// Copyright 2021 Olivier Kannengieser // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. #![cfg_attr(feature = "thread_local", feature(thread_local))] extern crate static_init; use static_init::{constructor, destructor, dynamic, Finaly, Uninit}; static mut DEST: i32 = 0; #[destructor(0)] extern "C" fn dest_0() { unsafe { assert_eq!(DEST, 0); DEST += 1; } } #[destructor(1)] extern "C" fn dest_1() { unsafe { assert_eq!(DEST, 1); DEST += 1; } } #[destructor(100)] extern "C" fn dest_2() { unsafe { assert_eq!(DEST, 2); DEST += 1; } } static mut INI: i32 = 0; #[constructor(200)] extern "C" fn init_2() { unsafe { assert_eq!(INI, 0); INI += 1; } } #[constructor(1)] extern "C" fn init_1() { unsafe { assert_eq!(INI, 1); INI += 1; } } #[constructor(0)] extern "C" fn init_0() { unsafe { assert_eq!(INI, 2); INI += 1; } } #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_env = "gnu"))] mod gnu { use super::constructor; use std::env::args_os; use std::ffi::{CStr, OsStr}; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; #[constructor] extern "C" fn get_args_env(argc: i32, mut argv: *const *const u8, _env: *const *const u8) { let mut argc_counted = 0; unsafe { while !(*argv).is_null() { assert!( args_os() .any(|x| x == OsStr::from_bytes(CStr::from_ptr(*argv as *const i8).to_bytes())) ); argv = argv.add(1); argc_counted += 1 } } assert_eq!(argc_counted, argc); } } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] struct A(i32); impl A { fn new(v: i32) -> A { A(v) } } impl Drop for A { fn drop(&mut self) { assert_eq!(self.0, 33) } } impl Finaly for A { fn finaly(&self) { assert_eq!(self.0, 33) } } impl Uninit for A { fn uninit(&mut self) { assert_eq!(self.0, 33) } } #[test] #[cfg(not(miri))] //miri do not know about program constructors fn inner_static() { #[dynamic(0)] static IX: usize = unsafe { &IX as *const _ as usize }; #[dynamic(0)] static IX2: usize = unsafe { &IX2 as *const _ as usize }; static mut I: i32 = 0; #[constructor] extern "C" fn f() { unsafe { I = 3 } } unsafe { assert_eq!(*IX, &IX as *const _ as usize); assert_eq!(*IX2, &IX2 as *const _ as usize); assert_eq!(I, 3) }; } #[dynamic(0)] static mut V0: A = A::new(unsafe { V1.0 } - 5); #[dynamic(20)] static mut V2: A = A::new(12); #[dynamic(10)] static V1: A = A::new(unsafe { V2.0 } - 2); #[dynamic(init = 20)] static mut V3: A = A::new(12); #[dynamic(init = 10)] static V4: A = A::new(unsafe { V2.0 } - 2); #[dynamic(init = 5, drop)] static V5: A = A::new(unsafe { V4.0 } + 23); #[dynamic(drop_only = 0)] static V6: A = A(33); #[dynamic(init = 2, drop = 10)] static V7: A = A::new(unsafe { V5.0 }); #[test] #[cfg(not(miri))] //miri do not know about program constructors fn dynamic_init() { unsafe { assert_eq!(V0.0, 5); assert_eq!(V1.0, 10); assert_eq!(V2.0, 12); V2.0 = 8; assert_eq!(V2.0, 8); assert_eq!(V4.0, 10); assert_eq!(V3.0, 12); assert_eq!(V5.0, 33); assert_eq!(V6.0, 33); } } mod lazy { #[cfg(any(feature = "thread_local"))] use super::A; #[cfg(any(feature = "thread_local"))] use static_init::dynamic; #[cfg(feature = "thread_local")] #[test] fn thread_local() { #[thread_local] #[dynamic(lazy)] static mut TH_LOCAL: A = A::new(3); #[dynamic(prime)] #[thread_local] static mut L4: i32 = match INIT { PRIME => 42, DYN => 33, }; assert_eq!(TH_LOCAL.read().0, 3); match L4.primed_read_non_initializing() { Ok(_) => panic!("Unexpected"), Err(x) => assert_eq!(*x, 42), } assert_eq!(*L4.read(), 33); TH_LOCAL.write().0 = 42; assert_eq!(TH_LOCAL.read().0, 42); std::thread::spawn(|| { assert_eq!(TH_LOCAL.read().0, 3); match L4.primed_read_non_initializing() { Ok(_) => panic!("Unexpected"), Err(x) => assert_eq!(*x, 42), } assert_eq!(*L4.read(), 33); }) .join() .unwrap(); } #[cfg(all(feature = "thread_local"))] #[test] fn thread_local_drop() { use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicI32, Ordering}; #[thread_local] #[dynamic(lazy, drop)] static TH_LOCAL_UNSAFE: i32 = 10; assert_eq!(*TH_LOCAL_UNSAFE, 10); static DROP_COUNT: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0); struct B; impl Drop for B { fn drop(&mut self) { DROP_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } #[thread_local] #[dynamic(lazy, drop)] static B1: B = B; #[thread_local] #[dynamic(lazy, drop)] static mut B2: B = B; std::thread::spawn(|| { let _ = &*B1; let _ = &*B2.read(); }) .join() .unwrap(); std::thread::spawn(|| ()).join().unwrap(); std::thread::spawn(|| { &*B1; &*B2.read(); }) .join() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(DROP_COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 4); } mod global_lazy { use super::super::A; use static_init::dynamic; #[dynamic(lazy)] static L1: A = A::new(L0.read().0 + 1); #[dynamic(lazy)] static mut L0: A = A::new(10); #[dynamic(finalize)] static L3: A = A::new(33); #[dynamic(lesser_lazy, finalize)] static mut L2: A = A::new(L3.0); #[dynamic(lazy,prime)] static mut L4: i32 = match INIT { PRIME => 42, DYN => 33, }; #[dynamic(lazy,prime, drop)] static mut L5: A = match INIT { PRIME => A(33), DYN => A::new(12), }; #[test] fn lazy_init() { assert_eq!(L0.read().0, 10); assert_eq!(L1.0, 11); assert_eq!(L2.read().0, 33); assert_eq!(L3.0, 33); match L4.primed_read_non_initializing() { Ok(_) => panic!("Unexpected"), Err(x) => assert_eq!(*x, 42), } assert_eq!(*L4.read(), 33); match L5.primed_read_non_initializing() { Ok(_) => panic!("Unexpected"), Err(x) => assert_eq!(x.0, 33), } assert_eq!(L5.read().0, 12); L5.write().0 = 33; } } }