use std::sync::Arc; use httptest::{matchers::request, responders::json_encoded, Expectation, Server}; use serde_json::json; use statsig_rdp::{models::StatsigOptions, Client}; pub fn expect_fetch_config_specs(server: &Server) { server.expect( Expectation::matching(request::method_path("POST", "/download_config_specs")) .times(..) .respond_with(json_encoded(json!({ "dynamic_configs": [ { "name": "test_dynamic_config", "type": "dynamic_config", "salt": "salt", "enabled": true, "defaultValue": { "value": "DEFAULT" }, "rules": [ { "name": "test_reject_email_name", "groupName": "test_reject_email", "passPercentage": 0, "conditions": [ { "type": "user_field", "targetValue": [ "" ], "operator": "any", "field": "email", "additionalValues": {}, "isDeviceBased": false, "idType": "userID" } ], "returnValue": { "value": "EMAIL" }, "id": "id_reject_email", "salt": "salt_email", "isDeviceBased": false, "idType": "userID" }, { "name": "test_1239_name", "groupName": "test_1239", "passPercentage": 100, "conditions": [ { "type": "user_field", "targetValue": [ "1239" ], "operator": "any", "field": "userID", "additionalValues": {}, "isDeviceBased": false, "idType": "userID" }, { "type": "user_field", "targetValue": [ "secretid" ], "operator": "any", "field": "secondaryId", "additionalValues": { "custom_field": "secondaryId" }, "isDeviceBased": false, "idType": "userID" } ], "returnValue": { "value": "1239" }, "id": "id_1239_name", "salt": "salt_1239", "isDeviceBased": false, "idType": "userID" }, ], "isDeviceBased": false, "idType": "userID", "entity": "dynamic_config" } ], "feature_gates": [ { "name": "test_gate", "type": "feature_gate", "salt": "salt", "enabled": true, "defaultValue": false, "idType": "userID", "rules": [{ "name": "public", "groupName": "public", "id": "public1", "salt": "salt_rule", "passPercentage": 100, "idType": "userID", "returnValue": true, "conditions": [{ "type": "public", "idType": "userid", }], }], } ], "has_updates": true, "time": 0, }))), ); } pub fn expect_log_emission(server: &Server) { server.expect( Expectation::matching(request::method_path("POST", "/log_event")) .times(..) .respond_with(json_encoded(json!({}))), ); } #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct ConfigValue { pub value: String, } pub async fn create_client() -> Arc { let http_server = Server::run(); expect_fetch_config_specs(&http_server); expect_log_emission(&http_server); Client::new( "api_key".to_string(), StatsigOptions { api_url: Some(format!("http://{}", http_server.addr())), events_url: Some(format!("http://{}", http_server.addr())), disable_cache: false, config_sync_interval: None, }, ) .await .expect("should be able to create statsig client") }