use std::env; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::path::Path; pub fn read< P: AsRef< Path > >( path: P ) -> Result< String, io::Error > { let mut fp = File::open( path.as_ref() )?; let mut output = String::new(); fp.read_to_string( &mut output )?; Ok( output ) } fn generate_body( output: &mut String ) -> &'static str { output.push_str( "$sub!( r##\"" ); let target = env::var( "TARGET" ).expect( "no TARGET defined" ); let target_specific_runtime_path = match target.as_str() { "wasm32-unknown-unknown" => "src/runtime_wasm.js", _ => "src/runtime_emscripten.js" }; let runtime = read( "src/runtime.js" ).expect( "cannot read runtime" ); let target_specific_runtime = read( target_specific_runtime_path ).expect( "cannot read target specific runtime" ); for line in runtime.lines().chain( target_specific_runtime.lines() ) { if let Some( position ) = line.find( "//" ) { // Strip out comments. output.push_str( &line[ 0..position ] ); } else { output.push_str( &line ); } output.push_str( " " ); } output.push_str( "\"## )" ); target_specific_runtime_path } fn main() { let out_dir = env::var( "OUT_DIR" ).expect( "no OUT_DIR defined" ); let out_path = Path::new( &out_dir ).join( "" ); let mut fp = File::create( &out_path ).expect( "cannot create a file in OUT_DIR" ); let separator = if cfg!( windows ) { "\\" } else { "/" }; println!( "cargo:rustc-env=PATH_SEPARATOR={}", separator ); let mut output = String::new(); output.push_str( "#[doc(hidden)]" ); output.push_str( "#[macro_export]" ); output.push_str( "macro_rules! stdweb_internal_runtime_initialize { ($sub:tt) => {" ); // We need to emit the runtime ourselves if we're not being compiled under cargo-web. if !env::var( "COMPILING_UNDER_CARGO_WEB" ).map( |var| var == "1" ).unwrap_or( false ) { let target_specific_runtime_path = generate_body( &mut output ); println!( "cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/runtime.js" ); println!( "cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", target_specific_runtime_path ); } output.push_str( "}}" ); fp.write_all( output.as_bytes() ).unwrap(); println!( "cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=COMPILING_UNDER_CARGO_WEB" ); }