# `stdext` changelog ## [[Unreleased]] ## 0.3.3 (18.06.2021) - `debug_name` convenience macro [#17]. - Freestanding `debug` function [#18]. [#17]: https://github.com/popzxc/stdext-rs/pull/17 [#18]: https://github.com/popzxc/stdext-rs/pull/18 ## 0.3.0 (18.06.2021) - BREAKING: MSRV got bumped to 1.53. - `try_match` and `unwrap_match` macros to get a certain variant from an enum [#11]. - `return_ok` and `return_some` macros for early return of successful calculation [#11]. - `Integer` trait that unifies all the built-in integer types under a single interface [#12]. - `FloatConvert` trait that adds an interface for converting floating point numbers into integers [#12]. [#11]: https://github.com/popzxc/stdext-rs/pull/11 [#12]: https://github.com/popzxc/stdext-rs/pull/12 ## 0.2.1 (09.07.2020) - `VecExt::remove_item` method was added [#9]. [#9]: https://github.com/popzxc/stdext-rs/pull/9 ## 0.2.0 (02.07.2020) - `compile_warning` and `function_name` macros were added [#4]. [#4]: https://github.com/popzxc/stdext-rs/pull/4