined with intersection "closedvarcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4C, closed union with serifs "closedvarcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4D, closed intersection with serifs "Sqcap" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4E, double square intersection "Sqcup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A4F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A4F, double square union "closedvarcupsmashprod" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A50, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A50, closed union with serifs and smash product "wedgeodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A51, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A51, logical and with dot above "veeodot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A52, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A52, logical or with dot above "Wedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A53, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A53, double logical and "Vee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A54, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A54, double logical or "wedgeonwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A55, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A55, two intersecting logical and "veeonvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A56, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A56, two intersecting logical or "bigslopedvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A57, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A57, sloping large or "bigslopedwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A58, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A58, sloping large and "veeonwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A59, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A59, logical or overlapping logical and "wedgemidvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5A, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5A, logical and with middle stem "veemidvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5B, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5B, logical or with middle stem "midbarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5C, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5C, ogical and with horizontal dash "midbarvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5D, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5D, logical or with horizontal dash "doublebarwedge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5E, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5E, logical and with double overbar "wedgebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A5F, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A5F, logical and with underbar "wedgedoublebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A60, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A60, logical and with double underbar "varveebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A61, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A61, small vee with underbar "doublebarvee" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A62, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A62, logical or with double overbar "veedoublebar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A63, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A63, logical or with double underbar "dsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A64, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A64, z notation domain antirestriction "rsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A65, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A65, z notation range antirestriction "eqdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A66, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A66, equals sign with dot below "dotequiv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A67, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A67, identical with dot above "equivVert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A68, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A68, triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke "equivVvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A69, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A69, triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke "dotsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6A, tilde operator with dot above "simrdots" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6B, tilde operator with rising dots "simminussim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6C, similar minus similar "congdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6D, congruent with dot above "asteq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6E, equals with asterisk "hatapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A6F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A6F, almost equal to with circumflex accent "approxeqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A70, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A70, approximately equal or equal to "eqqplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A71, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A71, equals sign above plus sign "pluseqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A72, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2A72, plus sign above equals sign "eqqsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A73, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A73, equals sign above tilde operator "Coloneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A74, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A74, double colon equal "eqeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A75, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A75, two consecutive equals signs "eqeqeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A76, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A76, three consecutive equals signs "ddotseq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A77, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A77, equals sign with two dots above and two dots below "equivDD" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A78, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A78, equivalent with four dots above "ltcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A79, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A79, less-than with circle inside "gtcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7A, greater-than with circle inside "ltquest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7B, less-than with question mark above "gtquest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7C, greater-than with question mark above "leqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7D, less-than or slanted equal to "geqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7E, greater-than or slanted equal to "lesdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A7F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A7F, less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside "gesdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A80, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A80, greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside "lesdoto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A81, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A81, less-than or slanted equal to with dot above "gesdoto" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A82, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A82, greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above "lesdotor" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A83, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A83, less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right "gesdotol" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A84, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A84, greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left "lessapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A85, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A85, less-than or approximate "gtrapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A86, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A86, greater-than or approximate "lneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A87, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A87, less-than and single-line not equal to "gneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A88, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A88, greater-than and single-line not equal to "lnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A89, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A89, less-than and not approximate "gnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8A, greater-than and not approximate "lesseqqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8B, less-than above double-line equal above greater-than "gtreqqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8C, greater-than above double-line equal above less-than "lsime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8D, less-than above similar or equal "gsime" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8E, greater-than above similar or equal "lsimg" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A8F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A8F, less-than above similar above greater-than "gsiml" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A90, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A90, greater-than above similar above less-than "lgE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A91, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A91, less-than above greater-than above double-line equal "glE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A92, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A92, greater-than above less-than above double-line equal "lesges" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A93, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A93, less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal "gesles" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A94, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A94, greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal "eqslantless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A95, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A95, slanted equal to or less-than "eqslantgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A96, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A96, slanted equal to or greater-than "elsdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A97, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A97, slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside "egsdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A98, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A98, slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside "eqqless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A99, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A99, double-line equal to or less-than "eqqgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9A, double-line equal to or greater-than "eqqslantless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9B, double-line slanted equal to or less-than "eqqslantgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9C, double-line slanted equal to or greater-than "simless" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9D, similar or less-than "simgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9E, similar or greater-than "simlE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2A9F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2A9F, similar above less-than above equals sign "simgE" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA0, similar above greater-than above equals sign "Lt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA1, double nested less-than "Gt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA2, double nested greater-than "partialmeetcontraction" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA3, double less-than with underbar "glj" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA4, greater-than overlapping less-than "gla" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA5, greater-than beside less-than "ltcc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA6, less-than closed by curve "gtcc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA7, greater-than closed by curve "lescc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA8, less-than closed by curve above slanted equal "gescc" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AA9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AA9, greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal "smt" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAA, smaller than "lat" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAB, larger than "smte" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAC, smaller than or equal to "late" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAD, larger than or equal to "bumpeqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAE, equals sign with bumpy above "preceq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AAF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AAF, precedes above single-line equals sign "succeq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB0, succeeds above single-line equals sign "precneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB1, precedes above single-line not equal to "succneq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB2, succeeds above single-line not equal to "preceqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB3, precedes above equals sign "succeqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB4, succeeds above equals sign "precneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB5, precedes above not equal to "succneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB6, succeeds above not equal to "precapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB7, precedes above almost equal to "succapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB8, succeeds above almost equal to "precnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AB9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AB9, precedes above not almost equal to "succnapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABA, succeeds above not almost equal to "Prec" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABB, double precedes "Succ" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABC, double succeeds "subsetdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABD, subset with dot "supsetdot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABE, superset with dot "subsetplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ABF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ABF, subset with plus sign below "supsetplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC0, superset with plus sign below "submult" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC1, subset with multiplication sign below "supmult" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC2, superset with multiplication sign below "subedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC3, subset of or equal to with dot above "supedot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC4, superset of or equal to with dot above "subseteqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC5, subset of above equals sign "supseteqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC6, superset of above equals sign "subsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC7, subset of above tilde operator "supsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC8, superset of above tilde operator "subsetapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AC9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AC9, subset of above almost equal to "supsetapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACA, superset of above almost equal to "subsetneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACB, subset of above not equal to "supsetneqq" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACC, superset of above not equal to "lsqhook" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACD, square left open box operator "rsqhook" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACE, square right open box operator "csub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ACF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ACF, closed subset "csup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD0, closed superset "csube" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD1, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD1, closed subset or equal to "csupe" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD2, closed superset or equal to "subsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD3, subset above superset "supsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD4, superset above subset "subsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD5, subset above subset "supsup" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD6, superset above superset "suphsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD7, superset beside subset "supdsub" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD8, superset beside and joined by dash with subset "forkv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AD9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AD9, element of opening downwards "topfork" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADA, pitchfork with tee top "mlcp" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADB, transversal intersection "forks" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADC, forking "forksnot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADD, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADD, nonforking "shortlefttack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADE, short left tack "shortdowntack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2ADF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2ADF, short down tack "shortuptack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE0, short up tack "perps" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2AE1, perpendicular with s "vDdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE2, vertical bar triple right turnstile "dashV" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE3, double vertical bar left turnstile "Dashv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE4, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE4, vertical bar double left turnstile "DashV" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE5, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE5, double vertical bar double left turnstile "varVdash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE6, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE6, long dash from left member of double vertical "Barv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE7, short down tack with overbar "vBar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE8, short up tack with underbar "vBarv" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AE9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AE9, short up tack above short down tack "barV" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEA, double down tack "Vbar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEB, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEB, double up tack "Not" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEC, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEC, double stroke not sign "bNot" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AED, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AED, reversed double stroke not sign "revnmid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEE, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEE, does not divide with reversed negation slash "cirmid" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AEF, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AEF, vertical line with circle above "midcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF0, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF0, vertical line with circle below "topcir" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2AF1, down tack with circle below "nhpar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF2, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF2, parallel with horizontal stroke "parsim" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF3, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF3, parallel with tilde operator "interleave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF4, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AF4, triple vertical bar binary relation "nhVvert" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF5, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AF5, triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke "threedotcolon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF6, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AF6, triple colon operator "lllnest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF7, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF7, stacked very much less-than "gggnest" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF8, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF8, stacked very much greater-than "leqqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AF9, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AF9, double-line slanted less-than or equal to "geqqslant" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFA, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2AFA, double-line slanted greater-than or equal to "trslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFB, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AFB, triple solidus binary relation "biginterleave" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFC, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2AFC, large triple vertical bar operator "sslash" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFD, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AFD, double solidus operator "talloblong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFE, atom_type: AtomType::Binary }, // Unicode: 0x2AFE, white vertical bar "bigtalloblong" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2AFF, atom_type: AtomType::Operator(false) }, // Unicode: 0x2AFF, n-ary white vertical bar "squaretopblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B12, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B12, square with top half black "squarebotblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B13, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B13, square with bottom half black "squareurblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B14, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B14, square with upper right diagonal half black "squarellblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B15, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B15, square with lower left diagonal half black "diamondleftblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B16, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B16, diamond with left half black "diamondrightblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B17, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B17, diamond with right half black "diamondtopblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B18, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B18, diamond with top half black "diamondbotblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B19, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B19, diamond with bottom half black "dottedsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1A, dotted square "lgblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1B, black large square "lgwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1C, white large square "vysmblksquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1D, black very small square "vysmwhtsquare" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1E, white very small square "pentagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B1F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B1F, black pentagon "pentagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B20, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B20, white pentagon "varhexagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B21, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B21, white hexagon "varhexagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B22, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B22, black hexagon "hexagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B23, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B23, horizontal black hexagon "lgblkcircle" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B24, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B24, black large circle "mdblkdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B25, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B25, black medium diamond "mdwhtdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B26, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B26, white medium diamond "mdblklozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B27, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B27, black medium lozenge "mdwhtlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B28, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B28, white medium lozenge "smblkdiamond" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B29, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B29, black small diamond "smblklozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2A, black small lozenge "smwhtlozenge" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2B, white small lozenge "blkhorzoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2C, black horizontal ellipse "whthorzoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2D, white horizontal ellipse "blkvertoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2E, black vertical ellipse "whtvertoval" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B2F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B2F, white vertical ellipse "circleonleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B30, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B30, left arrow with small circle "leftthreearrows" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B31, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B31, three leftwards arrows "leftarrowonoplus" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B32, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B32, left arrow with circled plus "longleftsquigarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B33, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B33, long leftwards squiggle arrow "nvtwoheadleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B34, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B34, leftwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B35, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B35, leftwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke "twoheadmapsfrom" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B36, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B36, leftwards two-headed arrow from bar "twoheadleftdbkarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B37, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B37, leftwards two-headed triple-dash arrow "leftdotarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B38, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B38, leftwards arrow with dotted stem "nvleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B39, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B39, leftwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3A, leftwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "twoheadleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3B, leftwards two-headed arrow with tail "nvtwoheadleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3C, leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke "nVtwoheadleftarrowtail" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3D, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3D, leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke "leftarrowx" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3E, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3E, leftwards arrow through x "leftcurvedarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B3F, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B3F, wave arrow pointing directly left "equalleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B40, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B40, equals sign above leftwards arrow "bsimilarleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B41, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B41, reverse tilde operator above leftwards arrow "leftarrowbackapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B42, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B42, leftwards arrow above reverse almost equal to "rightarrowgtr" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B43, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B43, rightwards arrow through greater-than "rightarrowsupset" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B44, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B44, rightwards arrow through subset "LLeftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B45, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B45, leftwards quadruple arrow "RRightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B46, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B46, rightwards quadruple arrow "bsimilarrightarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B47, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B47, reverse tilde operator above rightwards arrow "rightarrowbackapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B48, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B48, rightwards arrow above reverse almost equal to "similarleftarrow" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B49, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B49, tilde operator above leftwards arrow "leftarrowapprox" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B4A, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B4A, leftwards arrow above almost equal to "leftarrowbsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B4B, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B4B, leftwards arrow above reverse tilde operator "rightarrowbsimilar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B4C, atom_type: AtomType::Relation }, // Unicode: 0x2B4C, righttwards arrow above reverse tilde operator "medwhitestar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B50, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B50, white medium star "medblackstar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B51, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B51, black medium star "smwhitestar" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B52, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B52, white small star "rightpentagonblack" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B53, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B53, black right-pointing pentagon "rightpentagon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x2B54, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x2B54, white right-pointing pentagon "postalmark" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3012, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3012, postal mark "hzigzag" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3030, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3030, zigzag // Additional commands from TeX "Alpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x391, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x391, "Beta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x392, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x392, "Gamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x393, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x393, "Delta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x394, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x394, "Epsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x395, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x395, "Zeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x396, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x396, "Eta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x397, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x397, "Theta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x398, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x398, "Iota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x399, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x399, "Kappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39A, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39A, "Lambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39B, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39B, "Mu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39C, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39C, "Nu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39D, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39D, "Xi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39E, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39E, "Omicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x39F, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x39F, "Pi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A0, "Rho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A1, "Sigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A3, "Tau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A4, "Upsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A5, "Phi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A6, "Chi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A7, "Psi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A8, "Omega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3A9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3A9, "alpha" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B1, "beta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B2, "gamma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B3, "delta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B4, "epsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B5, "zeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B6, "eta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B7, "theta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B8, "iota" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3B9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3B9, "kappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BA, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BA, "lambda" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BB, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BB, "mu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BC, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BC, "nu" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BD, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BD, "xi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BE, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BE, "omicron" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3BF, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3BF, "pi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C0, "rho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C1, "sigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C3, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C3, "tau" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C4, "upsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C5, "phi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C6, "chi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C7, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C7, "psi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C8, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C8, "omega" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C9, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C9, "varphi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C6, curly or open small phi, greek "varsigma" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3C2, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3C2, terminal sigma, greek "varbeta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D0, rounded small beta, greek "vartheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D1, /vartheta - curly or open theta "varpi" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3D6, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3D6, rounded small pi (pomega), greek "varkappa" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F0, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F0, rounded small kappa, greek "varrho" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F1, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F1, rounded small rho, greek "varTheta" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F4, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F4, greek capital theta symbol "varepsilon" => Symbol { unicode: 0x3F5, atom_type: AtomType::Alpha }, // Unicode: 0x3F5, greek lunate epsilon symbol }; static KEYS: &[&str] = &["nvLeftrightarrow", "diamondtopblack", "glj", "nsucccurlyeq", "nVleftrightarrow", "triangles", "wedgedot", "bigsqcup", "xi", "Xi", "approxident", "measangleurtone", "ddotseq", "shortuptack", "underbrace", "lesges", "ccwundercurvearrow", "hexagonblack", "lftimes", "mid", "bumpeq", "tilde", "rrparenthesis", "leftouterjoin", "fisheye", "Theta", "Sqcup", "rightarrowplus", "vDash", "overbar", "midbarwedge", "cirscir", "Doteq", "curvearrowrightminus", "mdblklozenge", "longrightarrow", "lcurvyangle", "smt", "blacktriangle", "lparen", "rbrbrak", "forks", "doubleplus", "leqslant", "Mapsto", "Swarrow", "vrectangle", "subsetplus", "twonotes", "subsup", "measuredangle", "precsim", "leqq", "nvartriangleleft", "lesseqqgtr", "lnapprox", "lbracklend", "gneqq", "operp", "downrightcurvedarrow", "ointctrclockwise", "isinE", "infty", "eqdot", "leftbkarrow", "mho", "blackinwhitediamond", "squareleftblack", "isinvb", "ltlarr", "subsim", "smblksquare", "lesseqgtr", "Gt", "veeonwedge", "nni", "pentagon", "trapezium", "simneqq", "bigblacktriangledown", "barrightharpoondown", "downuparrows", "nlesssim", "congdot", "triangledown", "mfrakZ", "equalparallel", "bardownharpoonleft", "accurrent", "bigtriangledown", "parallel", "APLboxupcaret", "equiv", "Barv", "bigtop", "check", "similarleftarrow", "nvleftarrowtail", "dashrightharpoondown", "nVtwoheadleftarrowtail", "twocups", "lefttail", "mathvisiblespace", "revangle", "bNot", "boxtimes", "eqsim", "llangle", "obslash", "whitesquaretickright", "urblacktriangle", "smallni", "righttail", "forksnot", "veedot", "simeq", "smallin", "twoheadrightarrow", "twolowline", "barcap", "tripleplus", "leftarrowtail", "bdtriplevdash", "parallelogramblack", "smallblacktriangleleft", "Downarrow", "toea", "dotsminusdots", "leftwavearrow", "barleftharpoonup", "wedgemidvert", "mscro", "circleonleftarrow", "multimapinv", "rftimes", "underleftarrow", "bigslopedvee", "downfishtail", "Vvert", "updownharpoonrightleft", "vartriangle", "strns", "nvrightarrow", "precapprox", "ntrianglerighteq", "cwopencirclearrow", "nwovnearrow", "Succ", "rightarrowbar", "boxbslash", "wedge", "nvinfty", "upand", "wedgedoublebar", "Supset", "looparrowright", "blockrighthalf", "whthorzoval", "smwhitestar", "ll", "baruparrow", "mu", "circledast", "uplus", "backcong", "uparrowoncircle", "triangleodot", "coprod", "BbbZ", "Lt", "acwleftarcarrow", "bigstar", "mdsmwhtsquare", "horizbar", "rightrightarrows", "kernelcontraction", "mscrg", "barovernorthwestarrow", "imageof", "updownharpoonsleftright", "ultriangle", "varcarriagereturn", "circledparallel", "urarc", "nVtwoheadrightarrowtail", "circledstar", "swarrow", "leftharpoon", "rbrackuend", "drbkarrow", "lessgtr", "mdsmwhtcircle", "mitBbbD", "circledvert", "barV", "house", "rightharpoondown", "tieinfty", "BbbPi", "wideutilde", "leftarrowonoplus", "blacktriangleright", "rightharpoon", "neuter", "preceq", "invwhiteupperhalfcircle", "oiiint", "stareq", "rbrace", "trianglerighteq", "mdwhtsquare", "leftrightarrow", "cwcirclearrow", "dotsim", "rparenlend", "gtquest", "leftharpoonsupdown", "Zeta", "tona", "whitepointerleft", "nvtwoheadrightarrowtail", "subrarr", "BbbC", "Rho", "squareurblack", "leftharpoonupdash", "Bumpeq", "bigsqcap", "shortdowntack", "acwcirclearrow", "arceq", "rbag", "diamondbotblack", "curvearrowleftplus", "capbarcup", "varniobar", "cirbot", "twocaps", "gtcc", "measangledrtose", "setminus", "rbracelend", "forkv", "nsime", "isindot", "veedoublebar", "nrightarrow", "cupbarcap", "Uuparrow", "supsetplus", "boxbar", "lbracelend", "equivDD", "vartheta", "adots", "wedgeodot", "lgwhtcircle", "trslash", "between", "varepsilon", "rparen", "squarevfill", "rightleftharpoonsdown", "nvLeftarrow", "Ddownarrow", "beta", "blockuphalf", "Nu", "measangleultonw", "theta", "lnsim", "plussim", "fdiagovnearrow", "barwedge", "to", "backslash", "nVrightarrowtail", "suphsol", "questeq", "leftrightharpoonupdown", "gleichstark", "bar", "Vbar", "intbar", "typecolon", "nsim", "iint", "pointint", "supsub", "cong", "ddot", "ncong", "interleave", "rightharpoonupdash", "underrightarrow", "rrangle", "obot", "napprox", "mscrB", "Bbbsum", "DashVDash", "hermitmatrix", "vBar", "leftarrowless", "rightdbltail", "pluseqq", "rsub", "supedot", "rmoustache", "lbrack", "threedotcolon", "times", "squareulquad", "chi", "dottimes", "ni", "zpipe", "rightarrowsimilar", "sum", "varbeta", "obar", "minusrdots", "rceil", "intcap", "mdblksquare", "rightarrowgtr", "gimel", "bullseye", "leftrightharpoonsdown", "circledbullet", "triangleminus", "blackrighthalfcircle", "sqsubset", "underbracket", "upharpoonleftbar", "overleftarrow", "concavediamondtickright", "lsime", "circlevertfill", "increment", "Sqcap", "langledot", "squarellquad", "whitesquaretickleft", "breve", "backtrprime", "rangledownzigzagarrow", "lllnest", "leftrightharpoondowndown", "diceiii", "sansLturned", "trianglelefteq", "Kappa", "fint", "underrightharpoondown", "bigvee", "mdwhtcircle", "eqless", "bigcup", "Yup", "profsurf", "veeodot", "nvtwoheadleftarrow", "succ", "curvearrowright", "eighthnote", "prurel", "downwhitearrow", "nVleftarrowtail", "ogreaterthan", "leftarrow", "DDownarrow", "cupovercap", "diceii", "rightdotarrow", "nHuparrow", "triangleplus", "squarehfill", "leftrightharpoonsup", "rbrackurtick", "blockthreeqtrshaded", "xsol", "lowint", "Re", "nabla", "grave", "llblacktriangle", "iiiint", "bsimilarleftarrow", "Lbrbrak", "varhexagonblack", "leftcurvedarrow", "mitBbbj", "updownarrows", "gamma", "varisins", "subsetcirc", "ntrianglelefteq", "underparen", "smwhtdiamond", "capovercup", "emptysetocirc", "hexagon", "lfloor", "beth", "cup", "twoheaduparrowcircle", "gescc", "cwundercurvearrow", "conjquant", "intx", "longrightsquigarrow", "Rightarrow", "wideangleup", "npreccurlyeq", "asteraccent", "twoheadmapsto", "rdiagovfdiag", "vec", "midcir", "downharpoonright", "leftarrowsimilar", "urcorner", "twoheadleftarrowtail", "subsetneq", "rightimply", "mdlgwhtdiamond", "geqq", "lesdot", "ngeq", "rparengtr", "leftrightarrowtriangle", "iota", "Gamma", "blackdiamonddownarrow", "rightwhitearrow", "neovsearrow", "unicodeellipsis", "Vdash", "leftdasharrow", "downharpoonrightbar", "blacksmiley", "simgtr", "lrtriangleeq", "succeqq", "diamondsuit", "rightharpoonupbar", "circledequal", "doteq", "lmoustache", "Eta", "nis", "twoheaddownarrow", "squarelrblack", "tplus", "neg", "rightbkarrow", "cwrightarcarrow", "minus", "bigotimes", "llcorner", "Nwarrow", "varheartsuit", "rbracemid", "varVdash", "mdlgwhtlozenge", "ularc", "parallelogram", "neovnwarrow", "Dashv", "leftrightharpoons", "Rvzigzag", "varrho", "Sigma", "eta", "Beta", "revemptyset", "Cap", "lBrace", "cap", "capwedge", "hzigzag", "rsolbar", "lrcorner", "rightouterjoin", "dashVdash", "gesdotol", "ltcir", "simrdots", "smwhtsquare", "leftrightharpoonupup", "int", "sqsupset", "lbrbrak", "rbracklrtick", "nleq", "Eulerconst", "uprightcurvearrow", "Chi", "rfbowtie", "nsucc", "errbarcircle", "otimeslhrim", "dashv", "succcurlyeq", "candra", "dashcolon", "rvboxline", "btimes", "backsim", "squaretopblack", "seovnearrow", "supmult", "leftharpoonup", "Phi", "BbbN", "squarebotblack", "bigwedge", "hrectangleblack", "towa", "mdsmblkcircle", "partialmeetcontraction", "leftrightharpoondownup", "supseteq", "talloblong", "hat", "intbottom", "nearrow", "lgE", "eqdef", "dashV", "twoheadrightarrowtail", "circlehbar", "langle", "boxbox", "nVtwoheadrightarrow", "nsqsupseteq", "Longrightarrow", "downupharpoonsleftright", "eqqless", "barleftarrow", "rightarrowonoplus", "mdlgblksquare", "rightarrowsupset", "varspadesuit", "varhexagon", "inversebullet", "hatapprox", "rbracklend", "caretinsert", "mathunderbar", "twoheaduparrow", "rightarrowbackapprox", "pm", "approxeqq", "cdots", "elinters", "plustrif", "dicev", "lvzigzag", "nVdash", "trianglerightblack", "squareneswfill", "Lparengtr", "precneq", "dottedsquare", "smallblacktriangleright", "amalg", "varclubsuit", "varstar", "Prec", "pi", "lsimg", "vbraceextender", "spadesuit", "divslash", "prec", "lozengeminus", "updownarrow", "barcup", "bagmember", "downarrowbarred", "smblklozenge", "egsdot", "ovhook", "carriagereturn", "succnsim", "veemidvert", "mscrH", "exists", "measuredrightangle", "top", "mscrM", "downharpoonleft", "leftarrowbsimilar", "acidfree", "intBar", "Angstrom", "obrbrak", "elsdot", "overrightharpoon", "lat", "llarc", "cwgapcirclearrow", "errbarblacksquare", "vlongdash", "Delta", "lneq", "linefeed", "glE", "varlrtriangle", "geqslant", "blackinwhitesquare", "diamondleftblack", "gesles", "widehat", "leftsquigarrow", "circleddash", "nisd", "daleth", "rfloor", "intprod", "varTheta", "rightanglesqr", "circledwhitebullet", "blockfull", "Longmapsfrom", "bardownharpoonright", "bsolhsub", "doublebarvee", "nhpar", "smalltriangleleft", "wp", "blackpointerright", "fcmp", "eqslantgtr", "rightdowncurvedarrow", "Uparrow", "Subset", "sphericalangle", "triangleserifs", "leqqslant", "leftarrowshortrightarrow", "vzigzag", "rbraceuend", "nprec", "cdot", "hknearrow", "rightarrowx", "measuredangleleft", "Psi", "zcmp", "simplus", "rightarrowshortleftarrow", "cupleftarrow", "upharpoonrightbar", "lbrackextender", "sqcap", "plusdot", "barupharpoonleft", "lambda", "APLboxquestion", "dagger", "vardiamondsuit", "Longmapsto", "eqgtr", "acwoverarcarrow", "circleurquadblack", "lbag", "rightleftharpoons", "measanglerdtose", "Alpha", "pushout", "blockhalfshaded", "Game", "nVrightarrow", "longdashv", "bigtimes", "maltese", "threedangle", "lbrackubar", "ltcc", "neswarrow", "nHdownarrow", "diameter", "leftarrowx", "lescc", "gnsim", "lgwhtsquare", "topfork", "errbardiamond", "ast", "disjquant", "perp", "mitBbbi", "closedvarcap", "bot", "vdots", "gtrapprox", "dotequiv", "natural", "vysmblkcircle", "leftdotarrow", "circledtwodots", "hslash", "dotminus", "lesssim", "downdasharrow", "curvearrowleft", "rightangle", "boxminus", "gtrarr", "multimap", "eparsl", "leftfishtail", "upharpoonsleftright", "rtimes", "vDdash", "bigoplus", "Hermaphrodite", "Rbrbrak", "mdlgwhtsquare", "cupvee", "measanglelutonw", "invlazys", "mscre", "rcurvyangle", "gtrsim", "harrowextender", "leftrightsquigarrow", "ringplus", "quarternote", "eqqplus", "phi", "rightpentagonblack", "curlywedge", "triangleright", "concavediamondtickleft", "eqeq", "Upsilon", "varnis", "sqsubsetneq", "rightarrowdiamond", "measeq", "rho", "geqqslant", "scurel", "revangleubar", "upin", "leftrightarrowcircle", "div", "coloneq", "subedot", "otimes", "nLeftrightarrow", "veebar", "whiteinwhitetriangle", "hknwarrow", "Rsh", "UUparrow", "mp", "sumint", "blkhorzoval", "lgblkcircle", "intclockwise", "fourvdots", "nwsearrow", "subset", "lblkbrbrak", "hookleftarrow", "vysmblksquare", "triangletimes", "equivVert", "gtcir", "capdot", "shuffle", "nleftarrow", "vertoverlay", "smwhtlozenge", "nvDash", "urtriangle", "twoheadleftdbkarrow", "matheth", "gtreqqless", "leftdbltail", "RRightarrow", "longdivision", "rdiagovsearrow", "sqrt", "pentagonblack", "bigwhitestar", "csube", "Vvdash", "leftarrowtriangle", "APLnotslash", "nsupseteq", "vee", "boxast", "olessthan", "mdwhtdiamond", "Bbbgamma", "succeq", "rppolint", "turnediota", "nvRightarrow", "circlellquad", "bigcap", "sqcup", "upharpoonright", "checkmark", "supseteqq", "ocommatopright", "eqcirc", "sslash", "overparen", "concavediamond", "downarrow", "widebridgeabove", "nsubset", "invwhitelowerhalfcircle", "bigtalloblong", "triangleleft", "acwunderarcarrow", "nvtwoheadleftarrowtail", "veeeq", "varhexagonlrbonds", "inttop", "leftwhitearrow", "bigslopedwedge", "rgroup", "nless", "odot", "succnapprox", "iinfin", "looparrowleft", "succneqq", "whitepointerright", "gnapprox", "varbarwedge", "dicei", "late", "fbowtie", "similarrightarrow", "rAngle", "viewdata", "curlyvee", "Zbar", "minusdot", "oiint", "intlarhk", "circlerighthalfblack", "mdblkcircle", "smallsetminus", "biguplus", "diamondleftarrow", "squarecrossfill", "squarehvfill", "mitBbbe", "perps", "updownharpoonleftright", "simgE", "lceil", "boxplus", "lessdot", "supsetcirc", "niobar", "emptysetoarr", "therefore", "unicodecdots", "barrightharpoonup", "blacktriangleleft", "triangleq", "varisinobar", "lbracklltick", "sumbottom", "Epsilon", "vrectangleblack", "ltrivb", "Iota", "dsol", "assert", "twoheadleftarrow", "subsub", "circletophalfblack", "leftdbkarrow", "simminussim", "psi", "flat", "mfrakC", "ocirc", "downharpoonleftbar", "sphericalangleup", "fourthroot", "in", "nsqsubseteq", "lbrace", "sqsupsetneq", "acute", 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black_box(KEYS); b.iter(|| for key in keys { SYMBOLS_PHF .get(key) .expect("PHF failed to find a valid key."); }); } #[bench] fn bench_static_map(b: &mut Bencher) { let keys = black_box(KEYS); b.iter(|| for key in keys { SYMBOLS_STATIC_MAP .get(key) .expect("static_map failed to find a valid key."); }); }