// Copyright 2021 Olivier Kannengieser // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. #![cfg_attr(feature = "thread_local", feature(thread_local))] #![cfg(not(miri))] //miri does not start any test and block, dont know why... extern crate static_init; use static_init::{constructor, destructor, dynamic, Finaly}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::thread::spawn; //use std::thread::sleep; //use std::time::Duration; struct A(i32); impl A { fn new(v: i32) -> Self { for _ in 1..100000 { std::hint::spin_loop(); } A(v) } } static FINALY_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); impl Finaly for A { fn finaly(&self) { FINALY_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } static DROP_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); impl Drop for A { fn drop(&mut self) { DROP_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } #[cfg(not(feature = "thread_local"))] const FINALY_COUNT_EXPECTED: usize = 12; #[cfg(not(feature = "thread_local"))] const DROP_COUNT_EXPECTED: usize = 6; #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] const FINALY_COUNT_EXPECTED: usize = 34; #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] const DROP_COUNT_EXPECTED: usize = 28; #[destructor(10)] extern "C" fn test_d_counts() { let c = FINALY_COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed); if c != FINALY_COUNT_EXPECTED { eprintln!("Wrong finaly count {}", c); unsafe { libc::_exit(1) }; } let c = DROP_COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed); if c != DROP_COUNT_EXPECTED { eprintln!("Wrong drop count {}", c); unsafe { libc::_exit(1) }; } } macro_rules! make_test { ($name:ident,$acc:ident, $($att:ident)+ $(,$mut:ident)? $(=>$thread_local:ident)?) => { #[test] fn $name() { #[dynamic($($att),*)] $(#[$thread_local])? static $($mut)? X0: A = A::new(42); assert_eq!($acc!(X0),42); #[dynamic($($att),*)] $(#[$thread_local])? static $($mut)? XPRE: A = A::new(42); #[constructor(10)] extern fn test_pre() { // if XPRE is a thread local, it is not the one that will appear in main. assert_eq!($acc!(XPRE),42); } assert_eq!($acc!(XPRE),42); #[dynamic($($att),*)] $(#[$thread_local])? static $($mut)? XCONC: A = A::new(42); static START: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); static STARTED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); fn test_conc() { STARTED.fetch_add(1,Ordering::Relaxed); while START.compare_exchange_weak(true,true,Ordering::Relaxed,Ordering::Relaxed).is_err() {core::hint::spin_loop()} assert_eq!($acc!(XCONC),42); } const NT: usize = 8; let mut spawned = vec![]; for _ in 0..NT { spawned.push(spawn(test_conc)); } while STARTED.compare_exchange_weak(NT,NT,Ordering::Relaxed,Ordering::Relaxed).is_ok() {core::hint::spin_loop()} START.store(true,Ordering::Relaxed); spawned.into_iter().for_each(|t| {assert!(t.join().is_ok());}); } } } macro_rules! acc0 { ($x:ident) => { $x.0 }; } macro_rules! accr { ($x:ident) => { $x.read().0 }; } make_test!(lazy, acc0, lazy); make_test!(lesser_lazy, acc0, lazy); make_test!(lazy_finalize, acc0, lazy finalize); //F:3 make_test!(lesser_lazy_finalize, acc0, lesser_lazy finalize); //F:3 make_test!(mut_lazy, accr, lazy, mut); make_test!(lesser_mut_lazy, accr, lazy, mut); make_test!(mut_lazy_finalize, accr, lazy finalize, mut); //F:3 make_test!(lesser_mut_lazy_finalize, accr, lesser_lazy finalize, mut); //F:3 make_test!(mut_lazy_drop, accr, lazy drop, mut); //D:3 make_test!(lesser_mut_lazy_drop, accr, lesser_lazy drop, mut); //D:3 #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] make_test!(thread_local_lazy, acc0, lazy => thread_local); #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] make_test!(thread_local_lazy_finalize, acc0, lazy finalize => thread_local); //F:3+8 #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] make_test!(thread_local_lazy_drop, acc0, lazy drop => thread_local); //D:3+8 #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] make_test!(thread_local_mut_lazy, accr, lazy, mut => thread_local); #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] make_test!(thread_local_mut_lazy_finalize, accr, lazy finalize, mut => thread_local); //F:3+8 #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] make_test!(thread_local_mut_lazy_drop, accr, lazy drop, mut => thread_local); //D: 3+8